Trust Ambassador Resigns


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
Just read that Des Taylor has resigned as an angling trust ambassador, he will imo be a loss to the trust as he knows what he is on about and speaks his mind.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
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Does he...I beleive he's now an ambassador for the barbel society


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May 11, 2017
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I'm of the opinion that unless the majority of anglers are members the trust is toothless,sadly,I wouldn't have accepted that at it's inception,fighting it's corner with a vengeance,but with the vast majority of anglers being apathetic and just wanting to go fishing,it's a tragedy of epic proportions.Des I feel goes with his feelings at the time,a bit like John Wilson used to...


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2015
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South Yorkshire.
The AT behave just like politicians, they make all the right noises and do nothing other than pay the directors a decent wage on the back of people that really care. Notably the volunteers.
Am I a member, no I'm not. Will I ever be, not on your nelly.
Des Taylor I doubt will say why he resigned, we could all come up with our own ideas as to why.

By the way, if every angler in the country joined the Trust it would just give the ones getting paid a bigger bank balance. Still having no effect on my fishing.
My fishing is all that matters to me. I couldn't care about any in effective self appointed governing body.


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May 11, 2017
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I'm afraid that's the issue for me,I don't need a governing body,I need a group who fight my corner in public,not sit and believe there is nothing wrong in the world.

Jeff Woodhouse

Moaning Marlow Meldrew
Jan 2, 2002
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Subtropical Buckinghamshire
I'm not sure of the full reasons why Des resigned as an Ambassador, not sure whether he is still a full member or not, but I do understand why he criticised the appointment of some Ambassadors. I.e.: those that contribute NOTHING to angling except lend their name and a few choice words of praise. Cheap enough it seems.

We do still need an organisation to fight for us, on inland waters just as much as at sea. Without one you will soon find that angling will come to a sticky end, but by then it will be too late. Your rods can be used to grow peas or runner beans up, not sure what you do with your reels other than weigh them in as scrap metal.

However, although being a supporter (carried over from ACA and SAA days) I have not rejoined this year over three issues. One is that they have ruined our regional forum that operated as a proper meeting and although I can't say that achieved much, we thought it might. Two is that our association first joined as a consultative at £50, then later we could be an association for £50 plus £50 with waters - total £100, but now they want money for every member even though we don't have individual members and many of the clubs are already ATr members; paying yet again? The third reason is more personal and one I don't wish to go into.

We do still need an organisation, but I do feel that somewhere along the lines they have been derailed. I'll fight with tooth and nail for anglers and improvements to the environment, but on my own terms since I can control the arguments that I put forward and to whom I put them to ensure some success.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2010
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I am not a member now I was for many years a member of the old ACA and therefore became a member of the AT.

Not really sure what anglers want from the AT what some want will never happen i.e. controls on otters and cormorants.
These animals and birds have the backing of millions of people and millions of pounds and they would rather ban angling first.

So we do really need a strong group to fight our corner. I honestly believe that we will turn round one day and find fishing is banned. Please don’t say it won’t happen with some of the restrictions in place on some waters it already as been.
I can now only fish one of my lakes on Mondays and Fridays if other waters sports aren’t using it. At one time it was going to completely stopped.

The problem is that we all want something different from a governing body. I think many of us look on the AT as something for the match men a bit like the old NFA and it’s not for us.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
The problem is that we all want something different from a governing body. I think many of us look on the AT as something for the match men a bit like the old NFA and it’s not for us.

No although at their inception one could have been forgiven for thinking that as specialist anglers were ignored even though the SAA had contributed around 10k to get them started I want them to stop being in the EAs pocket taking money from them to do their job, taking money from a polluter and to do something about the illegal paddler problem other than putting out meaningless headlines about advice from a barrister that means nowt.

I reckon an angler like DT knows what should be being done and has had enough of seeing the trust not doing it.


Well-known member
May 11, 2017
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I am not a member now I was for many years a member of the old ACA and therefore became a member of the AT.

Not really sure what anglers want from the AT what some want will never happen i.e. controls on otters and cormorants.
These animals and birds have the backing of millions of people and millions of pounds and they would rather ban angling first.

So we do really need a strong group to fight our corner. I honestly believe that we will turn round one day and find fishing is banned. Please don’t say it won’t happen with some of the restrictions in place on some waters it already as been.
I can now only fish one of my lakes on Mondays and Fridays if other waters sports aren’t using it. At one time it was going to completely stopped.

The problem is that we all want something different from a governing body. I think many of us look on the AT as something for the match men a bit like the old NFA and it’s not for us.

I agree with your sentiments on the possibility of fishing being banned,but what I think anglers want is a group who are prepared to actually communicate vocally about the truths to do with fish(not anglers so much)and the waterways,otters are an apex predator ,which means they prey on most creatures their size or smaller,Joe public doesn't know that they can kill cygnets,geese etc,many have no idea why the ducklings,coots and moorhens are less plentiful,i'm not asking for a cull,what i'd like is less help to accelerate their progress,again the average Joe doesn't know about the legal release of neat sewage when high river levels occur,I tell many dog walkers,the dismay they show is unbelievable.A recently left high level AT spokesperson openly stated that otters did no harm to rivers,WHAT planet was he from,whether or not action would be required against any animal or avian predator that sort of statement is nothing less than irresponsible,as on my local river virtually all the barbel have gone,perch and chub carcasses are found weekly and otters are seen in daylight,I had one after crays under my feet for twenty minutes in January and better still when angling is banned,certain parts of our multi-national community will still fish with immunity,stinks eh....rant over,lets go fishing...;)


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
A recently left high level AT spokesperson openly stated that otters did no harm to rivers,WHAT

Yes I saw that and found it strange that the said piece didn't appear on here as there have been lots of stuff here from the author previously, a cynical person might say that its because of the furore it caused particularly when the author said this in 2011 in an Anglers Mail interview

Theres been to much pussyfooting around on the issue of predation of inland fisheries by both cormorants and otters.

I know he comes on here at times perhaps if he sees this he would care to explain his change of heart? I wont hold my breath though.

no-one in particular

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
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Fishing being banned has always been thought of as a big vote loser but then if enough people wanted it banned could it become a vote winner. However, they would have to ban salmon and trout fishing as well, cannot see that going down well in the House of Lordships.

Peter Jacobs

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Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire
Whatever Mr Taylor's reasons are for quitting his position they are just that . . . his and his alone.

I wouldn't dream of speaking on editorial content but in the overall scheme of things Mr Taylor leaving a largely a ceremonial role is hardly headline news.

In fact, and I just did a google search on this, I cannot find much if anything at all regarding Mr Taylor's activity as an "ambassador" . . . . .

As an individual member of the Trust I have to say that I don't see much of a use in these ambassadorial positions at all, so if and when one decides to quit, well, the sun will still rise in the East tomorrow.
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Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Have to admit I was underwhelmed also Peter.

But there are a few more Ambassadors that support Otters than just one. At least I know quite a few of them.

The AT lost my interest when set up as Government Quango and even more so when the interelationships with other environmental water stakeholders became too incestuous rather than more combative.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
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Graham, for sure the combative approach would never work...we would be just steam rollered by the likes of Thames water.

I'm a member of the ATr, what it does for me I don't really know. Perhaps I need a rethink.

Des has perhaps moved onto the barbel society due to there re-launch as a more combative organisation aligning more with PAG.

sam vimes

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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North Yorkshire.
I'm not remotely interested in the fact that Des Taylor has resigned as an AT ambassador. Nor do I care for his reasons for doing so. However, I am shocked by Jeff's admission that he's no longer an individual member. For someone that has been rather vocal in his support of the AT, that's quite something.

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Jason. You think it's working now then?

No I think a more combative approach would galvanise support for one (the key) of the failures....lack of members!

Anglers would think it's working for them against the powers that be. That affect their sport.

Rather than the current political approach and posturing by/with the political machinery in place.

It's more like a friendly old boys club with benefits.

Needs shaking up....and some genuine fervour, with a fight the good fight approach.
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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
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I am surprised (NOT) that the ATr hasn't announced this resignation with the same fanfare it gave to recruiting celebrities as Ambassadors! I would like to know what effect it has had on the membership overall - and some of the 'high-ups' in particular!

I quite enjoy our local ATr-hosted forums with the EA - particularly the frisson of tension between the two bodies when confronted by a (generally polite) mob of Anglers - especially when they promised action on some moot point at a previous meeting!

After the recent well-publicised Irwell Pollution incidents, we have had some difficulty getting answers from EA about steps to stop it happening again - it'll be interesting at the next Forum in a week or so to see whether ATr can point a way forward and prod FishLegal into taking any action :eek:

The EA has shown itself to be unfit for purpose in terms of monitoring and protecting the environment on our local rivers - hopefully the ATr can push them in the right direction - else there could be mass resignations of ordinary members in the NorthWest - not just 1 or 2 celebrity Ambassadors!:eek:mg:


Well-known member
May 11, 2017
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Yes I saw that and found it strange that the said piece didn't appear on here as there have been lots of stuff here from the author previously, a cynical person might say that its because of the furore it caused particularly when the author said this in 2011 in an Anglers Mail interview

Theres been to much pussyfooting around on the issue of predation of inland fisheries by both cormorants and otters.

I know he comes on here at times perhaps if he sees this he would care to explain his change of heart? I wont hold my breath though.

I knew said person occasionally posted on FM and didn't want to give a name,he is definitely entitled to his opinion,but having several good friends in his area,have heard a few things,some of which seem a little strange from educated knowledgeable angler.