Statement from The National Anguilla Club.


Tony Jolley

The National Anguilla Club held it?s A, G, M on 23/03/03 at Long Eaton,
Within the Club business for the forth-coming year was the election of officers,
Steve Richardson had indicated his wish to step down as General Secretary, A post that Steve (eelfisher) had held for 9 years, I put my name forward as his replacement and now take on that role and all its duties,
The National Anguilla Club would publicly wish to thank Steve for all the hard work he has done for the N, A, C and its members over the many years that he has served on its committee.
Steve has not left the Club and is now involved in an exciting project within the N, A, C.
As part of my role as General Secretary I am now the first point of contact to the N, A, C.
Anyone wishing to make contact with the N, A, C can email me at.

A statement on behalf of The National Anguilla Club.

Anthony Jolley,
General Secretary.

The Monk

Good luck Anthony,
The NAC is a club with a rich and diverse history and indeed being founded in December 1962, our oldest single specie group. Every success for the future.