Here's The Evidence...Martin Gay's 50lb Common Carp

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Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
Dorsetand chub wrote: "There must be documentary evidence"

But there IS 'documentary evidence', Dorset - lots of it. Strong evidence. You might even say 'solid proof' - UNLESS you simply write-off Martin's detailed, Meteorological Office-corroborated diary and the Moor Hall AC 1990 AGM minutes as downright LIES.

If you DON'T believe the M.O and the Moor Hall AC committee are liars then you have the strongest possible proof that Martin caught his half-ton of big 90-91 commons in England. Martin attended the meeting (his name is listed under 'those present') when, according to Selman, he was supposed to have been in Canada.

If you're keen enough, Dorset, (and Graham Elliot, who wrote "Too many ifs and buts and no substantial evidence to prove a thing") go back and look for yourselves...


Have you actually read anything I've written? Would it help if I typed it more slowly or in capitals?

I don't have to write anything off as lies, they simply don't prove anything other than, probably, MG was in the UK. Fine, all good. As I've told you on a dozen occasions, disproving Paul Selman, even disproving completely the Canadian case does NOT prove the British case.

Again, as I've said a dozen times, on the balance of probability the fish ARE British but is that established beyond any and all reasonable doubt? Not to my mind and, by extension, clearly not in the minds of a good many others on here.

Again, pointed out multiple times, I appreciate MG was your friend and I didn't know him but he COULD and SHOULD have made all this unnecessary by keeping accurate records of his captures. He didn't do that. Fail.

As for a "Met Office corroborated diary", that is, frankly, laughable. It's as much evidence as I am a Nun. I'm guessing he didn't take his own weather person around every time he went fishing? So, the weather is "passed fit" by the Met Office? Great. Could have been written anywhere with a weather description gleaned from (showing my age in the pre internet age) the World Service or a quick phone call home. No matter, again it doesn't prove anything.

Diaries say only what the writer wants them to say. I can remember the National press queueing up to purchase the Jack The Ripper and Adolf Hitler diaries. It's possible MG wrote those because, as history records, Jack and Ze Fuhrer never did!!

IF the following occurrence took place and, note, I say IF, and I raise this because others have done so prior to this point. His 50lb fish was claimed at 48lb to make it more believable, more sellable. To remove weight from a fish is as inaccurate and wrong as adding weight. If we are to keep records for a complete history of carp fishing then those records MUST be as accurate as possible otherwise why do it?

Last year, I was very fortunate to catch a 9lb 7oz barbel, my best. I could have added a few ounces and called it my first double but I would never, ever dream of doing that. I wanted to share it with the other guys on here and I will not share a lie.

You're the editor of what is, in effect, an angling magazine. If one of your reporters massaged the facts like that to make a story more believable, I would expect disciplinary action to be taken.

So, we're back to the question of the level of proof. As I've said previously, many times, the level of proof I personally require is that of the Crown Court, "beyond all reasonable doubt", yours would would appear to be "balance of probability" - simply not enough for me, sorry.

There are enough "well known" anglers who have shown characteristics unbecoming of men fortunate enough to have been afforded a living, often a good living, through this fantastic sport. I'm not placing MG in that category but I AM saying that that is why I demand the level of proof I do to establish the veracity of a claimed fish.

Some more interesting phrases you've used, "us in this camp" and "intellectual wall" or something similar. I'd have thought, as an editor, you'd be interested in established facts, verifying and researching. I have raised a great many points and questions that both you and Eddie have ignored, I would guess, because you can't answer them. It's not a personal thing, I happen to think, as I've said, that Eddie is a good guy and that you are too but you MUST, you are duty bound to explore ALL aspects of this story which you haven't done. You make huge capital of Paul Selman's testimony and how wrong the Carp Society were in their treatment of MG but you make NO mention of the fact that he had a huge beef with them, with modern carp fishing per se and that there was every possibility his behaviour was affected by that disagreement.

You brush away people's concerns when, on multiple occasions, evidence is requested but cannot be produced, often with poor excuses for such. That would not persuade me to have printed this story, far from it.

Finally, intellectual wall or whatever? I'm guessing you're questioning my intellect? Disagreeing with you must mean my intellect is insufficient? Do two Bachelor's, a Master's and a Doctorate of Letters with twenty years of examining medieval and post medieval documents belong to an idiot? I'm a Liverpool lad and idiots get drowned in buckets back there. Ma never raised any eejits.

If you're so certain of your evidence, let's agree the fish was over the then British record weight. Put your evidence in front of Mr Phil Smith and the BRFC. If they acknowledge the fish as a new "record", based on what they read, I'll do your washing up for a week.

That said, by your own admission, you'll never prove the authenticity of MG's claims, never prove the fish were English so you've shifted the goalposts to attacking Paul Selman. Fine, do that all you like but don't do it thinking or hoping it will pull the wool over my eyes because it won't.

There ARE too many wonky donkeys in this horse race, too many unanswered questions, too much non-produced evidence.

It's largely down to level of proof, our levels simply differ. Have to agree to disagree, I guess.


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2013
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Cliff and Eddie have you been led up the garden path by your friend ?

I think you need bring the known angler who see the swim into the fold to start getting to the bottom of this once and for all.
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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
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Can we start again?

NO! Not again! :eek::rolleyes::eek:mg::eek:mg:

This is the 4th thread (losing count :rolleyes:) on the same subject by this same poster in the last 2 years - if it was anyone but the Editor they'd have been banned by now! :D:eek:mg:


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2008
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Philip: my use of the words 'liars' and 'lies' must be read in context and I'm somewhat frustrated by your inability to recognize this.

As the facts show I was not the only person misled by your comments. E.g James clearly thinks you called him a liar, this suggests the issue is not my lack of ability to understand what your saying. The problem is your lack of ability to express yourself clearly.

For the last time (I'll be lucky!) you're never going to have irrefutable proof that Martin's carp were caught in England (what could bring this about?)

The unedited photos could bring this about. Their whereabouts is currently unknown but whilst the possibility that they still exist remains so does the potential to conclusively prove where the Carp was caught.

no-one in particular

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
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Hi Mark......As you know from previous posts of mine, as far as I know Martin did not fish in Canada, and also, as far as I know, never wrote about fishing in Canada. Martin was not a carp angler anyway, more of a Pike and Tench man, although he also fished for barbel and Chub as well.

On one occasion he took me up to Ardleigh Reservoir for a look around as he thought there were some big Tench to be caught. He also gave Mac and I a conducted tour of Johnsons in Kent. He told us about the swim on the River Avon at Sandy Balls near Fordingbridge where he went fishing for Barbel.

Eddie Benham

I am not in any camp Cliff, just would like to establish the truth as a neutral and what I can glean from the evidence what little there is of it. And I still find it odd that Mg never told anyone if he fished in Canada or not. I believe Canada is a mecca for Pike and Eddie, yourself or any of his mates would be just dying to ask him if and what he caught while on holiday there. And yet no one asked him!! If he did some fishing there, he was very secretive about it; why! If he did not do any fishing there, why did he never just say so! Very odd behavior left open to theories. And I still think James account of him fishing there has a ring of truth to it despite a few discrepancies which I think are understandable given the time factor. And it is a hard one to take in that an avid Pike angler, angling journalist wouldn't take the opportunity to fish in a mecca like Canada while there.
PS-Eddie I know the Sandy balls stretch of the Avon back in the 80's/90's, was a little known good stretch for barbel once but, I do not know if it still is.
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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2015
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i personally am finding it more and more difficult to reconcile the fact that this statement
The Editor wrote:For the last time (I'll be lucky!) you're never going to have irrefutable proof that Martin's carp were caught in England

and this title "Here's The Evidence...Martin Gay's 50lb Common Carp" originate from the same source, they are self cancelling, contradictory and either purposefully misleading (i hesitate to say Lies) or proof of the 'loyalty by any means' that MG received from his fan base (friends).
i am now of the opinion that this thread now only serves as a platform for mocking the efforts of Cliff and Eddie, who are together attempting something akin to proving the earth is flat whilst disappearing over the far horizon, or trying to start a fire by rubbing two wet sticks together :wh
and because of this and the fact that 'The Evidence' is never going to arise, i shall attempt to make this my last post on the subject.

The bad one

Well-known member
Mar 8, 2008
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Have you actually read anything I've written? Would it help if I typed it more slowly or in capitals?

I don't have to write anything off as lies, they simply don't prove anything other than, probably, MG was in the UK. Fine, all good. As I've told you on a dozen occasions, disproving Paul Selman, even disproving completely the Canadian case does NOT prove the British case.

Again, as I've said a dozen times, on the balance of probability the fish ARE British but is that established beyond any and all reasonable doubt? Not to my mind and, by extension, clearly not in the minds of a good many others on here.

Again, pointed out multiple times, I appreciate MG was your friend and I didn't know him but he COULD and SHOULD have made all this unnecessary by keeping accurate records of his captures. He didn't do that. Fail.

As for a "Met Office corroborated diary", that is, frankly, laughable. It's as much evidence as I am a Nun. I'm guessing he didn't take his own weather person around every time he went fishing? So, the weather is "passed fit" by the Met Office? Great. Could have been written anywhere with a weather description gleaned from (showing my age in the pre internet age) the World Service or a quick phone call home. No matter, again it doesn't prove anything.

Diaries say only what the writer wants them to say. I can remember the National press queueing up to purchase the Jack The Ripper and Adolf Hitler diaries. It's possible MG wrote those because, as history records, Jack and Ze Fuhrer never did!!

IF the following occurrence took place and, note, I say IF, and I raise this because others have done so prior to this point. His 50lb fish was claimed at 48lb to make it more believable, more sellable. To remove weight from a fish is as inaccurate and wrong as adding weight. If we are to keep records for a complete history of carp fishing then those records MUST be as accurate as possible otherwise why do it?

Last year, I was very fortunate to catch a 9lb 7oz barbel, my best. I could have added a few ounces and called it my first double but I would never, ever dream of doing that. I wanted to share it with the other guys on here and I will not share a lie.

You're the editor of what is, in effect, an angling magazine. If one of your reporters massaged the facts like that to make a story more believable, I would expect disciplinary action to be taken.

So, we're back to the question of the level of proof. As I've said previously, many times, the level of proof I personally require is that of the Crown Court, "beyond all reasonable doubt", yours would would appear to be "balance of probability" - simply not enough for me, sorry.

There are enough "well known" anglers who have shown characteristics unbecoming of men fortunate enough to have been afforded a living, often a good living, through this fantastic sport. I'm not placing MG in that category but I AM saying that that is why I demand the level of proof I do to establish the veracity of a claimed fish.

Some more interesting phrases you've used, "us in this camp" and "intellectual wall" or something similar. I'd have thought, as an editor, you'd be interested in established facts, verifying and researching. I have raised a great many points and questions that both you and Eddie have ignored, I would guess, because you can't answer them. It's not a personal thing, I happen to think, as I've said, that Eddie is a good guy and that you are too but you MUST, you are duty bound to explore ALL aspects of this story which you haven't done. You make huge capital of Paul Selman's testimony and how wrong the Carp Society were in their treatment of MG but you make NO mention of the fact that he had a huge beef with them, with modern carp fishing per se and that there was every possibility his behaviour was affected by that disagreement.

You brush away people's concerns when, on multiple occasions, evidence is requested but cannot be produced, often with poor excuses for such. That would not persuade me to have printed this story, far from it.

Finally, intellectual wall or whatever? I'm guessing you're questioning my intellect? Disagreeing with you must mean my intellect is insufficient? Do two Bachelor's, a Master's and a Doctorate of Letters with twenty years of examining medieval and post medieval documents belong to an idiot? I'm a Liverpool lad and idiots get drowned in buckets back there. Ma never raised any eejits.

If you're so certain of your evidence, let's agree the fish was over the then British record weight. Put your evidence in front of Mr Phil Smith and the BRFC. If they acknowledge the fish as a new "record", based on what they read, I'll do your washing up for a week.

That said, by your own admission, you'll never prove the authenticity of MG's claims, never prove the fish were English so you've shifted the goalposts to attacking Paul Selman. Fine, do that all you like but don't do it thinking or hoping it will pull the wool over my eyes because it won't.

There ARE too many wonky donkeys in this horse race, too many unanswered questions, too much non-produced evidence.

It's largely down to level of proof, our levels simply differ. Have to agree to disagree, I guess.
So eloquently put Mr Dorset and Chub, even more remarkable from a Scouser..... Bad Joke from a Manc. :D:D:D It express full the way I see this topic CASE STILL NOT PROVEN!


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
Thank you, kind Sir. I feel strongly that if a person is going to claim a fish, a multiple catch, whatever then the onus is on them to report the full facts correctly.

No matter where the fish were caught, partial information and a complete refusal to fill in the blanks even 25 years later invalidate it as far as I'm concerned.

I've no doubt MG was a good angler, but that's where it stops. He caught big carp - from somewhere.

Leave it at that, that which can be proven and verified. End of.

Very likely my last word. Those who refuse to see cannot be cured of their blindness and both journalistic and historical standards are too important to accommodate people, even a friend, who knew the rules and chose to flout them.

Cliff Hatton

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Jul 2, 2009
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Mid Wales
Dorset: Eddie and I have made a point of producing what we call 'evidence' rather than 'proof' and we have stated or implied time and again that irrefutable proof ain't gonna materialize. If every piece of 'received knowledge' and every 'given' we accept in life was dependent on 'irrefutable proof' we'd never get anywhere. At some stage - with any issue - we have to have a degree of faith in what we're told. I'm perfectly aware, Dorset, that exposing Paul Selman's version of events as untrue will not prove the whereabouts of Martin Gay's unprecedented big carp haul, but doing so is good enough for both me and Eddie. Our aim is to show you what is NOT true. Interested parties can then - at least theoretically - ask themselves where they might have been caught. Make no mistake, Eddie and I have no doubt that the fish were caught in England, but we're resigned to the fact that proof will not be forthcoming. Your first couple of paragraphs were, then, pointless: we acknowledged the truth of your comments long ago.

The very nature of this long and frustrating 'debate' has engendered an air of suspicion about the motives of Martin's revelations back in '89-'90 but it is vital (if impossible for the majority) for the matter to be viewed realistically and seen in the spirit of the times. To state, Dorset, that Martin didn't keep "...accurate records of his captures. He didn't do that. Fail" couldn't be further from the truth. He wrote no fewer than 5 lengthy, detailed articles - much of which has been reproduced here on FM. At a time when this controversy was yet to take-off, are you seriously suggesting a man of Martin Gay's excellent reputation would expend the time and effort necessary to concoct a cock and bull diary complete with 'cut and paste' weather conditions? I ask you to take my word that Martin was a man of honour and to accept with a degree of humility that an angler who deliberately 'under-reports' the weight of an astonishing specimen cannot possibly be pigeon-holed with one who exaggerates the weight. Martin felt that a very convenient weight of spot-on 50lbs would be met with disbelief so he (rather admirably, I think) reported '48lbs' knowing that this figure would still raise a few eyebrows. Also, it is important to remember at this point that Martin was not seeking any gongs, or status as the record holder.

To finish, Dorset, 'intellectual brick wall' is not derogatory or insulting in any way but a metaphor for being at loggerheads or in a state of stalemate. The world's greatest minds (intellects) can hit the 'brick wall' of disagreement. My use of this expression should be seen in this way. Consider those three words for a moment or two and you'll see what I mean.

Also, I can think of no instances where Eddie or myself has 'brushed away' readers' concerns or has been evasive in any way: we have no reason to be. We've nothing to hide. If you'd care to put those points to me / us again they will be directly addressed.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset

I have absolutely no doubt, none whatsoever, that both Eddie and yourself are decent fellas, none.

I also happen to think I'd probably have liked MG, I'd guess he was very likely a very decent guy too.

That said, I cannot go along with changing the weight of a fish to make it more believable. I'm NOT trying to be difficult but I find it slightly worrying that, as not just a journalist but an editor, a senior a journalist as it gets, you would countenance that behaviour. It removes any credibility regarding future claims you may be required to report on and it sends the wrong message to those who would try to hoodwink us, for nefarious reasons. I'm sorry but I seriously disagree with you on this point, to lower a weight is as bad as inflating one, it's an untrue claim full stop. I also question WHY MG would do that, that fish might be the only 50lb fish he would ever catch so why talk oneself out of it?

The other worry I have is that MG was obviously involved in a long term spat with the CS and carp fishing in general. Surely if anything would give a man a motive to behave incorrectly, it would be that?

I'll take you at your word that there was no arrogant "rules don't apply to me mentality" but I have to admit I do find the secrecy involved more GCHQ than CS and I have to ask why a man who, I'm sure you'll tell me, respected angling and its history, didn't leave the details of the capture in order to allow record keepers to do their jobs?

Cliff, MG was obviously your friend but he hasn't behaved perfectly here, perhaps better than the CS, I don't know and don't want to know, and clearly has not followed well established guidelines in the reporting of a big fish / catch. My personal take is that catches like this should be subject to the same level of proof as a record claim and, for that reason and the self confessed adjustment, I cannot view this capture as above board.

He caught big carp, weight unknown or unverified, from somewhere - that's as good as it gets for me. I respect his abilities and character based on that. But that's as far as I'll go.

If we allow these circumstances, where do we draw the line?

I respect both you and Eddie and I believe, had I known him, I'd have respected MG but I'm going to have agree to disagree with you on this. Do I believe he caught the fish in the UK? Probably. But do I have reasonable doubts? Yes, I do - for the reasons discussed.

Great respect.

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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There is history of well known well published well though of anglers telling porkies.

JB and his roach captures for examples.

Also another well known at one time respected angler behaving disgracefully regards Organisational malpractice and pinching pals wives and early season fishing NNNPD.

Another TV angler holding up fish and pretending he actually caught them......

Fact is sometimes people who you trust and believe can make an error of judgement....we all can maybe.




Well-known member
Jun 3, 2008
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Also, I can think of no instances where Eddie or myself has 'brushed away' readers' concerns or has been evasive in any way: we have no reason to be. We've nothing to hide. If you'd care to put those points to me / us again they will be directly addressed.

This comment is so far removed from reality its almost laughable. Is that offer to address any points again open to everyone on this thread Cliff ? …if it is then I would not even know where to begin!

Shall we start the discussion again on what EXACTLY Yvonne Gay said to Eddie when he asked her about the photos ? …that was an object lesson in avoidance and still is.

How about do you know where the unedited Photos are now Cliff ? …you have clearly and assertively told us Yvonne Gay does not have them ….how do you KNOW she does not have them Cliff ? …And if she does not have them do you know where they are now Cliff ?

How about the question asked by multiple people…why did Martin need to edit the background out when no one could (apparently) identify the venue with it in ?

Also I’ll extend a new question to you that I already have to Eddie .....Kayaks Cliff …you saw the unedited photos just like Eddie…could those unidentified objects stacked up in the background have been Kayaks Cliff ? & if like Eddie you don’t want to make an educated guess then some more details about them would be great…
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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
There is history of well known well published well though of anglers telling porkies.

JB and his roach captures for examples.

Also another well known at one time respected angler behaving disgracefully regards Organisational malpractice and pinching pals wives and early season fishing NNNPD.

Another TV angler holding up fish and pretending he actually caught them......

Fact is sometimes people who you trust and believe can make an error of judgement....we all can maybe.




All I can see in my head is a "Usual Suspects" line up. I know two and think I can guess the third but I'm soooooo tempted to PM you to see if I'm arresting the right person :D

Have a great weekend and tight lines :) Phil.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley

All I can see in my head is a "Usual Suspects" line up. I know two and think I can guess the third but I'm soooooo tempted to PM you to see if I'm arresting the right person :D

Have a great weekend and tight lines :) Phil.

I can think of one who qualifies for all three..........
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