What's the best gear for night fishing ?


Well-known member
Jul 2, 2009
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Me and my fella are going to start doing some night fishing. We gave it a go last week, but gosh, we couldnt see things properly with normal torches.

I aint as thick as I sound, so I have gone away and bought head lamps, starlights for the rod, a small 2 berth tent, a nice chair for Timbo. I also have a brolly and pots and pans.

I would like to know the essentials needed please.

I would like to know if there are any other things you find handy too.

Oh and the does and don'ts and you can be as critical and detailed as you like.

If the info you give us is half as good as the zander info, we will be more than happy.:D
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Peter Jacobs

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire

A lot will depend on how long you plan to stay on the bank and wether or not you will be sleeping or staying awake all night.

There are no prizes for being; Wet, Cold, Uncomfortable, Hungry or Thirsty; or at least no prizes that I've ever seen.

So, A good sleeping bag (3 or 4 seasons) and a comfortable bedchair, and a very comfortable fishing chair.

Plenty of different layers of clothing, including waterproofs and wellies etc.

Some means of heating or cooking food, unless you happen to enjoy the ubiquitous 'Pot Noodles' that is.
A kettle for Tea, Coffee or Hot Chocolate, and insulated mugs to keep the drinks warm.
Include matches as those piezo things are unreliable at best in my experience.

Don't forget the obvious; toiletries, loo paper etc., unless you are on a venue with good clean facilities.

Ensure that you get to the venue with plenty of daylight left to set-up and get to know your surroundings, keep your swim neat and tidy; nothing worse than tripping over a landing net or bank stick in the gloom or darkness.
Head torches are a 'given' in my opinion.

Also, staring at Starlights for any length of time can become almost hypnotic, and I'd guarantee that you will "see" them move even though they are stock-still - so maybe think about a decent bite alarm and hanger set-up.

Last, but not least; Ensure that you have an ICE (In Case of Emergency) number in your mobile phone, and your hubby too.
The Emergency Services are trained to look at your mobile in case you become unconcious.

I know we have covered the 'Night Fishing" topic a few times recently, so maybe do a search on the topic as well here on FM.

I hope this helps even if just a little.
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Steve Spiller

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2005
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Excellant advice Peter.

Isotopes on rod tips and isotopes in your hangers much easier to see what's happening with the rods that way.

A spare gas bottle! I found out the hard way last weekend :(
And don't make hubby try to sleep on the wet un-hooking mat like I did last weekend. Get a lite-weight chair that can recline, that's the next thing I need.

Good luck, enjoy and be safe.

kevin o connor

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2010
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Warm dry clothing, in a waterproof bag is a must for a change if needed. I always bring a flask of hot water, and top it up after each cup of tea. Don't forget your first aid kit. A light with rechargable batteries for the tent comes in handy. As already stated, keep the area around the tent tidy. Keep your food, ground bait etc. in a sealed container,to stop any rodents feasting during the night.


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2009
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Cheap camp bed from argos works if you don't night fish that often only £9.99.
I personally recommend a tent over a brolly .
Sausages and a proper sauce pan with oil go down very well anytime and moral goes upwards.

Jeff Woodhouse

Moaning Marlow Meldrew
Jan 2, 2002
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Subtropical Buckinghamshire
But if you do like sausages, then Richmond are the best. Just put them in the pan, no oil, and by the time they're cooked you'll have enough oil out of the sausages to fry your eggs.

Plenty of warm clothing, surprising how the temperature drops even in summer. Better more than less.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2009
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I will generally be repeating what has been already said.

If your warm and dry it makes everything easier, more comfortable and keeps up moral.

Plan your meals before you go so your not just taking loads of everything and only using 4 sausages and two slices of bread (take spare gas).

Headlight and lantern for the bivvy is all ive ever needed when night fishing, spare batteries for both.

Keep your swim tidy, I dont know about anyone else but if I get a run in the night I zig zag with my eyes shut to my rods so no landing net poles to trip me up is a bonus.

Follow the above and you will be warm, dry, well fed, illuminated and able to find things in the dark.

Keep a small notebook and pencil with you so you can make a little list of things you need and dont need as you do more and more night sessions you will soon have everything you need and not everything you don't.

When I first started to go night fishing I tried to stay awake as long as possible. I would wake the next day late and tired, my last few sessions I have been in the bag for 11pm. This makes it easier to get up at sunrise and experience what is for me the best part of the day.

Most of all, Enjoy!!!

captain carrott

Senior Member
Oct 10, 2003
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But if you do like sausages, then Richmond are the best. Just put them in the pan, no oil, and by the time they're cooked you'll have enough oil out of the sausages to fry your eggs.

Plenty of warm clothing, surprising how the temperature drops even in summer. Better more than less.

they are without doubt the worst sausages ever to disgrace a plate, i wouldn't feed em to the fish never mind me.

Emmo (Angling Trust)

Well-known member
Jan 3, 2006
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Thetford, Norfolk & Falklands
ooooooo, thanks Andrea! Now I want to go night fishing but got to leave to go back to work in Falklands in few hours!!!!

Hope you enjoy your nights on the bank, nothing to add to that already mentioned except I find a small bivvy table invaluable. And just for info I have the Argos Bedchair and that is quite comfortable and at £40 bit cheaper than specialist ones!!

Paul H

Well-known member
Nov 29, 2004
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Derbyshire: best beer, best cheese, best puddings.
And don't make hubby try to sleep on the wet un-hooking mat like I did last weekend.

Ha ha, bet that was an uncomfortable night, had you p*ss*d Wendi off?

they are without doubt the worst sausages ever to disgrace a plate, i wouldn't feed em to the fish never mind me.

An absolutely appalling sausage. In fact more like some kind of un-naturaly coloured, animal derived paste in a small thin bag.

Richmond sausages alledgedly contain the following additives:

● E450 - You wouldn't expect sausages to contain added water but these low-meat (51%) sausages are practically dripping with it. The water is held in place by E450, a chemical which solidifies the mixture.

● E412- an emulsifier which helps to hold fat and water together (the meat in these sausages is almost half fat).

● E300 and E307 - antioxidant vitamins which stop the fat content turning rancid. This gives the product a long shelf life before it becomes unpalatable.

● E223 - a sulphite preservative which keeps the sausages safe to eat and prolongs their shelf life. Some people find that sulphites provoke shortness of breath and asthma.

● E128 - to disguise the low meat content these sausages have
been coloured with a synthetic chemical Azo Dye called Red 2G.

captain carrott

Senior Member
Oct 10, 2003
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yes paul
i suspect they could be reliably reproduced using a pound of lard, a box of plaster of paris and a packet of condoms.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2009
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The garden of England ;)
Me and my fella are going to start doing some night fishing. We gave it a go last week, but gosh, we couldnt see things properly with normal torches.

For this you need a headlight. I got a 6 LED headlight from Argos for £5! It has three settings, bright, even brighter, flashing red. It was brighter than all three of my friends' ones and much cheaper. :) It was half price at the time, and now it's gone back to full price, but it's still a great deal

Buy 6 LED Headlight. at Argos.co.uk - Your Online Shop for .

For night fishing tips, check this website. This is part 1, but there is also a part 2 on the site. I read it before I first went and it's a good guide.

carp fishing at night - a few tips

I also take a very large plastic 'can' full of drinking water (looks just like a jerry can), which is good for boiling for noodles, soup, hot chocolate, tea etc. Also for just drinking, and for cleaning the cooking pots after using them. It is identical to this one.

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2006
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Istead Rise, Kent
what ever your dealer has at the time :wh

hahaha.... Get hold of the best gear you can. Some things just fly over peoples heads Cakey.

That's got to go in for answer of the year.... If we don't have one...why not? :D


Well-known member
Jul 2, 2009
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You also need to consider how and where you will go for a big poo.

we have acquired a porta potty lol. well thanks everyone, somethings there that I hadn't thought of.

So far, we have bought, a comfy chair for my hubby. a two man tent which has plenty of room in it, two head lamps, star lights, will look at some bite indicators. we need a good lantern, but I don't like those petrol ones.

well no one has mentioned a full breakfast, My fave sausages are those bernard mathews ones but I think they dont do them any more, but smoked bacon will be on the menu as well as black pudding. currie and rice for later, and a shepherds pie. also a bottle of wine for me too.

Steve Spiller

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2005
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we have acquired a porta potty lol. we need a good lantern, but I don't like those petrol ones.

well no one has mentioned a full breakfast, My fave sausages are those bernard mathews ones but I think they dont do them any more, but smoked bacon will be on the menu as well as black pudding. currie and rice for later, and a shepherds pie. also a bottle of wine for me too.

lol porta potty, hahaha posh anglers :D
Forget petrol!!! Not good after a bottle of wine......
Electric lights everytime, much safer.

Can't beat a fry-up on the bank, the smell travels miles, watch the other anglers growling at you ;)

Have a great time and be awake for the dawn chorus, it's absolutely fabulous.

Paul, I thought I could sleep on the chair, NOT!!!
9.50pm Wendi snuggled up on the bed chair, 10pm she was snoring!
I couldn't get comfy! 2.30am I thought I've got to get my head down, so I pulled the wet, very large un-hooking mat as far under the DAY shelter as far as I could. The contented Wendi was snuggled up all lovely and still snoring. The rain forced me back even further and started running back along the mat towards me....what a friggin night!

I got 30 mins kip, but I did see some meteors hitting our atmosphere and some grinners hitting my zander baits..............all night long!

Great fun :D and we blanked :eek:

Can't wait for the next time :)

Sorry andreazed, had to share that with you ;)