Any Suggestions


Tony Rocca

I didnt think they should have counted the carp from the garden pond though Monk.

Dave Burr

Jim Gibbinson, Clive Gammon and Paul(?) Harris made up the team I seem to recall.

They did a second series in Europe, great program and something that would be brilliant entertainment today.

Perhaps Matt Hayes and Mick Brown could vie against John Wilson and Martin Bowler, Throw in a couple of carp boys and maybe some of those match chappies and you've got yourself a show.

Hmmm? maybe I'll give Discovery channel a ring.

adriano wilson

last weekend a tried out trout pelets soak in water for about 20/25 min/then made them in to balls(tenis)about 10-15 and also mixed in sweet corn/pidgeon seed/copped worm/try it out it works for me/tight line happy hunting