ACA, NFA..... Il est tout fran?ais ? moi

chris wallace

New member
Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
Ok guys,

I'm tempted to joing one of these fishing bodies. I feel that we should all belong to a group that represents us and our passtime to ensure that our voice gets heard.

But, which one??? There appear to be several that do the same thing for the same groups of people. Why can't we just have 1 body/union?

David Hind

I?m a member of the ACA and NFA, if you were to join just one I'd say join the ACA its the same price as a premium member of the NFA but leans more on the environment rather than governing fishing.

Wolfman Woody

"Why can't we just have 1 body/union?"

That's what angler have been lookign for for years now. Regretably, many who serve on the present numerous bodies want to be top dog in the single body and when they can't they take their ball away with them.

Childish, you say?

That's the nature of the human being.

My advice is if you only want to join one, make it the ACA. At least they do achieve something positive even though they don't represent anglers to the government. Lets the rest sort it out and when a winner comes forward, then we can support it.

Nigel Connor(ACA ,SAA)

Fair point Woody but I suspect that a winner will only come forward when it attracts popular support.I will pin my colours to FACT via membership of the SAA.

Sadly, despite the enthusiasm of its organiser, I cannot see NUBA fulfilling the role.

The Monk

the ACA is the first port of call and an organisation all anglers should support, in the second instance I would personally go for SAA, in general terms the NFA is supported by match orientated anglers, were as the SAA supports in essence the so called specialist angling disciplines, or at least that was the original remit, in real terms it supports angling and anglers rights en bloc