Wels Catfish


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Dec 27, 2011
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Hello everyone, I am looking to do a little bit of catfish fishing in my local fishery, please could anyone give me any advice as i am a complete novice at fishing for catfish. I normally fish the River for Barbel so will some of my tackle be sutible to use ? I have 12" 2.25 rods and shimano 5000 re reels, any help on rigs, bait and location would be much appretiated, I am also going to go down to the fishery over the weekend to see if i can get any advice . Thanks Alex


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2011
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west midlands
if theres big cats in the lake u want 2 use strong gear,i use 18pd adrenaline & 45pd kryston braided hooklink & proper catfish hooks,its no gud using small hooks & a mono hooklink cus u risk losin the fish,thats the last thing u want 2 happen.....dunno bout ur rods m8,i personally use 3.25test curve.....& my reels are shimano bait runners,you also want a decent size landing net,i use a 50inch.....best bait ive found 4 cats personally is livebait,other gud baits r deadbait,leaches,hailbut pellets,luncheon meat,sum people even ave success on a bunch a lobworms......i personally alwayz put big beds of baits out i.e hailbut pellets & fish ova it....try puttin maggots out with it aswell as this will attract the small fish & they will attracts the cats,my m8 ad success doin this on a recent trip 2 france.....as 4 location u can usually find the cats in the deeper water or in deep holes or if theres any overhanging trees or bushes,snaggy areas u shud find cats there....hope this helps!


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2011
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Thankyou for the reply, i forgot to add they grow up to 27lb+ in the local fishery, what test curve rod would you suggest ? for the reel should i use a big carp reel ? thanks for the help regarding bait and location, i'm hoping to go down tomorrow to have a look around. Is there any other tackle requirements i will need ? ive got all the forceps and bite alarms, Thanks Alex

terry m

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Nov 14, 2010
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New Forest, Hampshire
Alex a catfish close on 30lb will fight like hell. Your kit is probably ok if there is no snags, but if snags/islands ertc are preent then it is probably undergunned and I would go for big carp reels as you mention and not less than 3lb rods.

They are superb creatures, good luck !


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2011
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west midlands
Alex a catfish close on 30lb will fight like hell. Your kit is probably ok if there is no snags, but if snags/islands ertc are preent then it is probably undergunned and I would go for big carp reels as you mention and not less than 3lb rods.

They are superb creatures, good luck !

terry is right,your kit is probably ok if theres no snags/islands etc.....your reels shud b ok if there baitrunners & hold plenty of line.....i know people who have got cats in on lighter tackle,but its risky.....you can pick up sum decent rods pretty cheap,i paid 100pd online 4 3rods 3.25 test curve,the diawa black widows & there yet 2 fail me,reels are a bit dearer,u want a decent reel,i use shimano baitrunners which are round bout 50quid each.....as terry said your kit might be ok,but if you want 2 give yourself the best possible chance of landing the fish you want a strong test curve rod,a gud set of reels & a big landing net.....gud luck! by the way whats the lake called & what area is it in!


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2011
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Thankyou for the help, what website was it you got your rods from ? It's called Hudson farm fishery in preston, here's the link hudsonsfarm.co.uk When would be the best time to start fishing for them ? or can you fish for them all year round ?


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2011
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west midlands
Thankyou for the help, what website was it you got your rods from ? It's called Hudson farm fishery in preston, here's the link hudsonsfarm.co.uk When would be the best time to start fishing for them ? or can you fish for them all year round ?

forgot name of website brought them last year,but check on sites like ebay,they sell alot of gear.....as 4 time 2 start fishing 4 em start now b4 it gets 2 cold.....its very rare you will catch a cat in the winter....they feed in warmer temperatures,if it drops 2 low-temp they will not feed they just stay dormant on the bottom....very rare you hear of cats being caught in winter....so start now,you maybe have a month or 2 b4 they stop feeding!


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Nov 28, 2011
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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2011
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I have found a different fishery as it's more local and seems a nicer place to fish, this fishery has carp upto 32lb and cats upto 44lb, would a 3lb test curve rod still be suitable or will i need a stronger rod ? i came across these Korum Carp Rods | Ted Carter Fishing Tackle, what are your thoughts ? also what size shimano xt ra reel would you suggest ? the 8000 or 10,000 model ? thanks, Alex

Lord Paul of Sheffield

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Apr 26, 2004
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Furkum Hall, Sheffield
I had a cat whilst carp fishing last night , a 2:5 tc rod was fine but 12lb mono line was under gunned, next time I'm going with ,20lb braid main line and 15lb braid hook length on one rod for a cat

I lost the cat after a 10 minute fight


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2011
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west midlands
alex the only difference between the 8,000 & 10,000 is line capacity i think,so go 4 the 10,000 it holds more line & 3pd test curve rods shud b ok.....i use 3.25 cus i go france,1nce a year & sum of the lakes there contain 100pd+ cats....my m8 only uses 3pd test curve & he's ad cats 2 44pd no trouble......lord of sheffield,jus fish stronger line 4 cats,18-20pd of gud make mono shud b gud enuff,i use korda's adrenaline & jus use a long braided hooklink,i recommend u use stronger than 15pd tho.....i use 35 or 45pd braided hooklink.....i use kryston which is pretty reliable,i know alot of cat anglers use it because it waz recommended 2 me by quite a few when i waz startin out!


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2011
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Thanks rouse01, did you look at those korum rods i found ? i posted the link in a previous post pr do you think i should spend alittle more and get some different rods ? , ok i will get the 10,000 thanks, Alex


Well-known member
Jun 24, 2011
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for years i fished claydon lake with 2.5lbs rods and 12lbs line. at that time the fish ran to around 35lbs and i hooked and landed them to 26lbs on this tackle.
i now use 3.5lbs diawa dictators with emblem big pits filled with 18lbs gr60 line. if im using pellet or boilly then ill use a 30lbs braid hook link and for live/dead baits ill use 80lbs braid as hook link.


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2011
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west midlands
Thanks rouse01, did you look at those korum rods i found ? i posted the link in a previous post pr do you think i should spend alittle more and get some different rods ? , ok i will get the 10,000 thanks, Alex

yh jus ad a look at em they look of ok,get em if u like the look of em....but ave a look at the diawa black widows 1st,guy in 1 of the posts put a link up 4 em,there cheaper & they do em in 3.25 test.....really gud rods & it save u a bit of money!


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2009
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Rotherham, S Yorks
I would say if you are buying rods specially for the cats then get a proper set. Buy cheap buy twice. Look at catfish pro persuaders 4.25 tc as an example.

The reels you mentioned are fine and the advice from rouse on line and hooklinks etc is sound.

Get yourself a large net and unhooking mat as well.

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Well-known member
May 19, 2005
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for years i fished claydon lake with 2.5lbs rods and 12lbs line. at that time the fish ran to around 35lbs and i hooked and landed them to 26lbs on this tackle.
i now use 3.5lbs diawa dictators with emblem big pits filled with 18lbs gr60 line. if im using pellet or boilly then ill use a 30lbs braid hook link and for live/dead baits ill use 80lbs braid as hook link.

It is interesting that you mention Claydon Lake as that is one of the English waters that was originally stocked with wels by Lord Rothschild many years ago. Rothschild owned the Tring Group of reservoirs and he introduced the fish to Marsworth Reservoir, the middle lake at Claydon and the Shoulder of Mutton Lake at Woburn.

Cats were showing at Claydon in the fifties and Reg Hutt caught one which, I believe, weighed 26lbs and was accepted as the British Record cat.

Until about 1963, fishing was not allowed at Woburn Abbey, but then tickets were made available and both cats and zander were caught. I believe that some of the cats found their way into other waters, as did some of the zander.

The cats in Marsworth have rarely shown since their introduction, though one that weighed 44lbs was caught from Wilstone Reservoir (one of the Tring Group) which, I believe is connected to the other reservoirs in the group. The last time I visited Marsworth Reservoir was in 2004 and Bernard Double told me that a couple of about six ounces had been caught shortly before my visit, so it would appear that not only are they still in the water, but breeding too.

A stream runs through the lakes on the Claydon Estate and eventually joins the Great Ouse, though I forget just how and where, and it was suspected for many years that the cats had made their way into the river. Certainly, several anglers, Trev Kilby and I included, hooked fish that were far too powerful for the tackle we were using for much lighter fish and we were comprehensively smashed. Trev and I hooked our fish at Lavendon Mill Farm, just a little upstream of Harold where a nice sized cat was caught a few years ago.

Although a number of Home Counties catfish did originate from those in the Shoulder of Mutton, it is common knowledge that many were transported from the continent to British waters illegally. Thankfully, the illegal stocking doesn't seem to have had any adverse effects and the cats don't seem to bother those who don't want to catch them. However, zander have also been moved illegally and the same cannot be said for them. There are many who feel that both the legal and legal stockings of zander have been disasters.


Content Editor
Jul 5, 2009
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Thorpe Park
I would say if you are buying rods specially for the cats then get a proper set. Buy cheap buy twice. Look at catfish pro persuaders 4.25 tc as an example.

This might be a good idea if you are going abroad for monsters but if, as you say, the waters you are fishing contain fish under 50lb then you won't get much fun out of using broomsticks with this kind of test curve. Plenty of cats are caught on conventional UK carp tackle and I suggest you stick with that.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2012
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Charente, France
I've just been out after cats, unsuccesfully though, this afternoon. I use a 3.25 lb TC rod, Centrepin and 30lb braid for livebaiting. On the other rod, a 2.75 lb TC I have an 8000 size Okuma fixed spool reel with 30lb braid I ledger with a popped up livebait or deadbait. I keep it off the bottom to avoid the crayfish.

For floatfishing I use a piece of closed cell foam with a tube and bead attached so that the line comes down through the middle of the foam. This gives little lateral resistance, but maximum vertical resistance. In practice the livebait finds it easier to tow the float than try and sink it so it wanders off all over the place. Every now and then I give it a tweak to liven it up and have developed a nack of steering it to some degree.

You can get some heavy Dyneema braid off eBay for a few quid. I make up a trace then coat the hooklength in a couple of coats of PVA glue to protect it from the cat's pads and give it a bit of stiffness. I've used 60lb mono in the past and even that gets abraided during a capture.

terry m

Well-known member
Nov 14, 2010
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New Forest, Hampshire
I would imagine that hooking a big cat on a centrepin would be extremely interesting, how large have you had them using that approach nicepix?


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2012
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Charente, France
I would imagine that hooking a big cat on a centrepin would be extremely interesting, how large have you had them using that approach nicepix?

The biggest on the centrepin to date was just over 16lbs. I'm still after one over 30lb, but I only started after them at the end of July having been preoccupied with some carp I found. The lake I have been fishing is over 200 hectares, 3 miles from end to end, and I'm only just getting to know it. The biggest out this year to my knowledge was around 160lb so it's no good fannying around with a light rod and hoping for the best. If I can get one over 50lb by around mid-November I'll be happy. Then next season I can start all over again with a bit better knowledge.

The centrepin I use has a proper disc drag like a multiplier so I don't burn all the skin off my thumb trying to stop the fish :D


I have two and use them for carp and barbel too. When livebiting all you need is an underhand lob. No need to cast to the other bank. Much of the time the bait is wandering about under trees and close to the bank so I can keep in direct contact with the float like when trotting. It's just a case of switching the drag on as quick as possible when the float is engulfed :eek: