How did you get on?


Mar 19, 2018
Reaction score
Club fixture today on the GUC near Tring. A mystifying pound as nobody knows where the fish will be shoaled up, it can change day to day, no flyers here.


My peg was one I'd won from last year, a good bag of roach on whip and punch. That's what I started with today. A few roach in the first hour then zilch. I could only get bites by fishing punch tight to the far bank cover, a lot of effort for a handful of blades @12m....


Winner found some skimmers and roach on the waggler in the wide turning bay.
Another had some good sized roach on hemp and tares.

How many pole rests or poles get damaged by cyclists tear arsing up and down?


Exiled Northerner
Sep 22, 2017
Reaction score
Oxford, and occasionally Warrington Lancs
Well I finally got out on a club water, the first time this year, I set 2 rods up, 1 waggler and one feeder with an xsafe pellet feeder, bait was red maggot for the waggler, and 8mm robin red pellets with soaked 2mm sonubaits pellets and some 4mm swimstim krill feed pellets, also had small tub of F1 bandums,
after a good start on the waggler catching roach from 1/4 oz to 4oz. I cast the feeder across to where I had been catapulting the 4mm krill pellets,After around 5 minutes the baitrunner goes as the tip goes round and a 5lb tench is soon in the net.
Another spell of catching the roach, I missed more bites than I hit, ( must be to much pole fishing) I took the pellet feeder off and changed to straight lead with banded hooklength, On went The Bandum, and cat out to same spot,Put the rod down and the tip shot round and whatever is was took me straigt acroos the front of the island to some lilies , and I lost it. The swim didn't recover so it was back roach bashing, I should have taken a whip and used that as well as waggler, Bite to catch ratio would have been higher, ended up with 60+ plus and the tench, Also spent time watching a kingfisher and swallows/swifts taking insects from the surface, a pair of Canada geese did the rounds as well with a few chicks in tow.
Great day out on a club water I have not fished for 15 years.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2010
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Had a day out yesterday on a club lake I was the only one on this lake and there was only one other person fishing on one of the other 3 lakes.
Setup for Tench fishing, feeders on both rods loaded with pellets and corn, and only one bite in 3 hours, which I missed. Saw a few roach topping so switched over to smaller hook and lighter hook link and changed the bait to fake maggot.
Sods law I then hooked into one of the large carp that ran nearly 50 yards of line off the reel and lead me a merry dance for the next 10 minutes. It finally surfaced in front of me before rolling over and breaking free. Can’t do much with a size 16 hook, 3lb hook link and a 20lb plus carp.
Changed back to a stronger hook link and never had another bite.


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
1000 posts, who would have thought it possible! A Pc award goes to ........PC!:)

Is your post counter a bit skew whiff Mike? Mine is telling me there's still a handful to go before the milestone.


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2015
Reaction score
South Yorkshire.
Yesterday was cooler so I had another day on the bank.
After buying 4 pint of casters the first trip and only used one I pumped them and got another caster day with them. I still ended up throwing what was left.
Yesterday was maggot feeder that I thought would work better for my right arm, wrong again. Just retrieving my feeder got a bit much. I fished in a thin shirt that didn't protect my forearm enough.
I was kept busy all day with Ide the odd roach and a couple of skimmers.
Still had a about half of what bait I bought left, I just can't imagine why. I bought 3 pint of maggot, I normally run out of bait.

I'm obviously not casting frequently enough, I must be sitting too long waiting for bites. Not that I noticed whilst fishing.
Whatever I thought I was doing right has simply got lost in my long lay off.
It's my quest now to sort out my methods because after a few trips I definitely have no idea what's going wrong.
It's a long time since I felt disappointment fishing.

OK I'm getting a few fish but nothing like what I expect, other folk are catching well enough so I need to change things. I've been watching match results all through the months I haven't fished and all ponds were fishing well enough, even on the coldest of days.
The only thing below par is me, Try again Thursday.

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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Yesterday was cooler so I had another day on the bank.
After buying 4 pint of casters the first trip and only used one I pumped them and got another caster day with them. I still ended up throwing what was left.
Yesterday was maggot feeder that I thought would work better for my right arm, wrong again. Just retrieving my feeder got a bit much. I fished in a thin shirt that didn't protect my forearm enough.
I was kept busy all day with Ide the odd roach and a couple of skimmers.
Still had a about half of what bait I bought left, I just can't imagine why. I bought 3 pint of maggot, I normally run out of bait.

OK I'm getting a few fish but nothing like what I expect, other folk are catching well enough so I need to change things. I've been watching match results all through the months I haven't fished and all ponds were fishing well enough, even on the coldest of days.
The only thing below par is me, Try again Thursday.

You are not much further north than me. The fishing around here has been hit and miss. Although the days have been warm there have been cold nights .
Anyway 4 pints of casters and 3 pints of maggots. You won the lottery??


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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I want to go fishing - haven't been for ages, a friend said. We settled on the Deep Lake, which doesn't always die in the hot, still sunny weather forecast. And I had my eye on the island pegs under the big trees, where you can fish up and down the slopes of the island. Great, in theory. But you couldn't get in the car park. The bailiff's mates' match - it's already got me on a Thursday and a Sunday - had moved to Tuesday, added to another match booked but not posted.
Oh well.

On to the nearby back-up commercial. The very recent excavations had doubled the area of the water. (The fish were going in later) We sat down near the bridge of the 9m wide canal. Surely a few fish would be hiding under the bushes on the far (or not so far) side?


Maybe, and, having tried here and there in the peg - luckily I don't suffer any more than most with claustrophobia - I found the only bites did indeed come from against the bank, under the tree.

Here's my friend cutting my hook off one of its branches :)


When I remembered not to lift the pole, I caught one of these


The poet William Blake had something to say about this:

A Robin Redbreast in a Cage
Puts all Heaven in a Rage.
A Barbel in a muddy pool
Shows the angler for a fool

I'm quoting from memory; it went something like that.

Elsewhere in the peg I caught a bunch of ide, a kind of roach substitute, I guess, and a few hand-size carp. My friend, meanwhile, had a tench of 2 1/2 lb in the edge. The water does contain some nice tench, and even some abnormally large bream. But we weren't, as they say, feeling it, and we were off the water by 1.30 pm, making it the shortest and least enjoyable session either of us could remember.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
Fished the small reservoir on my club book today and as planned I had taken a bait dropper rod with me to ensure any freebies got to the bottom before being gobbled by the small roach, hemp, tares, spam, 6mm pellets and some dead reds went in giving me a nice spread of bait to fish over.

Started off ok catching small tench and crucians and then it went quiet, I soon found out why, the float lifted laid flat and I was connected to something that wanted to visit the opposite side of the reservoir, needless to say the hook pulled about half way over bloody carp :)

Put some more freebies in via the dropper (I was getting some strange looks from the regulars) back in over the top and after a little while the tench and crucians returned, all was good until I hooked yet another carp that did exactly as the first before pulling the hook.

Didn't bother with the dropper after that as I thought it would just attract more carp, swim was dead despite going through the depths and bait changes, packed up as it was getting to warm for me, I might go back with the dropper and some heavier gear to see if it attracts some more of those carp should be good fun on a little heavier gear.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
John I must be numerically dyslexic! Sorry about your day Kev! Er indoors returns this evening from her trip to see son and grandson so I thought a days fishing was richly deserved if only to christen my new little bomb rod and lighter gear! At 6.30 am it was mild and misty on arrival at the water( the large snake lake I have recently taken a liking to) and I set up in a swim that afforded likely looking margins!
I fished a light method feeder with 4lb line and a size 16 hook and 6mm expander pellets dosed in F1 courtesy of Markcw! This stuff smells so pleasant I might use it instead of Brut!!!!:wh

I was after crucian and ide or any fish around the 3lb Mark! The first bite after 10 minutes was an 8 lb common which wasn't what I was after and which really tested the light Browning rod! I ended up with around 6 crucian to 12oz, several carp and a few skimmers.

An enjoyable day in pleasant sunshine and I really enjoyed the ridiculously light 8' rod and light reel! I reckon i could and should just take the rod and reel, bait, hooks and a chair for a pleasant days fishing! However reckoning and doing are different things!
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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
I didnt fish yesterday but at 6pm I had a run out in the car, maggots and catapult on hand in case I found any fish on a three lake complex that may have been feeding in the margins. I wasnt dissapointed , first swim I looked at was full of stamp roach that really enjoyed the free offerings, well, until a pike came out of nowhere and spooked them away, exciting stuff!
Another swim ten minutes later I came upon a rather large common carp that was rooting about in some thin marginal weed, It was big and I thought maybe it had lost its saddle!
It would certainly have beaten my old mid eighties pb by a fair margin .
I was about to leave an hour later after finding nothing else worth looking at --maybe on account of following a lady lobbing her dog in the water thinking what fun it must have been having when on a whim I thought a last look in one of the other lakes might just prove worthwhile.
Again I wasnt let down, walking along the edge I came across a huge mud cloud that kept erupting and each time a new "cloud" occurred it was followed by dozens of tadpoles that were carried upwards in the fishes swirls.
Amazing sight, never ever seen it before and they wernt carp but Tench , all around the three pound mark--- a sight I wont forget for a long time.
Roll on the New season.
ps, one thousand pages of the HDYGO thread, amazing!!!
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Exiled Northerner
Sep 22, 2017
Reaction score
Oxford, and occasionally Warrington Lancs
John I must be numerically dyslexic! Sorry about your day Kev! Er indoors returns this evening from her trip to see son and grandson so I thought a days fishing was richly deserved if only to christen my new little bomb rod and lighter gear! At 6.30 am it was mild and misty on arrival at the water( the large snake lake I have recently taken a liking to) and I set up in a swim that afforded likely looking margins!
I fished a light method feeder with 4lb line and a size 16 hook and 6mm expander pellets dosed in F1 courtesy of Markcw! This stuff smells so pleasant I might use it instead of Brut!!!!:wh

I was after crucian and ide or any fish around the 3lb Mark! The first bite after 10 minutes was an 8 lb common which wasn't what I was after and which really tested the really light Browning rod! I ended up with around 6 crucian to 12oz, several carp and a few skimmers.

An enjoyable day in pleasant sunshine and I really enjoyed the ridiculously light 8' rod and light reel! I reckon i could and should just take the rod and reel, bait, hooks and a chair for a pleasant days fishing! However reckoning and doing are different things!
Mike, if you keep on going to that fishery you will end up paying council tax, :)
If you need any more F1 flavouring let me know, it also works on corn and meat, another trick is to put
some in an empty bait tub, give the tub a wipe round to remove excess and put maggots in tub,Flavoured maggots without the gloop. I think my friend who is coming to Lloyds Meadow has an 8' Browning bomb rod, he rates the short rods for commercials, Do you prefer the snake lake to the one we went on ? what part of snake lake did you fish ?


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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down the lane
Out again in the early morning with the sun just rising and one helluva lot warmer than yesterday!

I fished a lake I don't visit too often but it can be good at this time of year with perky carp usually moving about. Not known for huge fish (probably mid doubles) but the tend to give a good account of themselves. I had three to hair rigged meat, with the best just over 8lbs.
Sitting quietly sipping some hot tea I heard a couple of fish moving around in the adjacent swim so I crept along the bank(not too good at creeping these days!) and found several fish nosing the surface and not doing too much but very close to the bank. Back I went to my swim to change the hook, collect the rod, and rod rest plus a slab of thick crust bread cut from a tin loaf. I cut a 50mm square and impaled in on the hook and with a slow underarm cast dropped it some 2' from the bank in around 4' of water.

Within seconds the bread, anchored in place by the bomb, floated to the surface and I tightened to it. Your classic anchored crust!

I didn't make too much noise but enough to see the fish sink from sight, so I checked the surface flow and lobbed in a few chum mixers which then drifted toward the bread. As is always the case, one fish rose and took a mixer and then it went quiet. I must've stood stock still for some 15mins before two showed on the surface again but showed little interest. Suddenly, and totally out of the blue a fish rose between bank and bread and just (sort of) gulped in the whole lot before swirling, at which time the baitrunner screamed and I pulled into the fish.

I great battle, which started on a very short line and had me fumbling to give line, eventually came to an end and I netted a stunning common which turned 10lb 2ozs on the (checked ) scales. Not big by any stretch but I was well pleased that I nice simple method had worked so well once again. Nothing after that apart from a 4lb fully scaled mirror, but the session will be long remembered for that very pretty common.....

Out with the wife for two days then back on Friday and after roach, IF the weather cools a little and we get some cloud cover......please God!!
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