Trotting a stick


Steve Eddy

I`m a bit new to this river fishing and have had alot of enjoyable sessions trotting a stick down the river..untill... i read a post saying the bait should be travelling infront of the float.Now to me the float trotts on down merrily with the bait dragging along behind(the basics).Am i doing it totally and utterly wrong?
Cheers Steve

Chris Bishop

The idea is to hold it back so it travels a bit slower than the flow, as the water near the surface of a river tends to be moving faster than the water near the bottom if there's any depth depth.

Slowing it down means your hookbait travels at the same speed as the feed you've chucked in as it nears the bottom.

Steve Eddy

Cheers Chris,I`ve got the physics of holding back etc.(or thought I did),wether I can do it or not is another matter.But in my eyes the float is still towing the bait behind.To get the bait travelling infront i`m guessing you would be constantly holding back and lifting it.
Should the bait be travelling first followed by the float?

Steve Eddy

Hi Ed,I`ve read them all,a couple of times and excellent they are,but the they still don`t tell if the bait should go before the float or follow on.