Canoes detterents


Well-known member
Jul 2, 2009
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The thread below about jet skis spurred me on to write this:

I went fishing on the upper Trent recently on my day off. Drove an hour, lugged my gear, prepped the swim (great free spot) settled down. A family turns up with a massive canoe on the roof of car, make a load of noise, unload canoe, approach me and ask if its ok to launch the canoe in my swim as its the only accessible point for some distance.

So I'm looking at the excited kids, and the mother/father (even grandpapa was there) and think that's me screwed. if it was just a guy I would have told him quite bluntly no, but with the exited kids....

So I pulled the dad to one side, said I would move (big operation upstream), explained that I had driven a long way, will ruin the swim (all politely) and let them at it. Que: banging splashing and general swim carnage. and to top it off the guy looked at little miffed at me.

What can you do....... I have also had the jet ski thing on the dove.... nightmare.

So I'm thinking maggots in catapult at ready for anything that moves in my swim from this point on....unless anyone else has any idea's.


Content Editor
Jul 5, 2009
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Thorpe Park
Is there a PRN on the upper Trent? If not just tell them sorry, it's unlawful and don't move. Kids have to learn about the law as well as having fun.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2012
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Charente, France
Is there a PRN on the upper Trent? If not just tell them sorry, it's unlawful and don't move. Kids have to learn about the law as well as having fun.

My thoughts exactly Geoff. Its the same with those that buy their kids quads or off-road motorbikes then take them down to the local woods.

Explain that they have no right to canoe on rivers with no PRN and if they insist on launching take their car's registration number and report Harassment to the police. Just remember the magic words harassed, alarmed and distressed. As long as you feel that you have been subject to one of those three conditions the offence is proved.


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
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The thread below about jet skis spurred me on to write this:

I went fishing on the upper Trent recently on my day off. Drove an hour, lugged my gear, prepped the swim (great free spot) settled down. A family turns up with a massive canoe on the roof of car, make a load of noise, unload canoe, approach me and ask if its ok to launch the canoe in my swim as its the only accessible point for some distance.

So I'm looking at the excited kids, and the mother/father (even grandpapa was there) and think that's me screwed. if it was just a guy I would have told him quite bluntly no, but with the exited kids....

So I pulled the dad to one side, said I would move (big operation upstream), explained that I had driven a long way, will ruin the swim (all politely) and let them at it. Que: banging splashing and general swim carnage. and to top it off the guy looked at little miffed at me.

What can you do....... I have also had the jet ski thing on the dove.... nightmare.

So I'm thinking maggots in catapult at ready for anything that moves in my swim from this point on....unless anyone else has any idea's.
I know the feeling well mate, my friend and I on the tidal trent at laneham suffered from water skiers, it would,nt be to bad if they kept to the middle of the river but they don,t as soon as they see you they take the **** and plough straight through your swim, and when asked to keep to the middle they just give you a two finger salute. some years ago a friend of mine was having a tough time with skiers on a certain reservoir so one night in the early hours he went up with an axe put a hole in every boat and canoe. A bit drastic but it solved the problem for a while but i think they got the message. in the long term i think we,re stuck with them and it could get worse if the river and canal trust get there way.:mad::mad::mad::mad:


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
The following is true, believe it or not.

Fishing the River Wye earlier in the week and I saw a canoe instructor in his mid 20s, fit and healthy leading about a dozen kids in canoes, all larking about and shouting, aged between 7 or 8 and 12ish - not a helmet or life jacket between them.

About time they were properly licensed and policed.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2012
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Charente, France
I was wading and fly-fishing the Derwent nowhere near the canoe course and there was no PRN yet a supervised group went past me. What are they teaching those kids?

The last canoe came drifting past with both adult and child facing upstream, opposite the direction of travel. It drifted right towards me so I quietly got hold of the bows and gave it a bit of a shake which frightened the Hell out of them for a split second. Then I let the adult have both barrels about safety, trespass and the rest. He went away rather meekly.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
I was wading and fly-fishing the Derwent nowhere near the canoe course and there was no PRN yet a supervised group went past me. What are they teaching those kids?

The last canoe came drifting past with both adult and child facing upstream, opposite the direction of travel. It drifted right towards me so I quietly got hold of the bows and gave it a bit of a shake which frightened the Hell out of them for a split second. Then I let the adult have both barrels about safety, trespass and the rest. He went away rather meekly.

We had a canoe come up the river idle last year, thin guy with the "largest" girlfriend sat in the middle. Two members told him he was out of order and were given the old two fingered salute. Two yards further they ran aground on a shallow gravel bar and even tho he got out to heave the canoe and passenger off he was unable to move it/her.
in the end she had to get out and paddle.
Best laugh we had all day-- hillarious!. :D

---------- Post added at 20:21 ---------- Previous post was at 19:52 ----------

I was wading and fly-fishing the Derwent nowhere near the canoe course and there was no PRN yet a supervised group went past me. What are they teaching those kids?

The last canoe came drifting past with both adult and child facing upstream, opposite the direction of travel. It drifted right towards me so I quietly got hold of the bows and gave it a bit of a shake which frightened the Hell out of them for a split second. Then I let the adult have both barrels about safety, trespass and the rest. He went away rather meekly.

We had a canoe come up the river idle last year, thin guy with the "largest" girlfriend sat in the middle. Two members told him he was out of order and were given the old two fingered salute. Two yards further they ran aground on a shallow gravel bar and even tho he got out to heave the canoe and passenger off he was unable to move it/her.
in the end she had to get out and paddle.
Best laugh we had all day-- hillarious!. :D


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2009
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Another true story.
Many years ago fishing The Yorkshire Derwent , above a weir, Canoes all round being canoes, doing what they do mess up your fishing. So as it was close to home time,I packed up and as you do, dumped the spare left over maggots into the River. Where they landed ooops!!!!, Unknown to me but sitting in the bank undercut right under my feet ,out of my sight,was one Canoe and paddler.!
Poor beggar got the lot.!!! Many apologies offered. But live maggots go everywhere as we all know.!


I was fishing my local river on Saturday evening when I heard a commotion coming from the direction of the weir which was out of sight a couple of hundred yards above me.

This went on for some fifteen minutes or so and I had put it down to kids crossing the weir on the rocks that litter it until two canoe loads of adults, three a boat, drifted by as I took pictures on my phone.

The real gem was the comment made by a guy in the lead canoe to the effect of...

"We'll probably be on Crime Watch next week"!

Illustrating to me that they clearly knew they were trespassing and were totally oblivious of the spawning grounds they had just wrecked as they would have had to man handle their craft to the bottom of the weir.

Ignorance is bliss... :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
I was fishing my local river on Saturday evening when I heard a commotion coming from the direction of the weir which was out of sight a couple of hundred yards above me.

This went on for some fifteen minutes or so and I had put it down to kids crossing the weir on the rocks that litter it until two canoe loads of adults, three a boat, drifted by as I took pictures on my phone.

The real gem was the comment made by a guy in the lead canoe to the effect of...

"We'll probably be on Crime Watch next week"!

Illustrating to me that they clearly knew they were trespassing and were totally oblivious of the spawning grounds they had just wrecked as they would have had to man handle their craft to the bottom of the weir.

Ignorance is bliss... :rolleyes:

Hummm Piano wire at 10 inches & 15 inches that should stop the ingress :wh maybe with around 100,000 volts running thru it .... :) .