Another what rod thread...


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2016
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Just started angling again after a 25-ish year break(!)
Can't actually remember very much from the first time round, so more or less starting from scratch.

So far I've picked up a cheap light spinning rod and have been enjoying getting various small lures stuck in all manner of trees, bushes, weeds, and hedgerows. Even managed to catch a few fish!

Also tried using it to free line various baits down a small stream, but I'm not sure it's the right tool for the job here. I did catch a few chublets, but was struggling to detect bites, resulting in some deep hooked fish :(

So... I think I want a different rod for non-lure methods, but not sure what to get.

I guess I'm looking for a general purpose rod for float/ledger/free-lining for average coarse fish on small-ish rivers (but still somewhat usable on larger rivers).
Oh, and relatively in-expensive :eek:
Does such a thing exist?

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
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....So, I guess I'm looking for a general purpose rod for float/ledger/free-lining for average coarse fish on small-ish rivers (but still somewhat usable on larger rivers).
Oh, and relatively in-expensive :eek:
Does such a thing exist?....

Good luck in finding one! ..... If you do - let me know too!
Tight Lines :thumbs:


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2016
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Good luck in finding one! ..... If you do - let me know too!
Tight Lines :thumbs:

Will do! Am I asking too much, lol?

Thanks for that Daven. I had briefly looked at pellet wagglers, but concluded I wasn't really interested in waggling pellets at the moment.
They're useful for more than just that then?

The 4 piece one looks good. Forget to mention in my original post that it also needs to collapse down fairly small as I tend to cycle to the river.


Mar 2, 2011
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You want a bit of an all purpose rod, light ledger, float etc. so it may work... :) Possibly..


Well-known member
May 20, 2013
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North Yorkshire
As has already been mentioned elsewhere, a pellet waggler rod is akin to a light Avon rod and will be similarly versatile. Although they're ostensibly for float fishing I've used one for light feeder fishing and I wasn't struck by lightning from a vengeful fishing god, or arrested by the rod police. :) BTW, it was really good as a feeder rod!


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
Very versatile rods......but also very variable in action. I would have thought a PW would be a very good choice for the sort of fishing envisaged but waggle a few first if you can. Even if you progress to different venues/methods etc they are handy little tools to have.


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2016
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Thanks guys, think I may have dismissed pellet wagglers little too readily.
Just been reading up on them and, if I try to ignore the name, they do sound good for the sort of use I have in mind!


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
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I can see what you mean about a P-W rod but my concern would be that it wouldn't be sensitive enough for free-lining and might feel a bit too 'butch' for anything other than meat-rolling for barbies or chunky chub! :eek:
Likw Skippy says - you need to waggle a few!


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
You do. I have a Drennan which is happy chucking small method feeders about and (until I broke it) a Shaky Mach 3 which was an entirely different animal which I happily used for roach on light bottoms. Two completely different rods but both sold as pellet wagglers.


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Jul 30, 2007
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down the lane
If you're getting around by bike you'll not be carrying much gear and a 4 piece rod sounds just the ticket to get you started. Reading the blurb for the rod it sounds dead right, BUT as already said you need to have a waggle in a tackle shop with a reel attached..........
The trouble is ' they ' give ' names ' to rods to attract the masses and others think that's all they're good for when they are a really versatile tool that can be put to use in all sorts of situations, if pushed.
In this case a single rod that will run a float through, handle a bit of light legering or freelining in narrow, shallow swims, AND easily transportable is about as good as it gets for the money involved.

Obviously, it will ( probably ) not be perfect in ALL situations, otherwise some of the above posters who own dozens of rods would be using one all the time, BUT it will do a job for you !!

Definitely have a waggle on a quality tackle shop though - it's an absolute must !!!

Good luck !

ps You didn't mention what sort of reel you might be using, so maybe you can ask in the tackle shop about that as well........................?

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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Have a look at the John Wilson Travel Avon Rod. Its 11 foot with various quiver tips and an avon top for float fishing.
Not one for the tackle tarts but I have one for holiday use and it copes OK with all light applications. I am happy with lines between 4lb and 6lb line with it so the odd bruiser can be handled OK.

It comes in a protective case- ideal for the bike and collapses to less than 3 feet.

It would be a good stop gap for a year or so until you come to more refined decisions. Idealy matched with a size 35 reel.


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2016
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Thanks for the replies.
I ended up taking a punt on the Shakespeare Agility 11Ft Pellet Waggler.
I figured even if it didn't meet my requirements it wasn't going to break the bank, and would at least give me some experience and a frame of reference for when I (inevitably!) buy my next rod (at which point I'll hopefully be a bit more comfortable waggling rods in the local tackle shop).



Anyway, I took it for a test run this morning, and so far I'm pretty happy with it!

I started off trying to trot a loafer float down the chub stream.
Coming from a 6 foot spinning rod, I was worried 11 foot was going to be too long, but it turned out to be about right I think. Long enough to get my line where I wanted it, but without being too cumbersome. Just had to be a little more careful around trees!
Couldn't really fault the rod here, but the water was so full of weeds I was getting constantly snagged, and the float kept getting dragged under.
I did manage to hook a nice little chublet though:


After giving up on the stream I moved over the main part of the Ouse, and carried on with the float for a while.
It felt ok fishing close in and around the margins, but I'm pretty sure far bank was out of the question!
Wasn't really feeling the float at this point so switched to the smallest block feeder my tackle shop had.
It still felt a bit heavy for the rod though, and I was quite nervous about casting it out. That might just be my lack of experience though.

Had a few casts and managed to catch this tiny little thing:


Shortly afterwards a big wet dog appeared from nowhere and jumped all over my stuff, then 3 pleasure boats went through my swim in quick succession, so I decided to head back to the quiet of the chub stream.

This time I just tried free lining lumps of bread and cheese down the stream.
Had a good feeling about one swim and let a chuck of cheese drift under a tree out of sight.
The line started speeding up, so struck. Oooh, it's a good one!
She tried to head further downstream under the trees, but the rod did a great job of holding her back, and had no problem guiding her back up stream and into the land net.
My heart was pounding at this point as this was my first full-sized chub, and personal best by a long way!
Looks a lot smaller in the photo, I swear she was twice that size, lol


I started heading back up the stream and towards home after that, stopping at one of my favourite spots under the main bridge into town (not favourite because the fishing is good, I just happen to like sitting here!).
The stream briefly widens out and slows down here and is much more like the other backwater I like to fish. The rod seemed fine here too, which was encouraging.
It had been stuffed with with small fish on the way past earlier, but was now mysteriously empty.


After briefly trying a couple more chubby looking swims I got to the top of the stream where it parts from the main river via a small weir.
Thought I'd have a quick go at some light ledgering in the little weir pool before I went home, using a chunk of pepperami as bait.
I've had a couple of little chublets here before and have a sneaking suspicion (or is it wishful thinking?) that there might be some small barbel resident.
After a few minutes I started to get what I thought was the odd bite, but I couldn't seem to connect on the strike.
Then I decided to wait slightly longer and watch the rod tip properly. It seemed to be getting little bumps (which I had been striking on), so I waited a bit longer to see what happened. The bumps got bigger then the tip suddenly moved a decent amount so I went for it.
Definitely connected this time and it felt big whatever it was!
It was strange though as it didn't seem to run for it, but just hold it's ground and resist any attempts to bring it towards me.
After a brief fight the line pinged off and the hook was missing. Put it down to my dodgy knot tying skills and tried again.
Same thing happened! Wasn't sure what was going on. I did wonder if it was a pike with a penchant for pepperami.
Thought I'd have one more try before I gave up.
Same bumping, followed by the tip whipping round (nice to see the rod is sensitive enough for ledgering!).
This time the fight was much longer and I managed to bring whatever is was up to my feet, only to discover it was a bloody great big angry eel! He was going nuts doing barrel rolls. He pinged off just before I got him in the landing net, which I wan't toooo disappointed about. Wasn't looking forward to trying to unhook it!

It was time to pack up by then, so I headed home very happy (that was a good morning of fishing for me!).

The rod might not be perfect, but it's certainly good enough for now, and seems to do most of what I want it to. It might even be useful for waggling pellets one day!


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2016
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Thought I'd add a little update.
I still think it's a great rod, but after using it a couple more times I came to the conclusion that:
a. it's slightly over-gunned for most of the things I catch, and
b. What I really want is a quiver tip.

Anyway, I popped into my local tackle shop at the beginning of the week, waggled some rods, and walked out with a Korum 10ft feeder rod :D
Used it a couple of times now and really like it!

In hindsight perhaps the Agility feeder, or the travel Avon might have been better options, but not too fussed as I'm sure I'll still find the waggler useful, and you can't have too many rods anyway right? :)