Chris Thornhill

About 10 years ago i bought my first 2 Delkim TXi's from a secondhandshop in South London. The reason being that the owners were obviously unaware of the price of 2 TXi's, a remote, a set of buzzbars and some solar dangerlangerlangerlers. I was!! and hastily shoved the ?80 in his hand and scarpered before he got a "delkim book of kung fu tricks" out and started throwing a wobbler!!................... BUT!!!!! it was me that got shafted when i finally bought a green TXi last year to make the 3 rod set up. I bought the delkim from a shop in Holland (I live in Sweden) and when it arrived i could not tune the delkim to the remote. After 3 million letters and e-mails later and still no success. It dawned on me that the DUTCH delkim was for ""export only"" and they are on a different frequency to the British TXi's and therefore dont work together. I have never heard of this before and the shop owners never even mentioned the difference in frequencies. So even though i have a green TXi, it wont function as one and therefore its pointless in being one!! And the volume is a bit naff compared to the screaming British Delks!!! I was a tad on the pissed off side when i found out............. and NO! the Dutch tulip eaters would not give me a refund!! Does anyone know about the difference in Frequencies in TXi's???? I got WELL SHAFTED!!

Budgie Burgess

Just guessing here as I dont own or have ever worked on any,but you should be able to swop the component to the same as used in your Brit one.I wouldnt mind betting if you contacted Delkim they could help you out.Most electrical components dont cost a great deal.

Chris Thornhill

Thanks budgie, the advice is much appreciated.
Kind Regards

Chris & his dodgy delkim.