Who's had a rod dragged in?

Lord Paul of Sheffield

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2004
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Furkum Hall, Sheffield

It's nearly happened to me twice - once I fishing floating bread for carp and needed a pee,
Leaving the rod on the bank I was peeing in the bush when I saw the rod being dragged across the grass, I managed to stand on the handle until I was zipped up and landed the fish
The other time I'd set my rod up before I'd set up my landing net and as I was putting the net on to the landing handle the rod wrapped round and was pulled out of the rest - again I managed to grab the handle and land the fish
Anyone lost a rod this way


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
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Came close last year. I was tackling down one rod and had left the float rod out. I`d flicked the bail arm off but unbeknownst to me a loop of line had slipped behind the spool and become entangled there. Caught the rod as it jumped forward in the rests. The fish that almost took it in was a carp of only around a pound.


Mar 11, 2013
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Not personally but my mate was bragging about his new top of the range rod, set it up with a big lump of meat on and started to put his other rod together, out the corner of my eye I saw his rod flying along the grass and into the lake, it then shot across the surface before sinking out of sight. The owner got the boat out but couldn't find it. He continued to look for ages, a long time later some one snagged it and handed it in. My mates language was a bit choice at the time !!!


Fishing the pellet waggler at Clattercote,i had the rod resting across my lap and on the rod rest,turned around to give the baliff his 6 quid and whoosh!! it was gone right out to the middle,luckily still floating,i cast my baggin wag over it, on the second go i managed to hook the bale arm and reel it back in with carp still attatched! I,ve had top kits pulled in on several occassions and had to go swimming to retrieve them!!:D:D


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
Once....fishing hemp & caster on the Thames my roach swim died on me so I thought I'd try a bit of meat on the lead in case there was a barbel about. There was. My lead rod took off like a javelin and was very quickly bobbing about butt up in mid stream. Managed to snag it with a spinner on another rod and landed the barbel which was only about 3lb !

I've had the rod ripped out of me hand once or twice trouting and the reel jamming in the front rest has saved me a few times fishing the method. Not actually lost a rod yet though.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2011
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Happened once when I was a kid (about 12-13?)

I was out fishing with my old man - hadn't had so much as a bite all day... so didn't think twice about leaving my rod unattended :eek:hno: I went for a sneaky tinkle in the bushes and when I came back my rod was gone! Me and the old fella spent ages looking round for somebody as we genuinely thought someone had nicked it! Anyways, about 15 mins later we found it floating near some reeds about 200 yards from my peg... luckily we managed to drag it in with the landing net and the fish was gone... Ah well - atleast it wasn't nicked! :thumbs:

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
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Metroland. SW Herts
Beats me why this should happen to anyone. Firstly, you endanger fish and other wildlife, secondly you lose expensive gear. It's laziness and bad angling really innit?


Beats me why this should happen to anyone. Firstly, you endanger fish and other wildlife, secondly you lose expensive gear. It's laziness and bad angling really innit?

Its called a moments lapse of concentration really innit-not always to do with bad angling ,unless of course you leave you,re rod unatended:wh


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2006
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Yes whooshed away of my lap and dragged across a pond until it reached a large area of lilies. Had to strip off down to my boxers and with a Swiss Army knife between my teeth l paddle out to get it back. Not knowing the depth I decided to keep my hat on and turn back if it started to float. Few inches below my chin when I managed to get hold of the rod butt and rescue it.
I have to say probably the most stupid thing I ever done whilst fishing but at the time clear thing went out the window.

Paul Boote

Nov 2, 2004
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On my first few barbel trips as a ten-year-old, with my folks to the Kennet at Aldermaston, I saw one "old boy" (fifty? sixty?) tie a car-roofrack bungee cord to his rod butt and hook the other end to the steel-frame foot his Efgeeco seat-holdall, whenever he left his swim and went off for a wander and a chat, and just before a couple of cans of Light Ale consumed with his packed lunch sent him to the Land of Nod for the afternoon, snores and all.

Not an example I have followed.

terry m

Well-known member
Nov 14, 2010
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New Forest, Hampshire
I have had a couple of close calls but thankfully never lost a rod.

Generally when packing up, the rods are laid on the ground while packing up rests or pod or alarms etc, on several occasions they have made a dash for the lake following a take and I have been really lucky on one or two occasions to just stop them disappearing!

chav professor

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2010
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Ipswich, Suffolk
Had a bass rod nearly get dragged in. The rod rest unceremoniously collapsed as the rod bucked violently and had to scuttle down the beach to catch up with the rod.

Was a bass of just over 3lb.... later had a bass of 6lb that only indicated it was on by just nodding the rod tip...


Feb 23, 2005
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Beats me why this should happen to anyone. Firstly, you endanger fish and other wildlife, secondly you lose expensive gear. It's laziness and bad angling really innit?

My thoughts exactly.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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Been lucky enough to catch up with my rod a couple of times beach fishing, but never lost one yet. However most spectacular rod loss I've witnessed was from a smoothound. Poor fella only put his rod down to search out a sandwich from his bag and turned round to see it flying over the gunnel.

Steve Pope

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2000
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A bit like the Confessions segment on the Radio 2 late afternoon show I often find myself listening to.

Many years ago I lost a Mark 1V glass rod with a Rapidex reel attached that had a baitdropper set up on the end. This happened on the lower Severn while the rod was positoned safely - or so I thought - propped up against the bank.

I had left my swim to spend some time chatting to a friend.

When I returned the rod was gone, I noticed that a bait bucket had been disturbed and I could only put it down to swans climbing up on to the bank and somehow managing to catch the line and so drag the rod in.

That was the last time I used good gear for my baitdropping set up!

Not sure if that was bad angling or laziness, I certainly learned an expensive lesson or two though!

And while in confession mode.......

However just a few days ago I was fishing with Snatcher down on the harbour and came perilously close to having a rod dragged in. I thought the clutch was slackened sufficiently and I was not that far away from the rod as I watched it nod and then try to take off from its resting place against the jetty barrier. The strange thing is I got to it just in time thinking I was going to be attached to some kind of Aussie leviathan only to be met with zero resistance - seems like line bites happen here as well!!

Now if I had lost that rod - a very cheap set up - I fully accept that would have been bad angling on my part and Snatcher would have made sure I never heard the last of it!

Peter Jacobs

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire
A few years ago I had my rods, reels, bite alarms and my rod pod dragged into the lake thanks to a very fit and healthy labrador dog that half-ran and half-swam past my peg.

Its owner was running and puffing down the bank trying to catch the dog and was very apolgetic when she arrrived.

I managed to grab the back part of the pod and hang on while the owner coaxed the damn dog back to the bank, but I needed to cut all the lines as it was so badly entangled.

My parting recommendation to the owner as that she restricted the dog to the adjacent field and kept it off of the lake; well, sort of words to that effect, either way she was left in no two minds as to my thoughts on the events.

PS: this was on a private club lake with no public access!


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
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a few years ago i had my rods, reels, bite alarms and my rod pod dragged into the lake thanks to a very fit and healthy labrador dog that half-ran and half-swam past my peg.

Its owner was running and puffing down the bank trying to catch the dog and was very apolgetic when she arrrived.

I managed to grab the back part of the pod and hang on while the owner coaxed the damn dog back to the bank, but i needed to cut all the lines as it was so badly entangled.

My parting recommendation to the owner as that she restricted the dog to the adjacent field and kept it off of the lake; well, sort of words to that effect, either way she was left in no two minds as to my thoughts on the events.

Ps: This was on a private club lake with no public access!

Fred Bonney

May 26, 2001
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Domus in colle Lincolnshire Wolds
Some prat came speeding off a bend in his gin palace on the tidal Trent and took both my rods off the pod.
I hope to this day that his propellers suffered some damage from the feeders and 15lb line, I saved my rods.

The bad one

Well-known member
Mar 8, 2008
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Beats me why this should happen to anyone. Firstly, you endanger fish and other wildlife, secondly you lose expensive gear. It's laziness and bad angling really innit?
With you all the way on this one.:mad:
I'm sick to death of having to book and take the cards of members for leaving their rods unattended and having a "Social" in their mate's peg many 10s of yards away from them. Did 5 on the river last year.

The worst case I've ever witnessed was on a stillwater with two carp anglers. They spent 1 1/4 hours away from their rods in total in each others pegs a 120 yards apart, before I marched with another bailiff the 3/4 of a mile around the water and put a stop to it and their fishing.

All use the same excuse I've got my baitrunner on mate! FFS. :mad:
In bold print in their club cards (therefore it's a club rule) it says "You must not be more than 4 metres away from the butts of your rods" EA rules state "You must not be more than 5 m from your rods and in immediate control of them." So how do these Richard Heads think 20+ yards away is acceptable angling :eek:mg: