racial equality?

Jim Gibbinson

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Sep 13, 2004
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Trevor Phillips, Chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality, has said that there is a case for black boys to be taught separately from white boys in order to try to improve their GCSE results.

He further made the point that more black teachers are needed, and to achieve this end they might be tempted with extra money.

I wonder how the Commission for Racial Equality would have reacted had anyone made the foregoing statements with the word "white" or "caucasian" substituted for "black"?

Peter Jacobs

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Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire

Consider the author.

Is this not the same Mr. Phillips (OBE?) who wrote last year that he;
"believed policemen in general are racist"

He also believes that separated fathers who do not attend parents evenings at the schools should loose their automatic rights of access to their sons.

Maybe the gentleman concerned would like to float away on a cloud of delerium, or whatever other substance takes his fancy!


It is a fact though that black school children do not perform as well as there white conterparts at GCSE exams. In America, i cant remember which state, they have introduced a kind of segregation in classes so that the black kids are taught as a group segregated from the whites, and their results improved greatly.

I feel a bit uneasy about the process personally.


In Jamaica black boys dont do as well as black girls in school. Does the learned gentleman have an answer to this? If he does no doubt it will be the fault of British Colonialism, the Slave Trade or any other reason other than the truth!

Neneman Nick

Well-known member
May 20, 2004
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On the road to rack & ruin !!!
why is it,i`ve never seen a black,asian or oriental person out fishing???
is fishing perceived as a "white persons" only past time/sport amongst the ethnic mynority type people in our country<excuse the term used,i didnt really know what to put>.
surely there must be young and old in
these comunities who wouldnt mind a go at fishing???


Questions been asked before Nick not so long back. In Notts we get a mix of races fishing. Asian lads seem more into cricket than angling and the black lads are into football. They follow their sports with the same amount of enthusiasm as we do fishing and as a consequence they have little time to offer other pursuits.If they make the grade at cricket its a good living if they make the grade at footy the skys the limit, if they make the grade at fishing well therein lies the rub, no money in it for the many and the ones who are pro anglers and make a good living are few and far between.

Ron C

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Dec 6, 2003
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In answer to the second part of the first post.
The extra income would be needed, as the lucky candidate would have to purchase the obligatory vest, and in the event of this failing he would have a large amount to pay out in private heath care.


Jun 20, 2007
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The reason we don't see any black people fishing is because they are now brown people.

What a golden oppertunity some fishing club is missing out on. Grab a brown person of the street, pay him to let you tutor him in angling, and make him a world champion. And the Joe Nob angling society were the first ones to have a brown champion. Kissing babies went out long ago.


I move that children who wish to learn are able to by teaching them seperatley from those who do not.It might seem a different idea to that of Mr Phillips but in essence would achieve the same ends.....possibly.

Merv Harrison

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Aug 7, 2003
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East Yorkshire
I agree entirely with Mr Phillips that 'coloureds' should be seperated, and then 'OUR' children won't be held back by children who can't read, write, speak or understand our language.


Why should coloured male kids be taught seperatley when at pressent kids with learning disabilities are having to intigrate with main stream schooling?

Phil Hackett 2

Trevor Phillips is not an educationalist! He is by trade a journalist (and all that that entails) and like all of us, he?s entitled to his point of view. His view, which I don?t agree with, is no more worthy of consideration than any other well-informed layperson?s view.

I?d personally be more ready to accept the views of educationalists, preferably black ones, who have come from similar backgrounds as these kids that are failing at school. That being black people who grew up on the same or similar estates as these kids are growing up on today. Not as in Phillip?s case, if memory serves me right, a black middle class family upbringing.
Is his statement not again, ?the great and the good telling the unwashed what?s good for them and their family.?
Special measures, and that?s what he?s saying for black lads that aren?t doing to well, is I fear a recipe for disaster for any school and pupil that enters such scheme.
Kids are cruel at the best of times where others have an identified weakness. Add to that a different skin colour, and you have the potential for racial segregation, the breeding of resentment, stigmatisation and the tensions that brings.

Yes these kids do need help, as do all kids who perform poorly academically, but more imaginative, less standoutish ways need to found to address the problem.


When doing well at school is seen as the only way to get ahead, then and only then will certain parts of the multi-ethnic society we live in get involved with education to their optimum potential. At the moment we allow a sector of society and I am making no remarks on ethnicity here to operate outside the accepted standard of behaviour because to do otherwise would be an infringement of their human rights to express themselves in the way they see fit.

We have to crack down hard on crime, drugs and the ghetto mentality which is destroying the potential of the black and white male youth of our country.

Phil Hackett 2

As to why few black and Asian people fish, I don?t really know, but can offer these comments that have been made to me down the years whilst working in multi-racial workplaces.
Many guys who were Afro-Caribbean have said to me when you?ve fished as I did as a boy in the blue seas of Caribbean for swordfish, barracuda, etc the thought of sitting by a small lake hold no imagination for me.

Some years ago I fished a park lake in Oldham for the big roach it had. The park is on the outskirts of a large Asian community suburb. On one side of the lake there was a road that ran alongside it, then the park railings, a path about four feet wide then the lake edge. Every time I fished the lake, which was on a Wednesday, this elderly Muslim granddad used to stop for a few minutes and just watch me fishing, then carry on to pick his grandchildren up from school.
After about the third or fourth time this happened, I struck up a conversation with him. I asked him did he fish? ?No not since I was a boy in Bangladesh,? he said. He went on to tell me that he did like to stop and watch people fish if he had the time, as it brought back memories of his boyhood just watching. It turned out that just from his observations and casual conversations he?d had, he was quite knowledgeable about methods, techniques and the fish stocks in the lake. I did offer to lend him a rod if he?d like try himself, but he laughed and said no thanks I?m to old now but I?m quite happy to watch others like yourself fish and get pleasure from just seeing the fish you catch.
Once a fisherman always a fisherman, if only in spirit and mind eh!

Ron 'The Hat' Clay


Talk to me about it.

I have seen the worst that racism can bring out after living for 27 years in the land that invented institutionalised racism.

That recent report on separate classes for blacks and whites will have Hendrik Verwoerd and John Vorster giggling in their graves!

My son Sean's high school was one of the first schools in SA to accept all races. It truly was marvellous. That proved to the rest of SA and perhaps the world, that people of all races could get on together.

Today, that achool is a model for racial equality as are many other organisations in SA.

Not all though. Some are anti-white and that is a shame; and against Nelson's Mandela's dream where we should all become colour-blind.


Deecy Spot on observation but far too simple for the idiots who run the asylum called the UK to take on board! Thats why I refer to my country as England. I am an Englishman and proud to be so, but such is life that the very uttering of such a statement makes grown politicians quiver in their boots and reach for the Holy Bible called the Manual of Political Correctness! One day in the not too distant future people will look back and wonder what kind of idiots inhabited this land that they were so gullable to allow this PC turd to float around and spoil what was in essence one of the fairest countries in the world.
Phill as usual good comment however regarding the black guys catching Marlin etc I have to say we now have third and fourth generation black people who have never seen a Marlin let alone caught one, nonetheless a marlin or a stickleback I enjoy catching both.Like the sound of your Asian friend btw great heart warming story.
Baz whats this "brown people" thing about? Is there yet another term to help everyone be divided and conquered by the PC brigade?


Jun 20, 2007
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It has been talked about on the radio for a week now Don, whenever coloured people are mentioned. Although it could be refering to Asians.

Wolfman Woody

I saw this guy on BBC yesterday, I'm sure it was this Dr Sewell. Unfortunately, there's no picture of him in this item on BBC's site, but if it him he is Black too.

He was fantastic and people like him should be a role model for other black kids. His speach was clear, better English than most of us, and he's bloody well educated. What more can you ask of someone?

Wolfman Woody

PS - "Teachers have warned Trevor Phillips' ideas could fall foul of Britain's anti-racism laws."

That's the bit I liked in the piece. The Chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality falling foul of his own laws. Hahahah! Talk about egg on face!

Wolfman Woody

You might want to read this also and on here there is a picture of Dr Tony Sewell and it IS the right guy.

You might find this one interesting.