How do they sleep?

Cliff Hatton

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2009
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Mid Wales
Just fired this off to Ann Clwyd, MP for Cynon Valley, South Wales.

I'm Cliff Hatton, editor of Britain's most popular angling website with 60,000+ members, A recurring theme on our website is LITTER.

There was a time - and I can remember it - when litter was something of an abberation. It certainly wasn't rare to see discarded bottles, tins and paper rubbish defacing verges and hedgerows but it was uncommon enough to constitute a clear and obvious deviation from the norm. Now, rubbish-strewn highways and byways, country lanes, public paths, rivers and bodies of still water ARE the norm, and in all my extensive travels I am yet to find anywhere quite as disgusting as The Valleys, and your constituency in particular. The otherwise beautiful Taff Trail is an eyesore from start to finish, strewn with enough aluminium cans to keep Port Talbot Steel recycling for the next 6 months. Quakers Yard: potentially a pleasant area - but festooned with junk. Mountain Ash? Possibly the foulest and most depressing cess pit I have ever encountered.

As MP for these areas, are you currently doing anything about this massive problem, Ms Clwyd? Littering is a huge problem throughout the country but in the South Wales valleys it constitutes nothing less than a scandal, a phenomenon which must, surely, have a profound effect on the local population: how can one - culprit or victim - lead a decent and meaningful life whilst surrounded by rubbish?

'Litter' does not make the sexiest headlines, nor does it contribute to the 'heavy meat' that MPs like to get their teeth into, but its debilitating effect on the national psyche is incalculable; it is a very important matter that fundamentally affects the way we think of ourselves and our worth as individuals within wider society. Indeed, Ms Clwyd - how can you go about your daily parliamentary duties, involving yourself in Arms Exports, International Development, Human Rights and Foreign Policy when your very foundation as a constituency MP is nothing more than an ocean of sh**e?

Are you able to explain this to me, and others? Can you tell us why the media isn't trumpeting Ann Clwyd's determination to santize the valleys and to make rubbish-dumping and littering a serious offence punishable with MASSIVE fines? I mean, Ms Clwyd, can you entertain friends in the living room when you know your bathroom's filthy?

I look forward to your reply,

Cliff Hatton

Rt Hon Ann Clwyd MP - UK Parliament - why not give Ann Clwyd the benefit of your thoughts on her constituency?


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2015
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Personally i have no thoughts, the welsh as a nation wants autonomy.
i say, let them have it warts an all.
we as a country have more pressing problems of our own, problems that impact on the sport we love, the lives of our own family's and the people immediately around us.
if you dont want to see filth when you holiday then just dont go there, they will soon (ahem) tidy up their act ;)
who holidays in the slums of Dheli or Soweto? not me chum :D

oh!! apparently i DID have thoughts after all :doh: