Rod licence


shaun simpson

I am returning to fishing with a couple of friends after a 15+ year absence and I am a bit out of tune with the whole subject now.

Not least of this is the subject of the licence.

I am planning to go shortly (day fishing) but it would be best if i could buy the licence either a day or two in advance as I don't want to buy it on the morning of fishing as it will waste valuable fishing hours - is it possible to buy the licence and have it stamped for use on a certain day later on as I suggest?

On a related note, is there any stretches of water where an additional licence is required (other than the rod licence)?

For the record I will be fishing in the Tyne river (Wylam).

Thanks in advance.

Gerry Castles

Yes it can be dated for any period you require. I frequently buy a salmon and sea trout licence in advance of the fishing date

Graham Young

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May 4, 2003
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If you buy your licence on-line you can put any date you want on it and just print off the 'receipt' which means you don't have to wait for the real licence to come through the post.

shaun simpson

Thanks for the help guys.

I will go down the online route as it cuts out some of the hassle, I just need to find something to prove my identity now.