Another idiots question


The Monk

Me, I'm better looking Bob, have to keep the hood on or I get pestered by women all the time!


Managing Editor
Feb 23, 1999
Reaction score
Bob asked: "If faced with two identically finished rods (cosmetics not action) without any tech spec printed on them, one sold as a carp rod the other for pike, (same TC) how many people could tell me which was which? Given that you'd have 50/50 odds to start with."

In many cases you wouldn't be able to tell them apart for plenty of identical rods are sold according to whatever label has been stuck on them and this is especially the case with carp and pike rods.

Which is why you are wise to deal with a reputable rod maker who has genuine rod designers working for him, or at least know what is required of a pike rod so that you can choose one according to how it feels rather than what it says on the label.

A pike rod should be slightly heavier than the line strength requirement and more of a through-action so that it is capable of casting large deadbaits and planting treble hooks. 11ft rods are better for most piking situations than 12ft rods.

So ignore the label on many rods, just pick them up and see if they fit the length and feel you're looking for.

There will be a some 'carp' labelled rods that will fit the bill. And some stiffer carp rods will be better for long range drift float fishing than a pukka pike rod.

The Monk

Trust Graham to bring us back to normallity, theres always one!

Hey Thats not a humpback Cakey its me rucksack?

Bob Watson

Thanks for that Graham. I always suspected what you've just confirmed.

Bob Watson

Personal insults always welcome off a master such as you!

Creepy enough???

Bob Watson

I hope the moderaters are in bed.

On the subject, I used to go to school with a lad called Mr. Bates, everybody called him "master". Never seen him for 21 yrs, then I subscribed to friends reunited, sent him an email, mentioned his old nickname and guess what? no reply!! Tosser!! Pun intended!

Carp Angler

No they're not
and they're keeping a sharp eye on your shinnanigans.

The Monk

Your old schoolmate, Some people have no sense of humour Bob!

EEkkk didnt think Carp Angler would still be up, hes a big lad, we'd best be careful, you know how sensitive these southerner are Bob!

Alan (brush) Broomhead

Please ignore this post!!!
In my stupidity I turned on e-mail notification in my first
Since then I have been bombarded with 'spam' from fishing-magic <koff>
hoping that by turning it back off here it will stop.