OVER THE YEARS our contributors have provided FishingMagic with some great features, reviews and opinions covering a wide range of topics. It’s there, right in your face on the home page for several days, and then it disappears, buried deep in the archives, only to be seen again if you delve deep enough via the links that lead you to them.

Many of our newest members may not even know it’s there for a while, until they’ve found time to take up the digital spade and started digging deep into that treasure trove of information.

So we thought that every Monday we’d give you a flying start by highlighting a few of the best features in the FM archives. We’ll choose a particular theme each week and provide links to several of the best articles and reviews on that topic.

This week’s theme: Bait Fishing for Pike

My Way with Pike
‘If I had to choose my overall favourite method of piking I would, without a shadow of doubt, choose a free-roaming livebait fished on a sliding float.’ Says Paul Williams
Bait Size for Pike
In the Forum Philip Inzani asks what anglers’ thoughts are about bait sizes for pike.
The Poppernoster Pike Rig
Chris Bishop shows us the Poppernoster Pike Rig, a rig for fishing virtually tangle-free popped-up deadbaits.
Landing, Handling and Unhooking Pike
In spite of its size and impressive set of teeth, the pike is one of our most fragile species says Paul Hiom.

Owner Stinger Treble Hooks
A quality treble hook from renowned hook manufacturer Owner, distributed by Harrisons.
Fox Micron P Drop-off Alarm
A well established, mercury-tilt type, drop-off bite alarm for predator fishing – long term test.

Got some sardines and I’d just like some advice. They’re big sardines, about 15 centimetres… – Michael Rouse.