A very disturbing story (if true)

Ray Daywalker Clarke

Well-known member
Apr 28, 2007
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People will take fish no matter what the law is, but right now, they get a slap on the wrist when caught, so they carry on.

Bring in Big fines, and they will think twice about it.

Laws need changing and fast. No fish ofany size to be taken. This could be done for a fe years so our fish stocks can build up again. Whilst you allow people to take fish, they will take fish bigger than allowed, and more than they should. If they get caught now, they just say, I didn't know the size's. No fish, they don't have a leg to stand on.

Anyoine wanting fish to be taken, whilst our stocks are low, and getting worse, IMO isn't looking after fishing for the future, just for themselves for now.

Angling gets let down by the courts time and time again, the Government should step in, but that won't happen as there are NO back handers in it for them.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2009
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just read in the Angling Times page 5 about a barbel of 13lbs being seen dead on the bank behind a group of "anglers" apparently the chap that had seen the fish on the bank rang the EA their response was that the taking of an adult fish of this size once a day was allowed, why bother with the new laws when even the EA staff seem unaware of them it makes my blood boil, i have not purchesed a rod licence this season the reason being that i refuse to be part of keeping these people in their comfortable cushy jobs any more its about time both the fish thieves and the EA were held to account the former being fined very heavly and the latter sacked.