Neil Jupp
P.O. Box 350, Warrington

Telephone (01925) 411774
Fax (01925) 411774

2nd October 2001

Mixed fortunes remains the name of the game at present, goodfishery reports are matched by poor fishery reports at the moment. This is in the main attributable to the changing weather conditions,as we slowly but surely move into winter mode, with cooling weatherpatterns and shorter daylight hours.

Nevertheless sport can be very good as proven by Committee memberIan Taylor’s grandson, Ryan. Ryan at eight years old had never beenfishing before, and last Sunday he eventually wore his granddad downenough to gain a trip to Farm Pool. Here, during his first shortsampler outing, he proceeded to land roach and perch in successionuntil his thirtieth fish, a lively perch, nicked his hand with itsgill case after which he wanted to go home. Incidentally at the timeof writing, he was back applying pressure to his granddad for anothertrip.

Another members guest, Colin West, enjoyed a good afternoonsfishing with his angling companion Dave Derbyshire on Belmont Poollast week. Colin’s catch was made up of mirror carp up to 13.5lb, anddid a little better than his friend Dave. Dave jovially indicatedthat it was his bait and swim advice that allowed Colin to out-fishhim on the day.

River levels are like the proverbial ‘fiddlers elbow’ at themoment, up and down due to the high levels of rainfall over the pastweek or two.

It is always advisable to check with the Environment Agencies’Rivercall’ service, prior to making a long journey to the riverside.This service will allow you to know at what level the rivers are atany given moment, and whether or not it is rising or falling.

Still waters remaining fairly steady in their form are:- Village,Farm, Willow, Oak, Belmont, Founders and Statham Pools, although noguarantees can be given due to the changeability of the weather atthis time of year.

Hopefully, the restrictions imposed on night fishing will belifted by the time you have read this. If so, this will be due to apositive improvement in the littering problems. However, thesituation will be closely monitored with appropriate action taken ifthe problem reoccurs. For confirmation of the situation please givethe head bailiff, Kev Peers a ring on 574248 or alternatively give mea ring.

I can be contacted on 01925 411774.