

michael rouse

What sort of depths should i be fishing in for carp.Up north its usually cold and wet but we do get the odd sunny spell if that helps.


New member
Oct 25, 2003
Reaction score
Just bang the bait out there Michael, You will catch something later!

No, sorry micheal to me Carp are the predominantly bottom feeders, and in the process of doing so often betray their activities by cteating bubbles which surge to the surface. If the water is shallow and the bottom muddy, areas of water will become cloudy with all the rooting activity below. If more than one carp is feeding, large area of water will soon become cloudy with muddy suspension. Early mornings and late evenings are the common feeding times, when it is not unusual to see them feeding only inches from the bank.

During hot, sunny weather carp can be often be seen cruising beneath the surface. Whatever the weather they will always found lying beneath trees that have fallen into the water. During mild, overcast weather carp will be throughtout the day if a warm south or south west wind is blowing across the lake, carp will congrregate if the water is shallow there.

Shallow areas found in the middle o some water will attract carp during these weather conditions. It a advantage, therefore that you is well conversant of the carp water that you intend to fish.

Look for the patrol routes and do some pre-baiting where the carp are known to feed or visit naturally and regularly or in a area where bottom contours of the lake provide features which interest the fish.(anywhere on the patrol route is worth pre-baiting.