All change...



I’m hoping there are a few more weeks of late summer still left but make no mistake autumn will soon be upon us.

On reflection I’m quite pleased that I’ve spread myself around a bit more this summer, tench are the notable absentees from my catch records in any numbers but all things considered I’ve managed to avoid the long preoccupation with barbel that I seemed to have last year.

With autumn in mind I will soon be turning my efforts to pike and zander along with trying to keep my hand in across the board, winter floodwater barbel will as always be a target and of course that big perch which forever eludes me.

So… Looking back how do you rate your summer and going forward what will you be targeting and doing differently?

terry m

Well-known member
Nov 14, 2010
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New Forest, Hampshire
Summer has been relaxed as it always is with fishing for me. I am in 100% 'pleasure mode' which means although I am keen to do well, I do not take it overly seriously, and strangely enough that relaxed approach has led to a great summer catch wise.

But, autumn and winter are different for me. Real focus on the rivers and the approaching predator season means proper planning and real effort.

Can't wait.....


But, autumn and winter are different for me. Real focus on the rivers and the approaching predator season means proper planning and real effort.

Can't wait.....

It could be the season that you bank that elusive thirty Terry :)

(Insert fingers crossed thingy >here< )

Good luck with it...


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2010
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Glad you’ve enjoyed the Summer, I always do. It will last a little longer down ‘sarf’, I’ve usually got another month of summer fishing for Tench and Carp and this year looks like it may be warmer than August!

Had a blast so far, some tremendous fish, great company, good wine and food ‘lakeside’, one of the best I can remember.

As the days get shorter and a little cooler, I’m planning to do a bit of Roach fishing before starting my Autumn/Winter Pike campaign, usually starts sometime in October.

Looking forward to it.



Well-known member
Sep 2, 2012
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I have to confess that I am somewhat dismayed at how quickly summer has passed and how little time I have spent fishing, but it has nonetheless been hugely enjoyable, being only my second season since returning after a long absence. Last season I was "between jobs" and was on paid gardening leave when the season started and could go rather more frequently than I can now, so each trip is much anticipated. I think I have learned to read the water better, to present bait better and above all have the courage to try something different. I do not think I have ever caught so many Perch in a season before, even when using bait like Pearl Barley! I have only had the one large Chub, but in terms of numbers, I would say that I have caught significantly more fish than last season, albeit that they were predominantly small. The advice from other club members and regulars on this forum has helped tremendously. I have so far failed in my quest for a large Roach, but have been much encouraged by reports of some bigger ones being seen and on odd occasions caught this season. There is still plenty of time for that however.

terry m

Well-known member
Nov 14, 2010
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New Forest, Hampshire
It could be the season that you bank that elusive thirty Terry :)

(Insert fingers crossed thingy >here< )

Good luck with it...

Thanks Binka - it will not be for want of trying I can promise you.

One day my friend, one day!

Then I can die a happy man.


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2012
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Started this season with high hopes and opened with a blinding few days on the Wye sharing Phils first barbel, seems I came home with his monkey on my back.
Everything has conspired against me this summer and fishing just hasnt really happened so I can only say that I am delighted to see the back of this summer, and the way things are going I am begining to suspect that I will probably be just as happy to see the end of this season.

mick b

Well-known member
Mar 3, 2010
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Me to, this summer has been nothing but 'general duties' around the house and family.
Long overdue surgery on an old sports injury has me limping around just now but at least I will be ready for when the leaves start to fall.

Just might manage a few evenings chasing the big STs when/if the run starts in earnest, but drifting the banks and SWFFING must wait 'til later.

If your doing the fish-in I will pop along for a chat.


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2013
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For me summer has never my favorite time of year, but have had some good catches of silver fish. Roach to 1-10 and a very pleasing dace of 15oz. Last weekend i had a dozen perch on the ouse to 2-4. Looking forward to the autumn/winter when the pike fishing starts i have decided this year to spend more time on the rivers, Thames and ouse rather than the the lakes.. But looking forward to going to the broads with 7 mates in January for our annual 4 day bash.. :):):):)


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2012
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Me to, this summer has been nothing but 'general duties' around the house and family.
Long overdue surgery on an old sports injury has me limping around just now but at least I will be ready for when the leaves start to fall.

Just might manage a few evenings chasing the big STs when/if the run starts in earnest, but drifting the banks and SWFFING must wait 'til later.

If your doing the fish-in I will pop along for a chat.

Hi Mick,
Definately going to try for the fish in, It would be great to meet up, time is a real problem for me at the moment though, still havent got the boat in the water and stuff is still pileing up. Things arent all bad though, just spent an indecent amount of money on a lightweight Japanese spinning rod. . . .


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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Just spent a few hours this weekend trying to sort out my winter gear. I know it's not here yet but I have been out trying some new gear and styles of fishing that aren't so familiar to me. Much of my summer fishing was for Crucians which was great, even tho I found no specimens or a pb. They were a doddle at first then became very cagey and needed superfine set up to register bites. Overshotted pole float with a dab of vaseline to hold it on the surface.
The rain lately set our local river flowing so I got out after the roach and found a few decent ones amongst some sizeable shoals. If only I had thought to electronically tag them so they could be found next month.
Perch have been mad. Biggest only around 2lbs but so many. So so many.
Best treat this summer tho was catching Gudgeon again on my local river.
Next best was only encountering a couple of dozen carp. Last couple of years I caught them relentlessly no matter what I tried.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2014
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Retford, North Notts
My summer has been great really, had three new PBs plus one or two firsts. The PBs were barbel at 8lb 10oz, roach at 1lb 7oz and chub at 5lb on the dot. I also caught my first barbel on freelining tactics (the other day).

I was hoping to do some overnight carp sessions but was unable to as I've been chopping and changing jobs since May and I've been rather short of money. Next year I am definitely aiming to do some overnighters and some good day ticket carp fishing. This year has been the first year I've properly done some river fishing as I was previously more interested in pike and carp. Spent the first few days of river season trying to decide if I was enjoying it as I struggled to get a barbel for a bit, I'd had a few before but they were only tiny and I was struggling to get anything other than chub. Then all of a sudden I was catching three, four or maybe five in short day sessions!

It was a great summer don't get me wrong but next year:
- More lure fishing
- Do some carp fishing
- Bream and tench fishing
- Stickfloat!!!