Let's all take some good advice from Graham

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
The West
I have just taken time to read through all of the salient threads regarding the current FM crisis, and I thought I'd flag up this post from Graham because it was somewhat obscured in a long thread, and answers many of our current shared worries.<blockquote class=quoteheader>Graham Marsden wrote (see)</blockquote><blockquote class=quote>

Let's get a few things straight before any more false assumptions and daft conspiracy theories raise their ugly heads.

If negotiations for FM are ongoing on 19th December the site will remain open until it's clear that it will not be sold.

Ed Marriage is genuinely ill but has been able to send an odd email from home.

Magicalia are not out to screw anyone, they've made a commercial decision to close FM unless it's sold and they will do all they can to sell it rather than close it.

If it does close down I can't see any problem with any contributor using his own contributions anywhere he likes. After all, those contributions will not have any value to Magicalia.

By all means arrange to have a site where a resemblance of FM can carry on if the site closes.

But otherwise, calm down, be patient, wait for Ed to return to work and for Chris to have his chat with him.

And finally, don't assume that Chris is the only one showing an interest in buying / taking over the site. </blockquote>

Sage advice, I think you'll agree,from the man with FM's continued success closest to his heart, and having spoken to Chris earlier in the week, I am confident that the best people are pursuing the best avenues for FM's continuance (is that the right word?).

I think it speaks volumes that other sites are already lining up to poach our membership.

Cheer up folks and have faith, and if it does all go 'twaite's up', we already have our disaster scenarios in place.


Fred Bonney

Exactly ****y, it's not over 'til Deanos sings/forum/smilies/big_smile_smiley.gif

I'll get Dave Burr to give you lessons ****y!

Steve King

I agree the best solution is if the site is bought outright by Chris or A N Other bidder.

Becoming part of another site would just not be the same. I joined Facebook a while back, but hardly used it. I now have joined the FM group, but probably won't post much there unless this site (God forbid) closes.

I hope Ed Marriage recovers soon and is able to negociate with potential buyers.

Wolfman Woody

I couldn't agree more with you, ****y, it is a terrible typo in the thread title.

Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score

(meanwhile I'll look up the lyrics of The Internationale, Battle Hymn of the Republic, Advance Australia fair (for Ron) and any other suitable martial airs!!/forum/smilies/wink_smiley.gif)

Ron 'The Hat' Clay (ACA)

"Advance Australia Fair"??????

I much prefer "Tie Me Kangeroo Down Sport" with all the rude and racist verses!

Graham Whatmore

Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
Reaction score
Lydney, in the Forest of Dean

One good thing may have come out of all this! There are so many headless chickens running about this site and given the time of year, we should be able to make enough money selling them to buy this site many times over.

Peter Jacobs

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
In God's County: Wiltshire
Given that this thread is the most practical and sensible (with the odd exception) I will make it a 'sticky' in the hopes that the gesturing, postulating, sneering and snide comment threads will sink down the page.

Take a collective deep breath, sit back, relax and wait until there is some concrete information, before going off half-cocked, and screaming into the night!


delete the other one Peter, if just to stop me posting on it...... can't resist!

Bill Cox

wont help you'll post on this one instead./forum/smilies/smile_smiley.gif


Thank you, ****y, for chucking a bucket of cold water over the unruly if loveable mob. Latest on the grapevine is that Magicalia have a number of offers on the table, and are saying they have no intention of shutting down FM until they have explored the commercial options.

So we'll all be here over Crimbo when we're not enjoying our Boxing Day piking or whatever takes your fancy.

I'm really sorry that Bob Roberts has gone, but I have to say there were some pretty corrosive comments in the thread that didn't exactly breed optimism. I did PM Bob to let him know how hurtful I thought his comments were, but he just hurled me another load of negativity. I'm surprised he doesn't walk with a limp with the size of the chip on his shoulder.

Hold on in there, boys and girls. Maybe it will be a Happy New Year after all.

Now, let's get on with making the site nice and Christmassy.... get the holly out Graham..