Jackie Ballard.. I know, again


Steve Mills

This is relevent...promise
If ever an animal needed to be put to sleep by the RSPCA its this one. On Question Time put her points forward about animal cruelty ie hunting (at the moment)based on what appears to be knowledge gained from 'a girl guides book of knowledge'. She advocates shooting the fox as humane, ok, so the fox doesn't get killed outright but severely injured, manages to crawl away and die in fear and agony. Maybe she would like to use the 'traditional' method of Warfarin, by ingesting this the fox will take days to die in agony while its insides literally turn to a pulp and pour out of every orifice.
I am against animal cruelty of any kind and personally wouldn't hunt and the thought of killing any animal is alien to me, however at least when the dogs get the fox it is over very quickly.
She has already set her stall out against fishing of any kind, again deeming it cruel saying it inflicts pain, going against most scientific research. It is fishermen and women of all types that have done more for waterside fauna and flora and the aquatic environment, than any other organisation, but she is out to get us. Placed in her position by the government as a puppet, being paid 90 grand a year of money from OUR pockets.
Sorry about the rant...

Tony Catling

The RSPCA is a charity based organization so perhaps if all the anglers that donate monies to them were to stop mybe it might make a little dent in there income.And if they think angling is cruel just think of the pollutants that will go unnoticed and kill many thousands of fish & wildlife because theres no anglers to report it.

Chrisx Ess

Perhaps it might be more constructive to JOIN the RSPCA?

stuart palfrey

Angling was in danger the moment this old trout got herself in the RSPCA.Be warned.