Fishing Rights...


The Dacer

I can't find anyone in the UK who will own up to knowing when, where and how fishing rights are registered.

Every council/government agency/angling club I get in touch with put me on to someone else.

Am I going mad or wot?

Rights do have to be registerd somewhere don't they?

(Reason I'm asking is because I've found an apparently unfished river which looks quite promising - if only I could get access to it)

Thanks in advance for any help!

Chris Bishop

Fishing rights are usually vested in ownership of the banks on either side in the case of "natural" rivers, British Waterways, local councils etc with canals and the EA with man-made "rivers" like the Fen drains.

There's a bit of a grey area with regard to tidal or navigable waters.

Why not just approach the local farmers and ask - whoever owns the fishing rights you'll probably have to cross their land to get on it.

David Will

Generally the situation is as folows. The owner of the adjoining land owns the rights to the river or half way if they do not own the other bank.'Sporting' rights can be leased to anyone the owner sees fit whether for financial gain or not.Chris is dead right , speak to the landowner,go at a convenient time,dress smart and armed with a bottle and address him(or her) as Mr or Mrs.Always works and if you are lucky you will have a bit of virgin fishing all to youself probably for free.