Boost for Angling in London

tuolumne fisher

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2009
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any chance of improving the numbers who fish is pukka, but why is it an environmental group thames 21, what is the attraction for thames 21 of getting into angling, are they not sponsored by the likes of HSBC and other like minded corporations, am I correct in thinking that they're buddies of mark lloyd
and if a conflict of interest occurs between their current activities, and those proposed, will we end up with more creosote
on the plus side they sure must be good at ticking the boxes, 'cause they have no problems attracting funding
existing organisations such as les webbers angling projects are the obvious choices for these initiatives, yet time and again they're overlooked
these groups such as thames 21, attach greater priority to bio diversity than fish, and if you think thats a good thing ask an EA fisheries person, oft the record of course