Shrinking Fish


Ron Clay

What we need to do is stop commercial fishing off our coast for 10 years. Create a 150 mile limit.

Do what the South Africans do. If a foreign fishing vessel approaches with 200 miles of their coast they sink it!!

Michael Hall

This would also help reduce the amount of comorants on our rivers and other waters!!!!!

ray bewick

A ban on the mass hoovering up of baitfish (sandeels etc)just for the fishmeal / fertilizer would also be necessary. you never know the plague of cormorants might actually return to their natural homes.

How the hell we would stop the Spanish & French from ignoring any ban I really don't know. I just know that the UK has been shafted by the Fishing industries of other EU countries in the last 30 years along with sucessive lack of support for environmental issues from govenment of both parties.

I'm not anti EU by the way!,just realistic.

John Spink

Ron et al,
What exactly do we do with the Fishermen?? And what happens to the coatal communities supported by Fishing...Oh and what about the processors and their markets- How do we keep that going??...AND I am anti EU !! This crock of .... Has done more to damage our fisheries (helped by the succesive UK Governments) than all our Trawlers put together...It is not correct to blame the fishermen they are only part of the process and are always branded as the troublemakers...Well this week in Shetland they are so sick of dumping fish because of EU measures that they are prepared to go to jail to try to stop it...Hardly the actions of uncaring people...It is about time the people of Britain were told the truth!! I agree with the point re industrial fishing though BUT Denmark rule the roost in the EU there...Did you know that during the recent cod closures these boats which have normal fish bycatches could fish away quite merrily?? Conservation? Where? Even if the UK wanted to it cannot create a 150 mile limit or ban fishing for 10 years.....The EU treaties forbid it!! Finally, when the Britsh Fishermen are put out of business and are but a memory,who do you think will be fishing up to the Coasts then????

Ron Clay

The point I want to make is that you cannot keep plundering a resource for ever. If you don't stop fishing or control it carefully, in a year or so they will be NO FISH in the sea around our shores.

South Africa have the best solution. The seas around that part of the world are for South Africans to fish in and no one else.

When I was last there the fish was absolutely wonderful, such an enormous variety and MUCH cheaper than UK

John Spink

Hi Ron,
Your first point is spot on mate!!! Also your right about SA and I wish we could do that here. That way all people who use (and love) the seas resources can be involved in it's management. I am really worried about the futere of Britain's fish stocks and feel really angry and lack hope that we can save them....I really really hope I am wrong though Ron.

ray bewick

I just deleted an A4 amount of considered reply!.


You've got to be in to influence / lead
stronger leadership at goverment level required

Risk analysis
too many anglers = harder angling
too many fisherman = harder fishing

follow the process

Unable to comment on commercial process - market forces?.

summary - kick ass IN the EU

John Spink

We can't kick ass in the EU....The treaties don't allow it! If we stay in the CFP our fisheries are doomed....This is based on what I have seen of their "fisheries management" skills....I would like to see us with our own waters,managing our own stocks like the Faroe Islands for example.

ray bewick


If a law etc is bad, change it.Can not be done if you are not in the 'club'.

If the CFP has, & I do believe it has crippled the fishing industry then goverment should fight to change it. Trouble is the boat owners were perceived to be still selling quota out to Spain etc.

Unfortunately I have heard too many people say I didn't vote / it's a waste of time / their all the same. Yea well if people cannot be bothered to get off their slothful bums they have let their heirs down badly IMO.

Educate me, info on Faroe island fishery management web site?.

Knowledge is power?, nah! just adds to an interesting exchange.

Incidently Bass fishing in our area is excellent due to nursery areas - message to commercials - I live in Scotland just to the right of skye
