How did you get on?


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
A morning session on the Stour at Longham. Armed with a 14ft Normark Titan and Daiwa 125, 3lb line and, via a Drake stick 4BB, to a Kamasan B520 size 18 for trotting, I also packed a recently acquired Drennan DRX river feeder with a Preston PXR 4000 and 5lb main, to a 2oz Kamasan black cap feeder and a Kamasan14.

I stationed myself on the weir at the end of the run as it's an area that not only looks inviting but has given up some decent fish in the past. There was only one other angler on the walk down and his report of one small chub didn't take long - or inspire much confidence.

I had to admit to myself a nagging doubt about this stretch until later in the year and, presently, what I feared might happen did. The minnows were everywhere and no maggot was safe for more than six seconds.

They got to the trotted bait before anything substantial could so, after a very short period, the float rod went up the bank. The hemp filled feeder was flung mid river, a few feet to the right of the weir's overspill, in a most inviting looking area. I sat back with some confidence that the impaled cube of luncheon meat would bring some trade.

In short, it didn't. It brought one rattle that, looking back, I think may have been a liner as there wasn't any "feel" of a fish.

I felt a change may be needed and put two grains of tutti fruiti corn on, carried on with the chilli hemp in the feeder and hoped this flavour fest might do the business.

About half an hour in, another missed bite had me thinking it may have been small fish, even the dreaded minnows having a peck but, again, nothing.

Back out and the tip bounced and the resulting strike told me it wasn't the double figure barbel that fill my dreams but a dace, all 4oz of it.

Not the most magical christening of my river war horse but, no worries, one has to start somewhere I guess. I laughed to myself as I wondered if the river Kings, Binks and Neil Maidment, ever have days like this.

Back out and another wait. The tip eventually flexed again and, this time, a bit more muscle was the root cause, a chub a couple of ounces over the pound. Again, modest, but a definite increase in returns.

In short, I had two more, the first around a pound and the second a sparklingly fit example around two and a half pounds.

The waiting periods were getting longer so I thought I'd see if I could get through the minnows on the float but got hammered again until, by sheer chance, a roach around 3oz got to the maggot first.

An early finish awaited as much to do awaited. An enjoyable, quick session but, in all honesty, not one which will live long in the memory.

A week of no fishing awaits but then back on the bank after that. Roll on next week. Best to all. :)

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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The wind had shifted 90 deg this morning on the reservoir, SW this time and much brighter than yesterday.Bumped off a fish in the thick weed & another came adrift at long range,felt like a real bream until it fell off. Still managed a small roach on the float & had a skimmer of about a pound & a quarter on the leger with a pike snapping at it but missing.Late morning had a very dark male tench @ 4lb 6oz & a real battler ( have had bigger carp give less fight) female tench @ 6lb 6oz both on popped up fake corn. Entertained by two buzzards circling each other then stooping at incredible speeds,seemed to be daring each other how low they could get before applying the brakes but the best news I had today was that my mate Clive has has had the all clear from bladder cancer.

Neil Maidment

Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
A morning session on the Stour at Longham.

Not the most magical christening of my river war horse but, no worries, one has to start somewhere I guess. I laughed to myself as I wondered if the river Kings, Binks and Neil Maidment, ever have days like this.


Not far downstream of you yesterday afternoon (at Parley). Armed with two large Warburtons, more than one of which went in at various times as small lumps of soggy mash.

Trotted a small (for me) balsa with flake on a #12. Stopped counting at 20+ chub plus the odd dace. Some of the dace were bigger than any of the chub :eek:mg: but it was a very pleasant couple of hours.

Didn't see another angler all afternoon but some of the sights on the opposite public path brightened up the day as well :wh


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Somerset
Twenty chub AND a huge barbel?? That'll be a NO then....:D

So, what's the gig at Parley then? Worth making the extra effort to have a trip out??

Neil Maidment

Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
Parley Bounds Farm is a RDAA water. Biggest chub of all 20+ was about 6oz :)

Presumably you fished Longham downstream of Bridge House. My old favourite bit of the Stour from way back but before they put that weir and diversion in :)

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Hi Dorset.
First time I visited Britford I hadn't realised the sheer quantity of minnows around and wasn't prepared. It wss nearly impossible to feed them off.

Over the next few visits I developed a very succesful way to improve catches.

Change to a size 14 or 12 hook with 6 or more maggots on.
This meant I managed to land a lot more of the roach hooked ( they had a tendency to come to the surface and jag about throwing the hook. ....I had lost a few very nice ones)

When trotting with this larger bait it meant It could run through striking at dips and just continue down if nothing pulled back. If you are feeding fairly heavily there will be better fish in the swim, just a case of them beating the minnows to it or a large mouthful.

Every now and then a few trots with large piece of flake after a bit of mash often will give you a better fish and again avoid the minnows.

At Britford 4 pints hemp and 5 pints reds would be a normal days bait.
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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Somerset

Thanks a million, I'll get the courage to try it out.

Might even award myself a trip to Britford too, haven't been there in an age.

Much appreciated,



Well-known member
Oct 2, 2012
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Where waters meet
Well I haven't had the best start to the season:eek:mg:

June16th - Started fishing at 9am and by 9.30 I wanted to go home.
My mate said 'its a carp' when we caught sight of the huge perch, that did me seconds later in a snag under my feet.

June 17th - Four jacks to 5+lbs

June 23rd - I returned to a swim where I lost a significant fish in March.
In went the garlic spam and 5 minutes later the rod was being dragged towards the river. This time I couldn't even turn it and lost it due to my own stupidity.

Sat 25th - Down to Poole with a couple of mates, we laughed all day.

Today I went out for a couple of hours and caught 27 perch and a couple of chub.

Loads of little fish, but that perch is going to haunt me :D
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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
I had an invite yesterday to fish a very private, very secluded ornamental lake in the grounds of a very large house, a mouthwatering not to be refused offer.
A privalige just to be sat by the water, fish of all kinds came readily to a simple drinking straw float made only the day before attached to three lbs mainline and an eighteen hook with single and double caster. Tench, bream, perch, roach, ide and even a couple of carp that crashed the party and made good their getaway by ploughing thro dense lillybeds fed well all morning and into the afternoon when rain became problematical along with the thought of encountering the evening rushour made an early getaway a sensable thing to do.
The end of session "cock measuring" of mine and my benefactors catch prooved a little embarrassing to say the least, top man!!.
No pics, sorry.


I’m a bit bogged down with work this week, it always gets like this towards month end and so I decided on a dawn raid.

Out of bed at 3, on the river fishing by 4.15 and by 5.30 I was two chunky chub and three barbel to the good.

Nothing complicated as usual, bare minimum of gear and no lead at all with freelined meat or a large pellet just rolled into likely looking collecting areas.

A couple of swims chanced on the way back to the car and I finished on four nice barbel, three decent chub and an eel…

Back home before the milk on the doorstep had even had a chance to get warm, I’m happy with that :w


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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I had an invite yesterday to fish a very private, very secluded ornamental lake in the grounds of a very large house, a mouthwatering not to be refused offer.
A privalige just to be sat by the water, fish of all kinds came readily to a simple drinking straw float made only the day before attached to three lbs mainline and an eighteen hook with single and double caster. Tench, bream, perch, roach, ide and even a couple of carp that crashed the party and made good their getaway by ploughing thro dense lillybeds fed well all morning and into the afternoon when rain became problematical along with the thought of encountering the evening rushour made an early getaway a sensable thing to do.
The end of session "cock measuring" of mine and my benefactors catch prooved a little embarrassing to say the least, top man!!.
No pics, sorry.

No pics a blessing after that image!


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
And now for something completely different...............

It must be a couple of seasons since I last used two rods at the same time but today I fished a low stock 15 acre club gravel pit that was very similar to many I fished in the Colne valley before moving. Clear water, prolific pond weed growth and an abundance of natural food – i.e. if you grab a handful of weed and place it on the bank it almost walks back in by itself.

I’ve already had a couple of walks around the pit earlier in the month and arrived quite early, about 9.30, so that I could have about an hour deciding where to fish and have a quick check out of the bottom. I followed the wind and set up where the pit narrowed before it ended. I found a clear gravel patch, around 30m out, slightly to my right and stuck one bait out there. I could not locate and other clear spots in the time so overfilled a bubble and let it drift down on the weed to my left.

Apparently the carp record is 43.6 and there are also supposedly some quite large tench, the latter being what I was after. Due to the carp factor I decided to pair my 1.5 Avons with 10lb line, one with Pro-Gold and the other with Pro-Clear. 2pm arrived and not a sausage, sweet FA, bu99er all – I’d not even seen any surface movement then, to my left a couple of carp started breaking surface.

I catapulted a few pouches of pellets in their proximity and reeled in the slow sinking bubble and cast it out with some more pellets following. Third cast a carp, then two more and it all went quiet again. It was approaching 4pm so decided to pack up and call it a day. Three carp that were at least large enough to put a decent bend in the Avon, no tench and definitely no snotties.....................



Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Took an old pal down to the river this morning hoping for a barbel for him. Summer level with a bit of colour.

After 2 hours he had managed 3 from the far bank as suggested to mid 8lb. Plus a couple of chub.

Fishing nearby yours truly had managed 5 chubs to around 3 1/2.

The river had risen a foot by now.

2 hours later and a few more chub it had risen by 3 ft and beyond midstream was impossible as lots of debris.

2 hours later and a few more chubs 3 oz was needed on the inside line. Down the centre of the river whole trees were coming down and general large debris/branches.

It was still rising, probably by 4ft and powering through as we left.

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Up early again this morning & off to the reservoir - quite cool for the end of June but not raining - had three skimmers of around a pound each and a chunky roach of 12oz. A 6lb 1oz female tench was the best fish of the morning. All activity seemed to stop about 1030-1045, must be something to do with the angle of the sunlight to the water.

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Thanks for the report Pete, a 6:1 tench would give you 4th place in the "Big Tench Challenge 2016" Would you like me to enter it in the frame?

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Latest scores on the doors....

Tom Moran. 7lb:3

Jerry (barbelboi). 6lb:6

Nicky. 6lb:5

Greenie. 4lb:2

Jac. 3lb:4

There you go Michael...