Noise - Whats wrong with some people


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Nov 3, 2016
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It's not so long ago the consensus supported a quiet public space in eg cinemas, libraries, buses, trains..... The unspoken idea being that we restrained ourselves to avoid driving each other nuts. Restraint is not in fashion but self-indulgence is, and now YOU'RE the one that's out of order if you object to anything. I worked in a college until recently; I could also say I worked in a place that used to be a college. Sociologists invented the term “de-differentiation” to describe the collapsing of differences. It fitted the college well, as libraries, study areas, classrooms, canteens, lecture theatres, social areas etc all became the same – a place to relax, chat, eat, drink, phone and text your friends. So, I just cast into your peg. What's your problem? We're all fishing aren't we?


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Sep 11, 2007
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Ross on Wye

Interesting trying to get it to stay in upper case.
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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2008
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Given what I said a little earlier in the thread about avoiding people if you don’t like noise, I thought I had to share this with you given the timing and irony of it….

I have been baiting a swim on a river for a couple of days. Although the stretch is not exactly off the beaten track not many people fish there as access to the water is quite difficult. You have maybe three quarters of a mile of very steep overgrown banks full of trees and brambles and so on. I have only ever seen a handful of other anglers there down the years so perfect for a bit of pre-baiting as you can literally guarantee you won’t see anyone else.
However just to be extra sure I also choose a particularly difficult to access swim, well I say swim but its hardly a swim at all really just a small gap in the trees then a steep drop of about 20 feet down to the waters edge , you have to lower the kit down then climb down yourself after ..basically its not easy and you end up scratched and bleeding from the brambles but worth the effort as there are some very good fish present.
Anyway I baited it for a couple of days and was raring to have a go yesterday evening; off I went and got there about 9.30pm with the intention to do a couple of hours into darkness. However on arrival although there was not a soul to be seen anywhere else there were two Chinese fellas right there in the exact spot, multiple sea fishing rods pointing skywards & wearing normal clothes ..leather jackets and jeans and beers in their hands. I couldn’t believe it , they had like miles of river to choose from and they choose to climb down there !?!? The fact they even found the gap to climb down was a miracle. I was well hacked off but what can you do ? …so I simply left.

Anyway this evening I decided I would try again for a quick hour or two as they were clearly not serious anglers so I was sure they would be long gone never to be seen again. On arrival as the light started to fade the swim was empty – hallelujah !
I climbed down taking great care not to bang anything about or shine a light on the water as your right on top of the fish, and started to setup as quietly as I could. As I did the same two Chinese fellas turned up and bellowed down to me from the top of the bank “ARE YOU FISHING” ? ….”yes I have just arrived” ! I said back in a more hushed tone. Ha Ha I thought …beat you to it this time eh ! and I assumed they would just then go …But then to my disbelief they went to the next gap in the trees and started to force their way down …braches cracking, vegetation being ransacked, literally a Bull elephant would have made less noise. They had literally MILES of vacant river to choose from but they choose to try and force their way down an impenetrable vertical bank to fish within 15 yards of me ! …and keep in mind at this point its now getting onto total darkness as well ! Of course it goes without saying they were shouting to each other at the top of their voices as well. Then of course once they got down to the waters edge I had the bombardment of sea leads being cast in multiple times and thrashing the water to foam, several of course landing in my patch of water. I sat there and considered just packing up immediately but decided as I was there I may as well go through the motions and cast in. So I put out the two rods and sat back annoyed as total darkness closed in around us.
Literally 5mins later of the guys starts to sort of jungle thrash his way along the bank from his swim to mine shouting “MISTER” “MISTER” “MISTER” at the top of his voice. To make things even worse he had a head lamp on as well flashing all over the place. If I had chucked a luminous brick into the swim I would have scared less fish. Anyway after what seemed an eternity of thrashing, stomping & branch breaking he sort of crashes through the last set of brambles and branches into my swim looking totally disheveled … “MISTER”! he says again to me. “WHAT ?” I said back in a very annoyed tone …he then says, and I still can’t believe it, …”have you caught anything?”

I literally was dumbstruck. I just looked at the bloke and said “No”. He then turns round and starts the jungle thrash his way back to his own swim again. I packed up and left !

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
Its the day ticket waters that are the worst in my experience. There are several that I simply will not go to because of the morons that infest the places. And most ( not all) of the owners couldn't give a toss so long as Ugg has paid his ticket money.

But as several have commented this behaviour and utter disdain for others is to be found pretty well everywhere you go nowadays.


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Jan 9, 2015
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I was lucky enough to get invited to join a water by someone who worked in a local tackle shop who's mate ran this water and was looking for "sensible" members to help cover the lease. The lease holder is not out to make money it seems its his hobby just looking after the water.

This will be my 3rd year and I am often the only one fishing. I feel a bit lucky for this as its just a lovely place to be.

Even though there is nothing really really special in there, the Perch have done well on the numerous small roach & double lucky for me, these are my favourite fish :)

Back in the day I had been one of those noisy teenagers :wh
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Aug 30, 2016
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I fish Bury Hill regularly. It's a very nice, 4 lake day ticket water in Surrey.
Recently it's been invaded by louts who fish until they see the bailiff up the track at the top lake and then disappear or sit there all day swinging beer and shouting.
Thankfully next year it's going to members only!

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Well-known member
May 11, 2017
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Fortunately for who,certainly not for the occasional visitor,I believe it's a shame to lose a well run fishery like Bury Hill,i've only been a couple of times,but it's a nice setting for a days fishing.


Aug 30, 2016
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Fortunately for who,certainly not for the occasional visitor,I believe it's a shame to lose a well run fishery like Bury Hill,i've only been a couple of times,but it's a nice setting for a days fishing.
I'm not 100% sure of the management's reasoning behind it. But the recent clientele might have played a part in it.

That and the owner is building his new bungalow on site too!

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Well-known member
May 11, 2017
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I'm not against waters being members only,far from it(as it's mainly club water that I normally fish),the owners do what they want and rightly so,just seems a shame,in a fishery the size of Bury Hill,it should be strictly run behaviour wise,especially as it isn't cheap to fish there,so effort should be taken to make it a pleasurable experience for the customers they want to encourage.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Is this a story from a previous season, or have you been waiting for someone to bite and ask what you're doing on a river before June 16th? ;-)

I believe Philip was talking of fishing in France where the season begins on the 31st may for certain waterways. As with all things French there is a degree of bureaucracy and complication with licences. Throw in the odd oh la la and substitute " les cries de cœur " for some expressions and you have the piscatorial equivalent of A year in the Merde!:wh
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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
I'm not 100% sure of the management's reasoning behind it. But the recent clientele might have played a part in it.

That and the owner is building his new bungalow on site too!

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Both of those are the fishery has been losing money for some time. Its no longer properly baillifed because all the staff have been "let go". Having fished it for the last 6/7 years there is no doubt in my mind that the increase in yobbish behaviour is directly proportionate to the reduction in staff.

And frankly....if you were having a house built on site would you want a load of beer swilling yobbos in your back garden ? No...I thought not.

My understanding is that the fisheries future plan is to try to make the place a bit more exclusive and to restore the fishing to something like what it used to be. So far as access goes it wont be completely'll still be able to fish it but you wont be able to just rock up and buy a day ticket. I believe you'll pay a sort of syndicate/membership fee of around £25-30 and then book/pay for your fishing on top...and online !

I think [ not sure] that numbers will be restricted and that when this kicks off season ticket holders will take priority in terms of membership. Whether numbers per day will be restricted I'm not sure.

We'll see. I love the place but I'm undecided as to whether I will join or not as the zander fishing is definitely going backwards and I've no desire to catch bream or carp. The crucians and big roach on Milton Lake still appeal but its getting to be an expensive day out. Last time I went it cost me £13 for one rod :eek:. Footpads !

Despite all of this it is a lovely place in a beautiful setting .I dream of winning the Euromillions so I could rock up the next day and offer the owner a large amount of cash money to clear off. I would then get some proper people in to run & police the place and keep it for me and me mates. Having first got rid of the damned Egyptian geese !:eek:mg:
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Aug 30, 2016
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Both of those are the fishery has been losing money for some time. Its no longer properly baillifed because all the staff have been "let go". Having fished it for the last 6/7 years there is no doubt in my mind that the increase in yobbish behaviour is directly proportionate to the reduction in staff.

And frankly....if you were having a house built on site would you want a load of beer swilling yobbos in your back garden ? No...I thought not.

My understanding is that the fisheries future plan is to try to make the place a bit more exclusive and to restore the fishing to something like what it used to be. So far as access goes it wont be completely'll still be able to fish it but you wont be able to just rock up and buy a day ticket. I believe you'll pay a sort of syndicate/membership fee of around £25-30 and then book/pay for your fishing on top...and online !

I think [ not sure] that numbers will be restricted and that when this kicks off season ticket holders will take priority in terms of membership. Whether numbers per day will be restricted I'm not sure.

We'll see. I love the place but I'm undecided as to whether I will join or not as the zander fishing is definitely going backwards and I've no desire to catch bream or carp. The crucians and big roach on Milton Lake still appeal but its getting to be an expensive day out. Last time I went it cost me £13 for one rod :eek:. Footpads !

Despite all of this it is a lovely place in a beautiful setting .I dream of winning the Euromillions so I could rock up the next day and offer the owner a large amount of cash money to clear off. I would then get some proper people in to run & police the place and keep it for me and me mates. Having first got rid of the damned Egyptian geese !:eek:mg:
I have day membership there at £25 a year. Plus when I go I have to get a day ticket at £16 for 2 rods. Add bait and grub and it's an expensive day.

I've only ever met the one guy that bailiffs the venue. He's a nice guy if a little unknowledgable about the lakes. Told me what I was holding wasn't a perch when it was clearly a perch just because he'd been told there were no perch in Bonds Lake.

He checks tickets and enforces most rules in a polite way. But I've never seen him deal with the anti social element that rock up. But why would he? One bloke on his jack can't do much.

I intend to keep my membership next year when it changes and give it a year to see how it goes.

I'm also a member of a local angling club who control a small lake on a common in south London. It's only got 8 or so pegs. But it holds plenty of fish.

It has unrestricted access as a public footpath rubs alongside one side. The opposite side is a nature reserve. There's ample signage stating members only.

But it's regularly ignored with the local 'chav' element rocking up, no landing nets or mats, swinging beer, littering, playing loud music etc. I've brought it up with the club but told it's "self policed" with members encouraged to educate these people. I have no intention of getting my face filled in so I have to try and ignore them.

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
I will probably give it a year too. If only to see if the changes get rid of the louts.

But if this house building ever gets underway then I may not bother. I cannot be doing with that sort of noise !

The fishing needs to pick up though....especially on the Old Lake. Milton's still good but I don't need to drive all the way down there to catch carp of the stamp you get in Bonds.
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Aug 30, 2016
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I will probably give it a year too. If only to see if the changes get rid of the louts.

But if this house building ever gets underway then I may not bother. I cannot be doing with that sort of noise !

The fishing needs to pick up though....especially on the Old Lake. Milton's still good but I don't need to drive all the way down there to catch carp of the stamp you get in Bonds.
Fully agree with house building bit. That kind of noise will be unbearable.

Everyone I've fished Milton I've either had a couple of small roach out or blanked.

Don't mind Bonds but I find it's that lake in particular that attracts the louts.

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2015
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South Yorkshire.
Yes I agree noisy yobbish behaviour get right on my pip.
In such circumstance I just put my iPod, if I going to listen to tripe I'll listen to the tripe I like.


Well-known member
May 11, 2017
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God,I wouldn't want to go there as a matter of principle,the price is ridiculous,the guy who owns it was a millionaire(DeVere isn't it),find it hard to believe you can lose money when you own the place and if it wasn't fished no money would come in???


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2010
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Why do people have to be on their phones while trying to get away from it all at the lakeside? Why does everyone talk so loud on mobile phone? If you want to spend the day chatting to your mates go home and do it.
When I match fished it wasn’t unusual to have phones ringing all round the lake from team members asked how are you doing, what setup are using etc.
My phone is turned of once I start fishing I don’t want to be interrupted by someone ringing me and I don’t want listen to your calls.


Well-known member
May 20, 2013
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North Yorkshire
Why do people have to be on their phones while trying to get away from it all at the lakeside? Why does everyone talk so loud on mobile phone? If you want to spend the day chatting to your mates go home and do it.
When I match fished it wasn’t unusual to have phones ringing all round the lake from team members asked how are you doing, what setup are using etc.
My phone is turned of once I start fishing I don’t want to be interrupted by someone ringing me and I don’t want listen to your calls.

My sentiments, exactly. If I was bigger (much bigger) and far ruder they'd be forced to eat the ruddy things. Nothing worse for ruining the quietude. In the event that I've forgotten to turn the ringer off on mine (it's taken mainly for use as a camera) it almost initiates a cardiac arrest.