Chub/barbel rod

Bill Maitland

New member
Mar 24, 2003
Reaction score
didn't you use one of these rods for a while, I'm sure I read one of your articles and you were using one.

john conway

Doesn?t all this delicacy go out of the window somewhat when the rivers pulling through, there?s bound to be some considerable resistance, relatively speaking? Theoretically, ignoring the non-uniform loads imposed on the line by the current, the leger weight takes half the load imposed by the current and the tip the other half. So if you?ve got 3oz holding the bottom, 1.5oz is taken by the leger weight and 1.5oz by the tip.
However, back to the delicate tips I can certainly appreciate the point several of you have made about slowing down the bite or having a through action tip. So far all my touch legering seems to work best when I let the fish take the line before hitting the bite.

Dave Slater

Using a light tip and having a bow in the line gives the same effect as giving a bit of line when touch legering. Both work well for me. I fully agree with you that things are a bit different when the river is pushing hard but, somehow, the bites always seem more aggressive then so the heavier tip required in these conditions does not cause a problem.

albert watkinson

i have a daiwa pmxsz12b 12ft rod which came with a 4oz quiver and the avon type top.i was concerned about the carbon quiver but i have stuck with it and have had several barbel over 7lb and plenty chub over 4lb.last week i had my personal best chub of 5lb 2oz and in all instances the quiver has really pulled over.on the other hand i think glass is a better bet in low water.i work on the premise if they want it they will have it if it is presented right.