Ultra-bite/The Edge etc

Murray Rogers

Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
herts/bucks border
There has been a lot written recently about bait enhancers, flavourings etc. Some people swear by them, others think it is all a gimmick and I guess a few couldn't care less one way or the other and are happy with their own favourites.

A few years back I first read a book called 'Fantastic Feeder Fishing' by Archie Braddocks. It changed a lot of my angling habits overnight, for the better I might add. I know that flavourings, labels, enhansers etc can give you a bait which is streets ahead of the original if used correctly. That is the 'Rub',(if used correctly). Archie Braddocks must have spent untold hours experimenting to get it right, but when he did the results were astonishing. I cannot remember the last time I used the humble maggot without having treated it first with either a flavour or some kind of attractor.

I have used Ultra-bite on a number of occasions and results have been a bit hit and miss, I feel that maybe more information is required from the company as to how and where it is best used. I bet Braddocks has tried it, and I bet he played with it until he was satisfied one way or the other as to its credibility.

For those who haven't read the book, go out and get a copy, It opens doors for you, you didn't know where there. I'm starting to digress here, back to the thread. How many of you use flavourings on what would normally be eveyday baits?. I use Mollases in all my Bream groundbait, and Powdered Garlic a lot on magots, both bought from equestrian shops in bulk.

Fred Bonney

I have to say, and you may call me old fashioned,but i've never been one for additives or even boilies,prefering to stick to 'natural' baits,like maggots,worms,bread,hempseed,sweetcorn etc.
I've not done to badly with this policy,but more recently, at the ripe old age of 52 and fishing places like Adams Mill, for instance, I am beginning to feel that perhaps I need an edge.
My trip to the tackle shop,recently had me buying corn steep liquor and cheese flavouring as well of a couple of bottles of 'chemicles'.
I will give them a try soon and let you know if I notice any difference,in the mean time I will not winge on about this type of product,until i've tried it!

Fred Bonney

What I was going to say first was ,thanks for the tip on the book Murray.

Steve Burke

I used to be a sceptic about flavourings, believing them to work only because they covered up other smells such as that of humans or maggots etc.

Now I'm convinced that flavourings are very worthwhile, and like Murray will never use unflavoured maggots again.

What changed my mind was experimenting with 2 different flavours in different parts of the same swim. One produced mainly roach, the other mainly perch. Then I swapped the flavours around. The fish followed their favourite flavour!

Again like Murray I use Archie Braddock's flavours, which I have a lot of confidence in. For perch I've found his Xotic powder to be very effective. Best of all is his Perch Magic liquid. Almost as good for perch is Rod Hutchinson's Savoury Sense Appeal from Relum.

Flavourings are no substitute for watercraft, but I am convinced that they've improved my catches.

Paul Thompson

Fred, At 52, I'm not sure you should be experimenting with'chemicals' mate. Then again if you do, then feel free to carry my gear next time...lol
As for these new wonder baits, people have been inventing them for years. It is just like re-inventing the wheel. There are very few 'new' ideas, just variations on a theme.
I sometimes feel more confident when using dips and flavours etc, and then sometimes I don't.
Its a funny old game...

disco dan

I dont tend to use to many flovours i
just stick with the trads- like scopex
tutti fruti and such although braddocks
mega tench is excellent for most species.

Keith Miller

Sceptic that I am, I reckon some of these wonder baits etc. catch more anglers than fish.

disco dan

Keith must agree with you on that
i once brought a banana paste from
local tackle dealer just because it
smelt nice and package looked good.

only thing it caought was a 5ft 6in
bald ape:)

Keith Miller

To be fair, there have been occasions when I have switched to a flavoured bait, i.e. strawberry luncheon meat,meaty fish bites,paste,smoked sausage, and the catch rate has noticably increased.

Carp Angler


I deleted the previous message because of the childish expletive it contained.