Anglers Arrested


Don Butt

whatever happened to a little common sense? Two guys with fishing tackle actually taken to court and at what cost to the Tax Payers (you and me). Surely a verbal warning/explanation would have sufficed? Oh if only the Police were so willing and able to get the scrotes and low lifes who commit crime into court so quickly!Perhaps those who arrested these unfortunates thought they might be using the explosive feeder method? I dont want to detract from the seriousness of any act of terrorism but surely the world cant have gone that mad that a couple of guys with fishing rods and a camera are seen as a threat to national security??


Jun 20, 2007
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It could be viewed the other way Don.
A couple of blokes under the guise of anglers, photographing the Ports layout, for a future terrorist attack.
It may seem over the top, but to be honest, I would sooner it be this keen with everything.
Especially railways and airports.


Well-known member
May 4, 2003
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they are allowed to fish there, all they had to do was ask for permission so the port knows who is around and why. they were aware of the fact but decided to fish as a protest. charging them under anti terrorist laws is a bit silly, but the fact was they were breaking the rules and new it.

Don Butt

Looks like I only read half the story. Hadn't realised it was a "protest" In which case I have to agree their guilty of being a couple of twonks and wasting a lot of valuable resources to boot. I dont see how wasting tax payers money to prosecute em will do any good, some legal big wig will no doubt be shouting from the roof tops about an "infringement on their human rights" or some such legal babble! Lets hope we dont all get tarred with the same brush as these two, nuff said and I withdraw my 1st comments without reserve.


Well-known member
May 4, 2003
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when i first heard about it i has the same reaction as you Don, but if you go to castandcatch the guys are on there bragging about it, and trying to get the port open to anyone walking in and out. after reading what they have been saying what they have done is pathetic and could have the port closed to all anglers, including those who ask for permission first.

The Monk

they do appear to be lacking in basic common sense though in Merseyside, I was pulled a few month ago near Birkenhead by two pillocks who told me they worked for Merseyrail, I was birdwatching and taking pictures in a public area. In my case I consider it was a direct infringement of my civil liberties, erosion of civil rights and mass paronoia. At some point basic common sense needs to be applied to these situations. Many of us will have had family members lost through wars fighting for these very same rights that are steadily being eroded in Britian, maybe terrorism is winning and we are becoming a nation of paranoids. We still however live in a free democracy (alleged).

Protest maybe, but sometimes direct action is the only way to get anyone to sit back and take stock, look at the mass Kinder tresspass, if it wasnt for Benny R, our freedom to roam would probably still be restricted and to be quite honest Id sooner be killed by a terrorist attack than lose my civil liberties and rights as a free human being!

Wolfman Woody

What's in Seaforth docks? Is it a military establishment? Is there stocks of nuclear material there to be stolen for making dirty bombs? Is there any weaponry or information that may be of use to a terrorist organisation?

If not then I would agree this all a big waste of tax-payers money, no matter what the intention of the anglers. Fair enough, give them a police caution that goes on their record and stays there in case they re-offend. Otherwise, isn't this just more knee-jerk reaction stuff brought about by over-enthusiastic beaurocrats?

Whilst at the same time missing more obvious areas where terrorists activity might take place.

Even Goering's mob only caused 17/6d worth of damage to that area during the war. :eek:)

The Monk

here here Jeff, no offense Eddie, but some of these scousers really are a bit stupid, hardly the city of culture. the Neanderthals that pulled me really struggled putting a sentance together, and these people were responsible for public safety, god help us?

17/6d Jeff, surely the figure was much lower mate?

Wolfman Woody

You know Scousers, Monk. They inflated the insurance claim.


John Lock

>what they have done is pathetic and could >have the port closed to all anglers, >including those who ask for permission >first.

Too right Alan. Many years ago I used to fish off the jetty at Largs. Then there was some sort of 'incident' involving anglers (I never found out what the incident was). Next time I went there, after travelling all the way down from Glasgow, I found that fishing from the jetty had been banned.


Nick I think you will find that there are people lacking basic common sense everywhere mate, and that there are also stupid and paranoid people elsewhere around the country, if you look at the worst side of any city in Britain, you would be very hard pushed to find anywhere befitting the title 'City of Culture'.

These docks have been fished for generations, but have now very restricted access due to anti terrorism laws! Local anglers are very pi**ed off at the loss off this facility!

As I understand, the lads weren't challenged UNTIL they started fishing, that is they were allowed to roam around the immediate area without any bother!


Jun 20, 2007
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Ever sinceI have been on this forum,people have been saying the law isn't strict enough, the courts are too soft.
So these two idiots have been jumped on from a dizzy height.
Isn't this the kind of action we have been wanting? As stated it could have had seriouse reporcussions for everyone, in more ways than one.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't Baz!

If a terrorist incident occurred in Liverpool docks the authorities would be slated for allowing public access!

At the same time civil liberties (of not just anglers) are being infringed, you can still fish with a party of 10 or more if you book 7 days in advance.

I think this kind of half baked measure would not prevent any intended action from the kind of people who release explosives and chemical agents in subways, or who plan the crashing of aeroplanes into buildings!


Well-known member
May 4, 2003
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whats wrong with showing your drivers license/ proof of id to the guards and going fishing, that way they know who is there and where, found some where you are not meant to be and you are charged with trespassing.

but even with that you will still get idiots ruining it for others.

Wolfman Woody

Eddie, I like your comments backed by local knowledge, but why are these dock at risk from terrorists?

What is on/in them?

Doesn't make sense to allow people to walk around to their heart's content, but only arrest them if they start fishing. That sounds really stupid because it's not as if real terrorists are going to start fishing whilst reccying a place. Unless they need a cover for a long time, but it just doesn't sound like the sort of thing a terrorist would do.

Peter Jacobs

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire
This would be the self same docks on whose web site they have a very advanced interactive map of all of the facilities, would it?

As to the spokesman's gibberish:
"Anglers are not banned etc. . . . . . "


"in groups of more than 10"

erm - does that not mean that individual anglers or groups of <10 are - er, well . . . . . . BANNED?

then . . . "life is not the same post 9/11"
You are damned right it is not - pre 9/11 there was a modicum of bloody common sense!

The Monk

your quite right of course Eddie C, we certainly have our share of loonatics in Manchester, I`m winding up Scouse Eddie, anyway your not a scouser your from the posh part mate.

Eddie C, if we went along with "If a terrorist incident occurred in Liverpool docks the authorities would be slated for allowing public access!" OI understand what you are saying of course but, going off that we may as well restrict every area of dockland and industrial coastline around Britain, but its not realistic of course. I think at the end of the day its all about common sense and balance, most of my experiences along these lines would appear to be over reactionary or over zelous board (so named) security staff and to be quite honest, if we did have serious terrorist problems i would seriously worry about my safety and the safety of my family being left in the hands of the people I have dealt with.

what really pi55es me off is petty officialdom. ie we need to get tough on the right people, there is a world of a difference between anglers,photographers and bird watchers and muggers theives and terrorists, we get tough on the right people, not everyone, if we get tough on everyone and take away their civil liberties then we may as well live in a police state and what the hell is at Seaforth Docks anyway? are the Americans going to build a military base there or something?

By restricting these places you only draw attention to them,


Well-known member
May 4, 2003
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its not just the docks in Liverpool, its all the docks in the U.K.
think of the agro caused if a container shipo was sunk in the channel leading to a dock.
i can see why they want all docks closed/limited access to the public, but at least they were trying to be resonable, and still allowed people to fish there, alright it might be a pain in the arse trying to find 10 people to go with, but they could have joined a club and had some club meetings there.