How did you get on?


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2013
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A hard day yesterday, fished from eight thirty till three, as usual put the carp rod as a sleeper first, then I got my ten ft float rod and pin out of my hold-all, I'd already rigged it up the night before, I'd put a small pole style dibber float on, with just a couple of number four shot below.

Above the float was a small float stop, which I set at dead depth, so I could move the float down to fish shallow, but could quickly go back to fishing on the bottom, three and a half pound hooklenghth to a size sixteen guru medium wire hook, I like these guru hooks I seem to hook a lot more fish on them, nice strong hook too.

So I started catching a few small roach, I was only fishing two rod lengths out, well less than that if you take the depth of, I just pull enough line of so the hook reaches the reel, and swing that out, fed a few maggots and some soaked micro pellets, easy to feed by hand and I catch a lot of fish like this usually.

I was getting nice positive bites on the little float, never missed one, and only had a couple come off, fished double red maggot mainly, and that's what I got all my bites on, tried corn, and expander pellets, but they only wanted the just small roach, one skimmer, and a few small perch, mick and two more blanked, just me and one more caught a few, hard work but I like this little float, should be could when the crucians start feeding.

Usual robin with me all day,plenty of birds singing,curlews and lapwings flying about, the buzzard was calling, and a greater spotted woodpecker was drumming away in the wood,there were roe deer tracks in the mud, and a hare almost ran past till it saw me, should only get better, back on Thursday?

Pete Shears

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Mar 5, 2004
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After having scraped ice of the windscreen I headed off to the reservoir in the vain hope of a tench.
Two in-line method feeder rods, one with popped up plastic corn,the other with a small popup boilie cast out only 10 yards or so - time to rig a float rod - beeeeep,bobbin hit the rod - a pound & a quarter roach on the plastic corn,not a bad start.
Cast a waggler foat out about five yards in around eight feet of water with two grains of real corn.
Beeep - the corn rod was off again - a 4lb 2oz bream which had spawning tubercules on its head - might get better.Same rod soon off again - 8oz skimmer.
Had three small roach on the float and no more.
Back on Friday to check if the tench have woken up yet.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
A broken nights sleep was cause to overlay this morning but a skipped breakfast and I was all set up with two rods with a "nearly a bolt rigged maggot feeder" setup that I punched as far as I could in the near facing nor' westerley wind hoping to reach a dropoff that gave me a few roach the other day, mmmm couldnt quite make it, wind to strong, b - - - - r!!.
Never mind, it was nice to be out and I was still confident of a fish or two.
Fifteen minutes in and I get a superb butt ringer which had the baitrunner turning-- you cant miss a bite like that but I did ??????.
That was it untill one thirty when I had three very slow but positive lifts that proofed fruitless, vexing for sure but I put it down to bream moving thro my baited area.
After the three lifts a much quicker lift gave me a lovely roach that tho I didnt weigh it may have been near enough a pound ,
Another longish wait before a dropback ( love dropbacks, never seem to miss one on the strike) gave me a nice bream of some five pounds or so, just returned to water and the other rod jumps to life with another thats brother chip to number one, a half hour later a last lift of the bobbin and bream number three with a full face of tubercles graces my net.
That was it , I was cold and hungry, only a small sandwhich all day had me running home for a nice warm tea.
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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2015
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Headed out this morning to Asfordby carp pools, bit of a chilly start with ice on the car. Started off on the back pool on a waggler and a piece of mussel for hook bait, small amount of ground bait/sweet corn/worm chop/mussel meat. Had my 1st tench sub 1lb after an hour swiftly followed by a humongous tangle ! Any once sorted another smaller tench followed then a few crucian carp, a nice chub that thought it was a Polaris missile followed at around 2lb. Swapped onto method feeder ended with another small tench and a couple crucian carp, topped off with a greedy little Perch that was not strong enough to pull my quiver tip round. Saw a small deer and caught a bit of sun too. Nice day !

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
Club pool for me today After calling in on the local council and how shall we put it putting them right (To****s) .

Back to the fishing got there to find the sunshine warriors out waving poles around so i chose to go back to the same peg i fished on Sunday Hurled in some chosen choice bits and pieces to tempt the residents round

Much banter going on in the pole warrior depratment but first cast into a nice roach around 3/4 lb that quietened them down a little all you hear is must get tench get the weight up all they had was silvers small ones at that , It seems they apply Commercial techiques to this pool and pellets are not top of the list natural is anyhow bets part of the day single red maggot on a Guru MGW 18 bang Tench 3.5 lb bang tench just short of 3 lb bang tench almost 4lb at this point the pole warriors went very quite just heard grumbeling that i was taking the tench on Rod & Reel .

Toatal for the day 3 Tench 2 bream a few sardines all in all we happy another rod user was having fun with the crucians over the toher side of the pool as well .

PG ...


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
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On another planet
I've always wanted to walk to fishing and a move of house means that is now possible. Whilst I imagined as a youngster fishing the Itchen or Severn from my back garden a misplaced youth meant the Grand Union Canal behind Sainsburys would have to do. Nevertheless I was itchen to wet a line - see what I did there :wh

Feeling a bit under the weather this was only going to be a 'couple of hours just to get out of the house jobby' so anything would be a bonus. Finished with 1 Roach, Perch and Bream and around twenty Dace. If there's one thing I am good at finding its Dace although that had much to do with the close proximity of the River Gade which entered upstream. A little bit of sneaky stickfloat trotting all above board is just the tonic I needed.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
:confused: Hey, what, who

If you look at the top right of the thread, you'll see the number of 'likes' given to write ups on this thread, yesterday it went to 30,000.

A Crabtree Award was instigated and is administered and awarded by Peter Crabtree, the chap who did the same for this thread.

How can I put this? If you fish like a winker, make a billhooks of a good peg, lose kit or suffer a visit from the Gods of Outrageous Misfortune and mention it in print then be prepared to suffer for your art.

It's like a biker's patch or colours, it's a badge of honour borne of grief. At last count, I think I have three but there's always room for more on the sh1those wall :)
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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
How can I put this? If you fish like a winker, make a billhooks of a good peg, lose kit or suffer a visit from the Gods of Outrageous Misfortune and mention it in print then be prepared to suffer for your art.

If those are the qualifying criteria then how come I've only got the one ? I demand a recount ! :eek:mg:


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
I decided on another stroll across the fields to the woodland pond I fished on Monday for some more of the resident crucians. Although the weather was quite similar (some white cloud to start – then wall to wall sunshine) the crues were not playing today and I struggled for just the two. However, the roach were up for it and had a most pleasant few hours (interrupted by a couple of rogue carp) with most of them ‘netters’.



I used a single red to a ‘20’ fished over hemp to a different marginal swim to Monday. Fished from 10am-3pm with a few Muntjacs and a lot of feather stuff for company.......


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
If you look at the top right of the thread, you'll see the number of 'likes' given to write ups on this thread, yesterday it went to 30,000.

A Crabtree Award was instigated and is administered and awarded by Peter Crabtree, the chap who did the same for this thread.

How can I put this? If you fish like a winker, make a billhooks of a good peg, lose kit or suffer a visit from the Gods of Outrageous Misfortune and mention it in print then be prepared to suffer for your art.

It's like a biker's patch or colours, it's a badge of honour borne of grief. At last count, I think I have three but there's always room for more on the sh1those wall :)

That has had the undesired effect of putting a huge grin on my face.:)


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2013
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Better day today, fished same setup as Tuesday, had my first crucian of the year, about a month earlier than last year, also six or so bream to about two pounds, and about a dozen skimmers and small roach,lost at least one carp, but I think it was foul hooked,and had a few bream come off too.

We set of in fog as we climbed out of the valley it cleared to blue skies and bright sunshine, after an hours fishing in warm sunny weather, the clouds rolled in and went a lot cooler, even drizzled a bit, stayed cloudy and cool all day, no signs of the carp yet, and apart from some chiff chaffs calling all morning it was fairly quite on the bird front. Needs to warm up, the water is still cold, but it was only one degree this morning, everybody was catching some today, so it's getting better, still enjoyed it,sure beats working.?

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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After my fruitless days on the supposed tench lake I decided to head to a pretty little fishery.

It has 2 lakes in very nice surroundings. One lake is mixed with carp, roach, good rudd, smallish perch and maybe crucians and gobbies.

The other lake is carp and bream. After shifting 30 tons of aggregate for the driveways decided to go lazy for the carp.

Fished in line lead with moulded method feed and four inch hooklink. Frustrated getting lots of jabs some hard and couldn't work out what was happening.

Shortened hookling to 2 inches and caught a few very pretty commons to 8lbish.
Then lost two included one around 16-18lb.

Next two fish and one hooked in head and one side of gill cover? Meanwhile the only other two anglers fishing the other lake were bagging up on mixed fish including a nuce 1 and half pound rudd.

Changed my set up to running lead but silly number of six inch pulls and nothing. Meanwhile my hands, rod, reel was caked in method mix.

Finished with 8 carp and they were in very good condition.
A decent angler would have caught 50!
Also a lot of good fish taking off the surface.

A very frustrating day. Decided I didn't really enjoy this type of fishing that much.

Float rod next time....or maybe fly rod.

Maybe I'm missing the rivers too much and getting a grumpy old git.


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2016
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Went for a walk around my local gravel pit this evening in the hope of spotting some tench bubbles.
Took two of my daughters along and gave them each a light spinning rod to play with.
Just as the light was fading I heard the youngest one shouting "Dad, dad, I think I got one!".
Ran over to where she was to find her with the rod bent over and and a little pike thrashing about in front of her!
She's never caught a pike before and was well chuffed. She thought it was massive, bless her :D
