The Political Parties


Clive Evans 1

A pity then, that you don't remember, that your first contention was a Baited Hook. Nor that an angle was, later, fishing tackle.
Both definitions now being obsolete.

I found this, purely accidentally of course;

ATTRIBUTION: William Shakespeare (1564?1616), British dramatist, poet. Cleopatra, in Antony and Cleopatra, act 2, sc. 5, l. 10-5.

Imagining getting her hooks into Antony, as we now say; an ?angle? is a fishing rod and line.
BIOGRAPHY: Columbia Encyclopedia.
WORKS: Shakespeare Collection.

A shade more contemporary than you or I Ron!!

Clive Evans 1

Hey Lee.
I'm just being bloody-minded mate. You should recognise that.

I'm fed up of seeing his 'holier than thou' act to other posters.
So I'm making Ron-Rage my winter hobby, till I can go fishing again.

Nothing personal you understand.

swordsy aka The barbarian

clive no offence mate only playing I have actually found the whole thing educational!

Bowmore islay sinle malt, not as smokey as some of the other islay malts very very enjoyable and highly recomended!!

Clive Evans 1

My brother 'the hermit' is a single malt drinker. Travels many a mile to buy the local brew.
Can't truthfully say I was enamoured of the few I sampled.

I'll stick to the Red!!

Ron 'The Hat' Clay

I am Holier than Thou.

I have been beatified by The Monk.... :eek:)

Clive Evans 1

Wow. I can't top that!
I bow to your Transubstantiation, and await your next revelation with baited hoo...breath.

OK Monk. I'm sitting down. What's it gonna cost me?
Remember, I'm an orphan.

Alan Tyler

Well-known member
May 2, 2003
Reaction score
Barnet, S.Herts/N. London
My God, Lee, you must have an asbestos palate! My bro-in-law was given some Bowmore, but didn't like it, and gave me some - neat, it was like an ethanol rinse of a bonfire, bottled. Diluted 1:1 with water - the same, but slightly less painful. Diluted 1:10 with water - a waste of water. If the other Islay malts are worse, then thanks for the warning - I'll stick to Speysiders! And Ben Nevis. And Grouse!

swordsy aka The barbarian

Yes trust me it is the mildest of the islays I have had, picked one up of the less well known but quite expensive ones in Paris a couple of years back and it was truly vile just like drinking liquid smoke.

What do you consider as your favourite? mine would probably be Glenn Grant or Jamesons

Ron 'The Hat' Clay

Only one Whiskey for me.

It's Jed Clampett's genuine Kentucky Mountain Moonshine Rye Sour Mash Straight Burbon Liquor.

85% ABV!!!

None of you weak and willy Scottish flavoured water for me.

Comes in 2 gallon stone jars with a big handle on the top.

In second place comes genuine Koos van der Merwe's "Wit Blitz" peach brandy from Riviersonderwater in the Northern Cape.

92% ABV and guaranteed to send you blind in 2 weeks.

Alan Tyler

Well-known member
May 2, 2003
Reaction score
Barnet, S.Herts/N. London
Cardhu, Glen Grant, Glenlivet, and Ben Nevis for high days and holy days, and Grouse or Jameson (haven't tried the other Irish whiskeys) for standard. Not as the main source of alcohol, but alongside a not-too-hoppy bitter, like Bass, or Pedigree.
One-to-one with water, except the Jameson, which just needs a little ice. Mmmmmm!
I can almost remember being able to afford them!

swordsy aka The barbarian

Never been able to get on with water in my whisky and have always enjoyed them best neat and at room temprature.

Must look out for the Carhu and Ben Nevis.

Wolfman Woody

Putrified gnat's pee the lot of it.

You can't beat a very good Russian grain Vodka or even better, the Polish pure spirit. Boy it's so good it's not worth taking home. Just drink it straight from the bag it comes in and there is always that little air of mystery about it as it dances down your throat -

where the hell am I going to wake up?

swordsy aka The barbarian


O.K for children,ladies and young adults.

Ron 'The Hat' Clay

Nowt wrong with vodka Lee.

Especially Polish Wodka.

One of my favourit drinks is Polish wodka with fresh squeezed orange juice.

A genuine "Screwdriver"

Big Rik

any of the Glens will do for me.

an evening out with my uncle Jack always sees me right too.

Water? Pah.

Straight, with maybe a little ice or if I'm out, then a good helping of coke, otherwise I tend to guzzle it a bit and thus consume too much.

If you want good gut-rot, then a generous helping of Wild Turkey will have you wobbling in a short space of time.

swordsy aka The barbarian

No nothing wrong with vodka as such it simply lacks the style of the whiskies although some of the true flavoured vodkas are very good as a drink but for the most part vodka is a mixer spirit.