Barrie's on track again


Wolfman Woody

I always enjoy Barrie's writing. He never makes the assumption that he is dead right, but he usually is.

I agree with him on the litter, there is no need for bins. Leave only footprints, take away only memories.

As for the Coop, it's got me worried. They opened a new swift store where our old indian corner shop was. It's all very nice inside now and the produce is first rate, but I used to buy the odd Angling Times or Angler's Mail there and now they don't sell anything like that.

I have asked and you get a blank look from the assistants. Mind you, they have only been open for 4 months and still the staff have to look up the price od bread rolls every time.

Peter Jacobs

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire
I too enjoy Barrie's articles very much.

I certainly do agree with his comments with respect to the provision of litter bins a fisheries.
Why on earth is this even thought to be necessary?
As BR states very well, it is YOUR litter, it came from your home, so take it back with you at the end of the day.

My local Co-op does stock both AT and AM but I have never seen any other fishing magazines in the store.


Managing Editor
Feb 23, 1999
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We have a local Late Shop which is Co-op owned and they stock a wide selection of fishing publications.

Barrie may find out that it's a local attitude he's come across, with the local manager covering up by saying it's a directive from the Co-op.

Dave Slater

I enjoyed reading Barrie's article as usual. I agree with Jeff and Peter on the litter bins issue. When I used to fish at Sywell the council had a policy of not putting litter bins there. Despite the water beig used by anglers, dog walkers, bird watchers etc. there was always far less litter there than on waters with litter bins. The policy obviously worked there.

Deck Monkey

Thats the first BR article I've read in a long time since I used to get AT every wednesday before I went to school (many years ago!).

He's absolutley spot-on on all the issues he talks about. I am particularly concerned about the Coop part. If they turn anti I will certainly be denying them my business and writing to them.

The part about pike anglers contributing to the decline of Pollan - how absurd! Thats like saying the use of lawnmowers is threatenting to run the world dry of oil. Sure they use some, but only a tiny fraction of those fish caught as Barrie rightly points out.

Didn't realise Barrie was Cambridge based. I used to live just outside the city and fished at Baits Bite lock on the Cam just outside North Cambridge. Was a great venue too - wonder if he goes there and knows what it's like these days? Or anyone else for that matter!

Wolfman Woody

On litter what Dave says is right. I asked for a litter bin on the local sports fiedl that I walk across every day. After the weekend football matches there would be piles of litter, orange peels, empty bottles of energy drink, fag packets (??).

Then my kindly Labour County Councillor organised to have a litter bin installed (after 8 years). Still there are occasionally piles of litter left just 20 yards away from the bin. It's only got better since the Council threatened to bar teams that caused it.

As for the Coop, it not one organisation. There's CRS which is a more national body and after that each Cooperative Society is its own entity. So it may be that they are very open-minded in Graham and Peter's areas and maybe it's just that our local store can't be bothered.

Andy "the Dog" Nellist

Did anyone notive that the Campaign for Angling is now chaired by the peer who signed in the gentlemen who threw the flour in the House of Commons yesterday.

Peter Jacobs

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire

Thanks for that. I thought I recognised the name.

b.t.w. it really was a bloody good shot, wasn't it?

Surrey could use a few more with an arm like that :)

Peter Jacobs

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire
Yeah, yeah, yeah I AM a Surrey fan and don't waste your time, I've heard all the jokes before!

I called the ground to see what time the match started and the guy said, well, that depends, what time can you get here.
etc. etc. etc.


Wolfman Woody

Hey Peter! Are you staying to the end?
Can you lock up then?


and "Just what do you boys think you're doing? Get back over that fence and watch that match!"


Oct 7, 2002
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Hear, hear for the Prof!
Yet again one can't help but retain complete lucidity after reading an article from Barrie. I am currently away from my fishing at the moment (Basrah)and certainly do not want to return back after this experience to find the tranquility of my fishing paradise turned into a 'PC' arena. Most rubbish is not a result of fisherman but an accumulation of waste (on rivers) that is revealed as the water level drops during spring and summer. Totally agree, take rubbish home put in bin save yet more tax, outside of that litter spill along rivers is as much flotsam as it is those that walk the banks - judging by the amount of dog Krap I've trodden in that is quite a few...


Meanwhile, I am missing my Pike fishing terribly, I am still celebrating my 22lb River Thames esox caught at the beginning of the season on my first day - think that will last a while, all being will survive the nutters out here and might even lure fish Basrah Palace.

mark norris 2

I don`t know about the co-op being anti angling,but the co-op bank are anti hunting. they closed the account of one hunt(in Yorkshire I think)
WHY DOESN?T B.RICKARDS STAND FOR PARLIAMENT? I would move to his constituency just to be able to vote for him.

Peter Jacobs

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire

Unfortunately, I have never had the pleasure of meeting Barrie Rickards, however, from his articles it seems that he is far too intelligent to ever be considered as a candidate for Parliament.

More is the pity, I know, but an intelligent minority of one would probably be more than the current incumbents could tollerate.

Just my opinion, of course!

Wolfman Woody

He could be in two minds about it though, Peter.

He'd have to wear two hats, of course.

And probably have to wear two faces as most of the others do.

He's better off out of it.