Barbel Fishing – The Pope’s River Diary: January

Rich Frampton

Well-known member
Nov 15, 2008
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Gentle reminder Phillip...... Doveridge.
So I have.
And I know from many people what tireless effort you put into the BS,which makes what you are doing on here now even sadder.

Fed up with having to defend what we do on here to people who quite frankley couldn't give a t*ss anyway.


Judas Priest

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2008
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As said elsewhere

if you post you've got to be able to back up your thoughts as people will have differing ideas and opinions to yours.


Active member
Sep 19, 2010
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Some of us did that Phil, until you and yours came on the scene and started the nit picking and knocking!

It sort of puts you off posting to save other readers the hassle

It doesn't seem to put you off Fred! I tell you what though, this kind of thing certainly puts me off the BS - and i know many, many barbel anglers who feel the same. You obviously have no idea how bad it looks to people outside your circle of friends, or how damaging it is to your organisation. I thank the fishing gods that you and Frampton are no longer involved with BFW. At least there is one place where we don't have to suffer this kind of incessant schoolboy bickering.

Judas Priest

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2008
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Leave him alone Rich, he'll only make a fool of himself again, QUOTE]

Fred, may I point you in the direction of posts 31 and then 32 of the atmospheric pressure thread.

Game, set and match

over and out for now :)


Apr 15, 2001
Reaction score
OK one more post to clarify my view which perhaps was made too hastily.
Strange that Fred refers to me as a "nameless nobody" not worthy of a response but then insists on me replying to you,is Bluenose really your real name?
I was under the impression that your post was rhetorical and tongue in cheek,clearly not so here's my response.
There is no difference ,in my opinion ,to plugs if they are from any organisation that comes on here to attract either business or new members.
Bob Roberts has contributed greatly to FM over the years and yet seemingly (just as one example off the top of my head without trawling through) his recent link was taken as being commercial but Fred's for The BS which even by his own admission is commercial are not so sorry I don't agree with your definition.
It wasn't meant as a complaint more an observation and on that note if it's OK I can't see any point in continuing this discussion without reasoned debate of the facts which apparently are secret,for the time being;)

You don't see the difference between any kind of plugs, but I do! I provide a link to a club that gives fishing on 3 different rivers and a canal for £10 a year with no joining fee, it's even less for OAP's and kids! In my mind that's different from someone who is trying to promote a business, fishing or otherwise, where someone stands to gain financially. That's down to my and the other mods judgement and pretty much the way it's always been on FM by my recollection, and until the powers that be on FM tell me different then that's the way it stays!

You alleged that we/I had double standards, you've come back with nothing save for a reference to Bob R, without a link. Now if there is any person on FM who does need you to fight his corner it's Bob R. However if Bob or anyone else has been wronged I'll repeat the bit in my previous post which you seem to have missed or forgotten.

..... I certainly cannot remember removing a link to club, society, blog or charity. Indeed if this ever has been the case please highlight when and where and I will amend accordingly

Again ..... I'll wait!

Fred Bonney

May 26, 2001
Reaction score
Domus in colle Lincolnshire Wolds
It doesn't seem to put you off Fred! I tell you what though, this kind of thing certainly puts me off the BS - and i know many, many barbel anglers who feel the same. You obviously have no idea how bad it looks to people outside your circle of friends, or how damaging it is to your organisation. I thank the fishing gods that you and Frampton are no longer involved with BFW. At least there is one place where we don't have to suffer this kind of incessant schoolboy bickering.

Really? I must have access to a different part of the site then!!
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Eccleston Lancs
Surely this thread has run it 's course the moderators should now stop it. New members will wonder what all this bickering is all about. I thought this web site was to provide information about techniques,tackle etc.Not constant sniping at one and all.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2011
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You alleged that we/I had double standards, you've come back with nothing save for a reference to Bob R, without a link. Now if there is any person on FM who does need you to fight his corner it's Bob R. However if Bob or anyone else has been wronged I'll repeat the bit in my previous post which you seem to have missed or forgotten.

Bit of a schoolboy error that :wh
See me



Apr 15, 2001
Reaction score
No error at all. You made several comments about the uneven mod'ing of the site and you cannot substantiate it.

Now stick with the theme of the thread, but as posted in the other thread, keep it nice please!


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2011
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"who does need you"

Really ?
The point I was trying to make was that even those of us who have had the benefit of a classical education and therefore capable of informed debate without resorting to cheap insults can,in the heat of the moment,make the odd grammatical error or perhaps you really do think Mr.Roberts does need my help to fight his corner when he has been modded for making what was considered to be a commercial post.
I guess Fred gets around it as the T&C's specify that the organisation must be "profit making" so that would probably exempt the BS now.
Clearly what I should have done was specified a particular mod rather than a sweeping generalism.
Whilst I have my pedants hat on perhaps I could also bring up the matter of the privacy rule which some of us rely on to be enforced rather than the constant outing which Rich seems to find so amusing.
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Rich Frampton

Well-known member
Nov 15, 2008
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I think the list of requirements speaks volumes about what is so intrinsically wrong with the commercialisation of the Barbel Society and why so many real people no longer want anything to do with its leadership who judge anglers by their commercial success and how they have sold themselves to a gullible public.

Dead funny.


Senior Member
Nov 15, 2004
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Longshaw, bet you were a pain on other forums too, cannot understand what your trying to get over,
can you start again?


Apr 15, 2001
Reaction score
Longshaw if the mod'ing privacy rules or whatever are not to your satisfaction then complain to the editor or the owner.


Rich Frampton

Well-known member
Nov 15, 2008
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oh well....... I was told you were sitting at the back of the room........ either way it must have been a memorable moment.

Steve Pope

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2000
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Can I just say that while there may be more serious undertones to my Diary piece it was written in a light hearted fashion.
I've been meaning to write on the subject for some time and the perfect opportunity arose.
I expect the site will crash when the next instalment goes up!
This topic really does stand alone, it isn't linked to any Organisation, the only reason I started with the names I did was because it fitted into the word count.
All the best from the other side of the world where it is very cloudy and the river was too high to target the carp, but it will drop and I hope to give you an insight into river carping Aussie style very soon.


Jul 1, 2010
Reaction score
You see all these pages of bitching are the very reason that I left the BS. It was not necessarily the action of the chairman but all the politics side and all the arguing on the forum. I know I am not the only person who has done the same. Fishing should be about fishing, being out in nature's true beauty and also being able to have a social with your like-minded fellow anglers. Fred and Rich you may feel that you need to defend Steve at every opportunity but can't you see all this arguing and politics puts people off joining the BS and also makes current members question their membership? People join fishing clubs because they like fishing and if they are like me they use fishing as a chance to escape the stress and hustle and bustle of everyday life. I for one cannot be bothered with it and as a younger angler i think that it is a trait that appears to be more common amongst the older anglers. What about setting an impression to youngsters? Steve has just made a diary entry and it has descended into pages of dribble.

Ask yourself what impression does this set to youngsters? Do you think they will feel comfortable posting in forums or will they be worried that they will get their head bitten off?

Rich in your first post you mention the "hundreds of BS members" but forgive me if i'm wrong didn't membership used to be be in the "thousands"? Instead of spending so much time and effort defending Steve, who is a big boy and can fend for himself, perhaps use some of this time and effort to wonder why this decline in membership is so and what can be done about rectifying it. Fishing politics is boring. I have seen you in the past post about the beauty of being out fishing, same with Fred and Steve, well why not concentrate on this instead of all of this playground he-said, she-said tosh.

And the people i consider fishing legends are not all famous, these are the guys that helped me learn how to barbel fish and still to this day provide me with information and also the banter and laughs we share when we get together. The clubs i am now in represent what fishing is really about............FUN!!!

rant over. bw.

Lord Paul of Sheffield

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2004
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Furkum Hall, Sheffield
You see all these pages of bitching are the very reason that I left the BS. It was not necessarily the action of the chairman but all the politics side and all the arguing on the forum. I know I am not the only person who has done the same. Fishing should be about fishing, being out in nature's true beauty and also being able to have a social with your like-minded fellow anglers. Fred and Rich you may feel that you need to defend Steve at every opportunity but can't you see all this arguing and politics puts people off joining the BS and also makes current members question their membership? People join fishing clubs because they like fishing and if they are like me they use fishing as a chance to escape the stress and hustle and bustle of everyday life. I for one cannot be bothered with it and as a younger angler i think that it is a trait that appears to be more common amongst the older anglers. What about setting an impression to youngsters? Steve has just made a diary entry and it has descended into pages of dribble.

Ask yourself what impression does this set to youngsters? Do you think they will feel comfortable posting in forums or will they be worried that they will get their head bitten off?

Rich in your first post you mention the "hundreds of BS members" but forgive me if i'm wrong didn't membership used to be be in the "thousands"? Instead of spending so much time and effort defending Steve, who is a big boy and can fend for himself, perhaps use some of this time and effort to wonder why this decline in membership is so and what can be done about rectifying it. Fishing politics is boring. I have seen you in the past post about the beauty of being out fishing, same with Fred and Steve, well why not concentrate on this instead of all of this playground he-said, she-said tosh.

And the people i consider fishing legends are not all famous, these are the guys that helped me learn how to barbel fish and still to this day provide me with information and also the banter and laughs we share when we get together. The clubs i am now in represent what fishing is really about............FUN!!!

rant over. bw.

Heck of a 1st post