Excellent Read!


David Marrs

Heyyup Chris,

Another excellent read mate and a very long overdue piece for the superb 'Fenland' series!!!

Last time I was home, I was sat catching bait one afternoon and who turned up but Mr Doughty! The next hour went all too quickly as we mainly reminisced about another fish which was played like a fanny!!!!! lol

Hope you're well,
Kind regards,

Chris Bishop

This story is getting around, largely thanks to you by all accounts.

I had a couple of days with Sascha last week and he kept going on about "Dave said you played one like you were using a 12oz hooklength..."

So I filled him in on a few of your faux pas.

When are you back mate - got a few stories to swop over a beer.


Indeed he did Mr Marrs. I understand you're particularly fond of a certain lay-by? How's the moustache coming along mate?

David Marrs

Lads, the only reason I am fond of that lay-by is for the fact that I landed 3 Zeds including a 10.10 from it in a nite!!! I reckon Chris knew the joint, had 'cased' it before and due to the fact that Andy and I had given him so much grief about his round in the pub at Brandon Creek, he thought he'd drop us in it! Was a nitemare like, too many freek getting there people on!

Im home at the end of the month Chris, rest assured, you'll be the first to get a call mate! W'oh, and I've just picked up me new 'L/rover Disco!!!' wuhoo!

Kind regards,
Stay cool dudes!