Have you noticed....

Colin North 2

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Nov 7, 2003
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Andy Little must take a suitcase with several changes of clothes when he goes fishing. In the AM this week there are photos of him wearing three different hats and at least two, possibly three different tops in an article about roach fishing at ??? Sway, or something like that

Tony Myatt

yes strange isn?t it, someone else recently mentioned it to me, I wonder why he does it ?

ED (The ORIGINAL and REAL one)

Maybe all his fans keep ripping them off him .............

simon hall

The photos were probably taken on all the different days he spent pre-baiting before he actually fished.

Ron Troversial Clay

I was once chucked off my favourite swim because a certain "star" wanted to film there.

Then I went 50 yards on and caught far more and bigger fish than he did.

Fair enough, these people are professional anglers and make a living out of it, even though they are not so good at doing it.

I don't need to make a living out of fishing.

simon hall


Just the point I was trying to make. Most of these stars bait up weeks before any fishing programme in a venue you or I would never get a chance to fish as they are either a private venue or have a exclusive waiting list as long as your arm. It's not always what you know but who you know.

The Dog

Simon are you saying that applies to Andy Little ? Most of the waters he fishes are day ticket waters that are simply looking for publicity so that more anglers visit.

As to pre-baiting what evidence to you have for that at all ? Incidentally pre-baiting is not and never has been a guarantee of big catches. If it was then when we had a closed season on lakes June 16th ought to have seen the biggest catches of the year but it rarely did.

The truth is that Andy Little is a rather good fisherman who you could put on any water and be confident that he would do well. That's why AM employ him to do the job he does.

Anglers are all too keen to waste their energy knocking the success of others. Far better to spend that energy learning from successful anglers and imprioving your own skills.

Gary Knowles 2


For Andy Little to have caught SOMETHING every week for as long as I can remember means he can't be too bad an angler eh ?

Could everyone cope with the pressure of having to catch for the camera on a regular basis ?

I know he sometimes get access to private areas and gets help of the owners, bailiff's etc. but I don't think it detracts in any way from the fact that he's aboviously a pretty good angler.

Tony Myatt

and there was I thinking this thread was a discussion on Mr Littles extensive wardrobe and sartorial elegence rather than his unquestionable angling prowess...

Nigel Connor(ACA ,SAA)

What intrigues me is why bait companies etc think that what sweatshirt/cap Andy Little or any high profile angler wears will influence anyone.

Or maybe its all subliminal?

That said, if people would pay me for swapping tops I'd glaldy oblige!Any offers?(it is 15 years since I was in the AM though!)

Colin North 2

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Nov 7, 2003
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I said nothing about his ability. I merely commented on his attire. I don't know Andy Little and even less about his fishing prowess, since I do not usually read his article. I just happened to notice the lack of continuity.

It happens that in the 60's a certain well known angling writer was proven to have used different photographs of the same fish, allegedly at completely different weights and caught at different venues, and when one sees lack of continuity such as this Andy Little article that I referred to, one has to be a little sceptical.

I'm sure Mr Little is a fine angler, with a well earned reputation.

Nigel Connor(ACA ,SAA)


I wouldn't have thought that the shots were taken on different days.It's just that he probably has agreements with sponsors to get their logos in pictures & so carries a variety of tops/caps etc.

You sometimes notice shots of the same big fish in the the AM & AM with the captor dressed differently.No problems as far as I'm concerned although there is a question as to whats happening to the fish whilst the angler does his Mr Benn act?

Colin North 2

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Nov 7, 2003
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If he's working for AM, I'd have thought that they might have some say in whether they are willing to allow "Free" advertising in their publication. They make the majortity of their money from advertising, despite the high cover price of the mag. I'm sure that there is a perfectly plausable explanation for it all.

Nigel Connor(ACA ,SAA)

He probably freelances.

I'm not sure there is any mystery & suspect it is the endorsement explanation.

Peter Jacobs

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Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire

One would hope that in the time it takes the angler to change his sponsorship clothing that the fish is being treated properly.

Maybe the advertising is supposed to be subliminal, I certainly hope so, as there are one or two anglers who would make me not want to buy anything that they are associated with.

Having fished for a long time for a sponsored team I do understand the requirements that sponsors have on their anglers though.

Budgie Burgess

Andy Little is the worlds most honest angler,just look at that Silver Carp he caught out in Bulgaria...............

Barry Edney

I haven't seen this weeks AM but I'm sure Andy done an article on Sway last year. Perhaps they just didn't get many good shots for the paper this time around, and used some of last years to fill the pages.

Tony O'Dell 2

What is the full story regarding the silver carp.....heard little snippets here and there...

Colin North 2

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Nov 7, 2003
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So Barry, what you are saying is that possibly the photo's and the article aren't contemporaneous. The article was about a recent visit. Would that not create a false impression about the venue.

Personally, I think that if you are right, AM should sack their photo editor for not spotting, or allowing, the article and pictures to be published together. AM, I am sure, have a vast library of photos they can use, but its a bit slack.