Sensible Close Season


Terry Davison

I really believe that clubs should have their own close season - as and when they see fit. It can suit when fish are actually spawning or do as we do. My own club closes our 2 waters for 2 months each. This allows the club members to carry out working parties, repairs, habitat improvements etc. What we have found is that the fish in our carp lake need food soon after spawning and not when June 16th comes along. Hence this lake closes for February and March when not many want to go fishing anyway. Our other water closes for March and April. Consequently we get some fabulous fishing in May! And, fish with other things on their minds and spawning, don't usually get caught and when they've finished, food is going in for them.

Ashe Hurst

Could the same be said for rivers?
Ive always welcomed a close season on rivers, but now am in two minds.
Again on rivers fish dont spawn between march and june on a regular basis, some do , some may not.
only three weeks ago i noticed fry no more than 1 inch in length in my local river.

This local river is a small but unpreasured water. Only in the warm summer months and at the warm week ends do i normaly see anglers fishing.
But there is a minority that do fish the river out of season year after year.
They tend to get very verbal when this is pointed out to them. Also when asked about their lisence, they feel that they dont need one.

I have informed the E/A on several occassions but nothing seems to be done.

Most of the local lakes are open all year and to be honest i have not seen any ill effect on the fish, wild life or environment in general due to fishing, except for the fly tipping and dumped vehicals that plague our area.

Some areas of the uk have no close season at all on rivers.
Feb 18, 2003
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I have been considered a nutcase for years, as I worked as a Trawl Fisherman and when in from sea most of my time was spent on the river Fly Fishing.I just about to get back on the river after an abscence of four years.There are not a lot of places for coarse fishing in this area Aberdeen but I grew up in London having been born in Bethnal Green,and this discussion used to go on even then it is about time it was settled one way or the other myself I have always believed in varying the close season according to the local conditions as more people seem be advocating at present I am 65 years of age and if a good reason for retension of a fixed close season was given I might change my opinion.