Classic Autumn Time - Still There??


David Marrs

Hi Chaps,

Im just sat here watching a superb episode of the 'Passion For Angling' series which is being re-run on Frday nights, Discovery Real Time. Its the one where Bob James catches about a gazillion 2lb+ Roach in a single session.

It just got me to thinking about how long its been since I've seen a 'Classic Autumn'. It was always my favourite fishing time of the year and I've always seemed to do my best during Sep/Oct but when was the last time we saw a classic autumn, with golden leaves falling etc?

These days it seems very all or nothing, with the days in late Sep often being scorching hot and then before you know it, we get a deluge of rain followed up with hard frosty weather. Don't get me wrong, I still do fairly well in Sep and Oct but I can't recall a golden autumn period for many years now. What do you reckon???

Kind regards,

Matt Drew

May 13, 2003
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Seems these last few years it gets cold later and warms up later. Almost like the weather clocks up the swanny.

Chris Bishop

Never happened last season, did it. Everything was mild and all to cock until we had that week or so of hard frosts and sharp, clear days in November.

Everywhere fished well then, then it just went mild again and some of the ducks on the pit I was fishing had new broods.

Then we got a cold, dank spell and all of a sudden everywhere was full of dead leaves.

Went for a walk on the beach this afternoon to chill after work and it was like July, people walking about with sunburn.

Bob Watson

We had a lovely autumn up here, the best time of last year. All summer was windy as a cabbage eaters arris, autumn was great on the rivers for everything except Pike for me. Winter was too unsettled, we never had two weeks of the same weather for waters to settle down and produce, Autumn for me everytime, good uns' or bad uns'

Bob Watson

Oops, just realized this is the pred' thread, I'm also flitting between the PC and discovery channel. So yep! agreed, bad for Piking for me too, good for everything else though!

Don't know if the couple of hundred mile further up here makes much difference but we seem to get classic seasons but a bit later than normal. November and December are relatively mild but early April can be quite arctic.