Penudulum casting


Dave Steere

Several years ago I witnessed a casting exhibition on the tidal Thames at Battersea. It was 230 yeards to the other bank and the guy hit it pendulum casting. As others have said, it take specialised tackle and lots of bank space to use this style, but boy, can you whack em out there using it! For slighlty more confined spaces and usual carp gear, the South African layback cast is also very good and will put a bait 150 yards out. Basically, it's the overhead thump previously described, but you increase the casting arc by laying the terminal tackle out on the ground behind you and to one side. It's like a pendulum cast with the tackle starting off on the ground! Regarding rigs, the force exerted in these types of casts is immense and you couldn't do worse than use a bait clip, same as the sea anglers do. When the bait hits the water, the pressure seperates the hook from the clip giving perfect presentation. Not so good with hair rigs though!!! Try side hooking!