Angler of no importance


Bob Watson

I'm not that old Monk! you could call my childhood era the "transition period" as far as quality of living for the working classes goes.
I had tin baths in front of the coal fire at my grannies house, at the sides of her fire were two ovens and a couple of pan stands that swung over the coals for cooking. Probably worth a fortune now. I remember her getting her first electric cooker and still using the fire "cos it's easier than that thing in the back kitchen, the living room being the front kitchen.

Never really ate ready brek, just remember an advert on the telly, central heating for kids.

I love dripping on bread, still fry my chips in it and have a dip while they're cooking.

The Monk

My only consolation is I'm not as old as Ron and Graham haha! 1951 was a good year (cant remember really), WW2 was behind us and fishing tackle was improving, it was probably about 1957 when I first wet a line with my cousin (he has a lot to answer for)

bill kay

New member
Apr 18, 2003
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I fished the river lea at Ware in my young days. abit of line hooks and home made floats corks normaly.the rod was the longest hazelnut branch I could find with bread as bait and Iused to cycle 10 miles from my home in buntingford herts tocatch roach and small perch .Great days

Robert Woods

1951 was also a good year for me. First went fishing with a tank ariel pike rod and a gas mask bag for my tackle. Went down the field behind my house pit fishing for Crusians. There were plenty of pits around Runcorn "before new town" appeared.

Ashe Hurst

My mum just gave me some old family pics.
theres one of me at hampstead heath ponds aged 2 in 1973, sitting on the edge with stick and line , dotted with split shot and my mum holding the back of me cardie.

I know it was my uncle roy and ray who got me started back in the early 70's.

Hampstead heath, camden lock, the chase, victoria park, and the roding and lea.

remember a deep thudding comming from my nans bath late one night. When i went in there was a bath of cold water full of Eels thumping around the edges.

First rod i made was a bamboo cane, some line tied to the end, a split cork slipped on to the line and some bolt nuts as weights with a hook tied on the end.

Took it down to Camden lock, must have been about 7 or 8 years old, put bread on as bait but my nan and little brother wanted to feed the ducks with it.

Roy and Ray gave me two old glass rods and a old mitchell reel, some quills and odds and sods.

other bits i found or got from woolworths.

When i moved to Se london and made new friends we were out exploring all the time but always managed to see out of town.

We would cycle for miles or walk just to get some fishing in.

I worked out that from 1973 aged 2 or 3 to 1982 aged about 11 or 12 I didnt catch a single fish.

First fish was a stickle back from a small pond in new Eltham, SE London 1982, after that all i got was Rudd and Crucian untill they stopped us from fishing that pond in about 1984.

johnathon fell off the Log(fallen tree) that stuck out into this pond.
Gordon froze in fear whilst on it cos lea said the pike was hunting him.
I tried to row across it in a bath Tub with no plug in the hole.

Gorden got a size 8 Stuck in is butt. His Dad had him over his knees with pliers.LOL.

And Mark, you know who you are.
Tipped a bucket of frog spawn over me head.

After that things became a bit more seriouse and have vastley improved. Havnt they Mark?