you lot are a bunch of nutters!

Paul Boote

Nov 2, 2004
Reaction score
Paul, I urge you to change your mind.

Whenever you put yourself in the public eye, be it visually, by person achievement, by writing articles or expressing opinions publically, you put yourself up for insults and ridicule by what can best be described as a bunch of fools.

These are the real nutters. You can always spot them by their cowardly use of false names and darned lousy English.

The best thing to do is to completely ignore such fools. Men of your calibre Paul don't need to suffer them. Don't for goodness sake reply to their idiotic rhetoric, that's what they want.

I think the best response to such people came in a comment - - below an article about a Panorama programme last night.

Having had eleven pretty tedious years of full-time InterRenta-Trolls / On Yer Case No-Life Nutters (you would be surprised just WHO or WHAT some of them have been, some real movers and shakers and fishy and non-fishy leading lights, or their do-me-a-favour cheerleader "mates"...), I believe it best to leave them to it; they will, after all, not only end up eating each other but also core out anything sane and decent that still remains, bringing us to some Fishy Year Zero when we have to pick up the pieces and start again.

As I said in a personal message a few weeks ago to an FM member (who had written telling not to lash out), "I'll be gone from the Angling Internet soon ... from posting regularly ... but just see what I have to say when I return from time to time when things have become so ludicrous or potentially dangerous that a clear dispassionate light just HAS to be shone on those who whether out of egotism, greed or ignorance look likely to shoo in a new Angling Dark Age - not for themselves, of course, but the rest of us, their buy it cheap and pile it high and sell it high, never mind the quality, feel the width punters...".

Till then.