thank god for this forum


Drew McDonald

No I'm not some religeous nut I just couldn't think of any other name for this thread, and I mean it because there are people on here who can help me with my every fishing problem, the joints on my pole are cracking and splitting, can they be fixed or is it time to bin it, it's an 11.5 metre Dam, I only bought it cheap because I'm trying to learn how to pole fish,the last two cracked when I was trying to dismantle it,I only put it all together and shipped it out to see if I could use it at it's full length,I cant.

Rodney Wrestt

Drew this has cropped up from time to time on the forums and there are a few reasons for it happening, it can be wear and tear, grit getting inside the sections or pressure from being stepped on or being under pressure when in storage. I don't know how old the pole is or how much you paid for it but if it's happening on a few sections perhaps it's time to get a new one, the older poles were much heavier than the new ones. I have a 12.5 meter one and can fish it at 9-10 meters comfortably and add the other sections if needed during a fight, most of the time I only use up to between 7-9 meters though.

Look here for contact details for <a href=>pole repairs</a> in the post by Peter Morton.