How did you get on?


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
You are just saying that! You love the fight they put up like a plastic bag full of water!;)


Well-known member
May 20, 2013
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North Yorkshire
You are just saying that! You love the fight they put up like a plastic bag full of water!;)

I played a "bream" on light float tackle on the Ure, which surged off each time it came up in the water. Quite a while later I shamefacedly netted a Hinton's carrier bag partly-filled with stinky silt and neatly hooked in the handle.:eek:mg:
Apr 9, 2017
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First trip out of 2017 today, went to an old neglected pool that held crucians and tench when I was at school, with hopes of reacquainting myself with them. Not a tench nor a crucian did I catch all day :eek: However I had pleasing sport with pristine roach and perch on the float throughout the day, nothing of any size but it was grand to be back out fishing again. :cool:

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
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Metroland. SW Herts
Boddington reservoir today, a silvers only match on this vast body of water.
Levels were high and the wind had stirred up a nice tinge of colour, it looked sock on when we arrived. With an hour and a half to set up I was only half ready at the all in. Sliding waggler ready to go but no pole or even landing net set up.
Quickly set up landing net and cast the wagg with single maggot on a 20 b511.
Immediate bite as it set and a feisty roach gave me the run around, a beauty knocking 14oz.

picture uploader

Caught steadily on this line but it soon became obvious I was being outfished by my neighbour on the pole. Chucked the rod up the bank and set up my pole which took a precious 15 minutes to get right, then I was catching a lot more positively once I got into a rhythm. By 1 pm the sun was hot and the wind kept changing direction but the bites just kept coming. Feeding small balls of gb and a steady ping of loose maggs the roach showed no sign of backing off or switching off.
After 5hrs of frenetic sport the final whistle sounded and I felt dehydrated and shagged out but happy with my efforts.
Weighed in 16lb:8, all roach, but knew it wasn't enough to frame against the formidable opposition.

free picture upload

Back at the car at 5pm the thermometer was reading 23 degrees so I'm guessing it must have been 25 earlier. 2 hours drive home on a busy m40 really took its toll and I am now on my 3rd beer with 4 more in the fridge:w

Edit; 371lb of roach caught today between 17 anglers...41lb top weight....
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
Early start for me this morning .

07:00 arrived Club Pool had the place to myself till 10:30 when the pole warriors arrived radio blurting out it's **** as normal Why he cant sit there in the quiet i know not .

picked on peg 5 small island straight out about 25 yards shallow in the most bit deeper by the island in with some GB in 3 spots midway fishes the best normally few reasonable roach but not much more move close in about 12" of water nice little collection of Crucians ( just love the way they fight for their size) 1 missed Carp 1 major attack of the maggot strippers not a move on the float but maggot gone thsi went on for about an hour finally started catching again went out to the island fished to deeper area few bream one thing of note not ONE perch 6 of us fishing today not 1 perch at all packed up around 17:30 headed home so not a bad day by all accounts the maggot strippes get me thou how the hell a fish can takes the maggot of a micro barbed hook without it showing and reaction at all is beyond me ..

PG ...


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
having my licence checked by an EA bailiff

I read this yesterday and have been trying to take this in, although I know this angler is very honest and reliable I do find it difficult to believe that this mythical creature that resides in the realms of the Yeti or Bigfoot actually exists, have you got any photographic evidence of this mythical being or a reliable independent witness to this occurrence that would be willing to back your statement up? without such evidence I cannot take this seriously and can only think that it was to spice up a HDYGO post that was reporting a blank.


Aug 31, 2014
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I've just read of another sighting via a Facebook page, it sounds about right, few licences issued and a sudden appearance of never seen before EA officers.


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2015
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I've just read of another sighting via a Facebook page, it sounds about right, few licences issued and a sudden appearance of never seen before EA officers.

Sounds a bit like a council road sweeper, we only see one the week before the council tax bill arrives !

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Binka blanked yesterday.:D:eek:

New lake to try Wednesday for me but probably perch will be spawning.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro

Binka blanked yesterday.:D:eek:

New lake to try Wednesday for me but probably perch will be spawning.

Ha........ the effects of "Operation Bobber" are already evident. :D

And as my Corvid friend has observed perhaps the contract for the delivery of Rod licences has been outsourced to the Himalayas ?
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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Just paid 250 AED for a bottle of wine; Casillero del Diablo which is 6£ a bottle back home:( I will stick to water from now on. No fishing until the weekend ; cannot wait!:rolleyes:


Just the one perch for me today from a different and seldom fished water.

I was trying to go with more of an all round appeal whilst the perch are moonlighting and I fished a 2.5AAA straight peacock waggler at three rod lengths which saw a drop off from 6 – 8 foot but I was always hoping for a stripey on the large lob over chopped dendra.

Not complaining though at 3lb on the nose…

Got a kilo of worms ordered for the weekend, worm police permitting :D



Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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After the hot weekend I thought a) the shallow lake will have warmed up b) I'll have it to myself on Monday. Ambled down at 1pm. A brisk chilly breeze down the lake and 7 anglers on the sheltered pegs. Going well so far. Chose a swim in the wind, hoping it wouldn't chuck it down as it threatened to. I couldn't face
wrestling a pole - it's one of those lakes where you have to dot your float as the tench bite like crucians - so I fished a very small cage feeder with chopped worm and caster at 20 metres or so. For three hours, only little roach that somehow got a tidy-sized dendrobaena and maggot in their mouths. But I was in the mood to catch a tench, and in the last hour the sun came out and 2 tench of about 3 lb and 3 common carp between 3 and 5lb turned up. None hooked themselves and all put a good bend in the home-made wand. I've had bigger catches, but it was really satisfying, as the last two outings have been 1) blown off the canal by a cold wind 2) scratching for a bite on a sun-baked pond.

no-one in particular

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
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Good lash up today-went to a creek about a half mile from the sea. Found a new spot on a little platform, maybe a no fishing but no one around. got some big juicy lug from the shop. Telescopic carp rod and a 2oz weight with a 3 hook paternoster. have not used it for a long time. First cast a good tremble of the rod tip and something good on the end but my clutch was slipping and it went straight into a snag. That was the end of that, snap off and no more weights so float fished, not very good; couldn't cast out far so tied a stone to the end not very well and it came off. Did manage to find another one but not a bite after that.
Tiny little fry in the water! bit early, wonder what they were?
Packed up went exploring to look at it a bit further down, only one access, big sign saying private land etc etc. but a Kray lookalike sitting in a car in the entrance so I ask him if it was possible to fish along the creek. He said you can ask if I am here but it depends on what mood I am in if I let you. So I smiled politely and said maybe best I don't ask then-he nodded and I went my merry way. Well, I wasn't going to argue with him.
Must check the gear before going in future and remember to pack my sawn-off just in case.


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Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
Another yomp over the fields to the woodland pond with what was quite a pleasant ‘T’ shirt day. I decided on yet another different swim for the crucians as last Thursday’s visit produced only two crues supplemented, thankfully by lots of roach. And I didn’t fancy the bumper crue swim from the Monday before as this one seems to be growing on with the marginal growth somewhat quicker.


It was a single red fished over hemp again and this time it was nearly all crues, a few roach, two decent rudd and a tiny tinca that was unfortunately nowhere near as small as my entry for the ‘Binka tiny tinca competition’ - still , early days........

I again had the company of the muntjacs and plenty of feathered stuff – including these 13 newborn ducklings (not a good pic as only had the pocket digi with me and the digi zoom isn’t up to much. All together over 20 crues, between these sizes, 9 roach, 2 rudd and the tiny tinca. Fished from 10.30 – 3pm.


Pete Shears

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Mar 5, 2004
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A blazing red sunrise greeted me at the reservoir this morning,most of it flat calm and fish flipping out and rolling everywhere.Set up the rods,first away was the float on corn - a roach,6oz or so,then the feeder rod - a skimmer,14oz,then the feeder rod again - felt heavier and was fighting,was it the long awaited tench? - no,a bream of 6lb 8oz.
Tried a big lump of flake on the float and had a beautiful lift bite whilst watching the swallows and martins whizzing about - missed that one completely.
A few more smallish roach on the float and corn along with a couple of skimmers on the leger.
Back later in the week.


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2013
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Not a bad day weather wise, dry and not too cold, we found a couple of sheltered swims,it was pleasant enough, decided to fish my tip rod for a change, fished a small banjo feeder, with softened micro pellets, and a six mm hard pellet banded to a hair on a size fourteen hook, and a four inch hooklenghth.

Put the carp rod out as well, peperami fished across to the island, nothing doing on this, but noticed a few carp swimming about subsurface, so after a couple of hours, I decided to try a zig rig, just a piece of yellow foam, fished about a foot down, had a dropped run, after a few minutes, then about half an hour later, I had a screamer of a run, which resulted in the small carp in the photo, not big but my first on a zig rig.

Meanwhile I was catching bream on the feeder, had about a dozen all about the size in the photo, say two pounds a piece on average,getting really good bites of these, few bumps and bangs on the feeder, then the rod would jab round, case of waiting till a really good bite developed. A couple jumped clean out of the water, doing a trout impersonation, these bream aren't bad for being slimy, can handle them without getting covered in it, which helps.

Did try floating dog biscuit later for the carp, must be a bit rusty,had four takes and missed them all, enjoyed it today, me and mick were the only ones fishing, had the place to ourselves.?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
Up with the lark this morning, Eager to get out, shopping, gardening , all needed forgetting, so over the border into derbyshire for another day waterside.
Two rods all made up bolt rigged maggot style made a quick start once there and it was'nt long before a nice roach came to my net after a preliminary baiting up with a few feederfulls of red maggots.
A nice start for sure but in my excitement I forgot about good starts often signalling a lean period and today was no exception as it was noon before another roach came to my net!.
Another three in quick succession before another long spell of nothingness before a lumpy perch butted into the proceedings.
Some half hour later a sizable bream of around five or six pounds ended the proceedings .
It had been a really cold day sat in a stiff breeze full on , so cold I had to go to my car to get my waterproofs on, I was surprised there was no frost around in the countryside, still, an interesting day.
A few nice fish that echoed some that I had a week or so back.
Lincoln keeps calling, must get there asap.
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