EA and things to come


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2009
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Durham City, Co Durham ... STILL The Land of The P
Received the following in an e-mail this evening

Today, the Cabinet Office made an announcement on the Arms Length Bodies (ALB) review. This was followed by a position from Defra on its ALBs. We have been told that the Environment Agency will continue in its present form subject to 'radical reform' in how it undertakes its work - for example working closely with others in the Defra network, advising government not making policy, no lobbying and becoming a leaner organisation minimising back office functions and protecting front line delivery priorities wherever possible. Every part of our organisation has been examined with rigour against the Governments priorities. This has included our statutory committees.

The Secretary of State (SoS) has announced that both sets of regional advisory Committees – FERAC and EPAC – will be abolished in England. The SoS wants us to have a new approach to engagement on these issues which will include more local, catchment level engagement with community groups, local authorities to focus on Water Framework Directive (WFD) delivery (fisheries, water quality, biodiversity etc) and local environmental issues that will enable more work with and through civil society groups. This approach is more closely aligned to the Government’s Big Society and localism priorities and should deliver more engagement overall.

We want to work with the Committees, key stakeholders and civil society groups to develop this new approach. We will also look at all our key stakeholder interests (using the EPAC and FERAC membership schemes as a basis for this supplemented by your knowledge and experience) and what is the best way to engage with each group - for example waste and water companies, regulated industry groups, anglers, NGOs, local authorities and the LGA. I really hope that you will be able to help me and my team in the Region over the weeks and months ahead to sort out what this new local approach will be for us.

This is recent news and as such transition arrangements are still in flux. We do know that EPAC and FERAC will continue in their present form until at least 31 March 2011. They may continue further into 2011 depending on the timescales of the legislation and what decisions Defra want to make about timings. We will update you as we know more. WAG have confirmed that they will not make any decisions regarding their committees until the results of their review of environmental delivery bodies are announced in the new year.

The RFDCs will continue their transition to become FCCs. They have already been through significant review and updating through discussions in the Floods and Water Management Act 2010 and are recognised for their role in levy setting etc. Minsters consider them to perform a clear link between the EA, local authorities, local communities and flood risk outcomes on the ground.

The Secretary of State has written personally to the Chair of each Committee to thank them and you for the service and the achievements of your Committees and to formally confirm her decision.

I am sorry to be the bearer of disappointing news. I hope we can discuss this news further- and how you can help us develop the future approaches that I hope will bring about even more engagement with stakeholders and local communities - at our next Committee meeting on 8 December. If you would like to discuss any aspect of this before then please contact me on 01925 542001.

With very best wishes.

Toby Willison

Director North West Region