

Clive Evans 1

Yet another good thread spoiled by the irrelevant bile of the 'fishing fascist'


Clive get real mate we are on the same team pal just dont believe everything you read.

Clive Evans 1

You get real pal. When I want to see a load of inane political drivel I will ask for it..
There is no room for it on a genuinely concerned thread.

Phil Hackett 2

And how many owls are killed by cars,lorries, rat posion and cats each year? Does the Mirror expose this fact?


New member
Jan 2, 2003
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I must admit that my immediate reaction was "kneejerk", and many of you have quite rightly pointed out the improbability of such an incident. I did look for other sites carrying the story


from Friday, which doesn't really give much more detail, apart from the length of line involved (25ft) and the fact that it was anchored by a line weight in the water.

From a more pragmatic point of view, when we snap off and lose line in obstructions that are out of reach and thus unretrievable, there is obviously a very small risk that such incident can happen. The fact that such an improbable event has occured makes it "newsworthy".

Ron 'The Hat' Clay

There is absolutley do doubt that birds and other animals get caught up in fishing lines and rigs from time to time.

I may have mentioned this experience before, but I will repeat it.

Some years ago I spent a couple of days on an East Yorkshire stillwater. This particular lake is very popular with carp anglers and has an island in the middle which is covered with trees.

On the day in question I watched two carp anglers trying to get their rigs as close as possible to the island. Several of their casts overshot the water and ended up in the trees! After pulling for a break - several rigs were left up in the trees complete with boilie!!


you may or may not agree with me politically you may or may not even like me personally that is irrelevant and worries me not one iota. I live in a world that is functioning on media power, a world where a soldier can pull a trigger in Iraq and before the bullet has hit the target its on the news worldwide and the soldier is either cast in a good light or castigated as the anti-christ before anyone understands the situation or the background intelligence.....What if the soldier was seen to shoot a teenager or a woman carrying a baby, within minutes the entire world would be in outrage, disgusted at the atrosity they had witnessed on television whilst eating their tea........What if the soldier had been under orders to shoot, unknown to him the child or the rucksack being carried by the teenager was a bomb and it was going to be detinated in the local market.Information is everything, do not take everything on face value do not believe everything you see. did David Blaine really make the Eiffel tower disapear? No of course not!!

Now onto the situation we as anglers have with the RSPB and the anti-bloodsports brigade. We have enemies and some of them are extremists and they would not stop at anything to put us in a bad light and get as much anti- angling media coverage as possible on the news, there are 6,000,000 anglers in this country which sounds a lot but that is small potatoes compared with the 55-60,000,000 non anglers who rely on the media to form a view about us and what we do.

I have said it before i will say it again we must galvanise behind the governing bodies and fight our corner, the battle we are involved in is publicity good and bad, where is our good publicity?

And before you write me off as a right wing no-brain angling fascist i actualy do know the the difference between a black and "common" redstart a pied, yellow and grey wagtail a green woodpecker and a greater spotted woodpecker.....because i actually love the environment in which i live, unlike the environmental eco warrior good guy heroes who released all those mink and in doing so wrote the death sentence out for so many millions of our smaller mammals, which impacted in what way to the endemic mammallian and avian predators relliant on the said creatures as a food source, i am not your enemy.

If the owls were caught in discarded tackle deliberatly left then i wholeheatedly condemn the people involved and hope to God that it never happens again but two owls on one line simply sounds wrong!!

Phil Hackett 2

Not wanting to diminish the tragic death of two owls, however it happened, but lets keep a sense of perspective on this. Thousands die each year from the above incidents, and from the Papers there isn?t boo to a goose!
Newsworthy it might be, but extremely rare and should have been reported that way.
Oh I live in hope from the Gutter press!!!!!!

In 45 years of fishing and natural history study, I?ve never heard of one owl being ensnared in fishing line have you? That?s how rare it is!

I have however hear of other birdlife and seen it for myself, where they have been entangled. Robins because of their inquisitive nature and tameness, more so than any other of the non-water birds. Moorhens, coots, swans, geese, ducks, it happens far more than it should, sadly.

Discarded line is litter with or without baited hooks and a danger to all birdlife. The only proper way to deal with it is to take it home with you and burn it or cut it into very short lengths, less than 1 inch, and dispose of it in the refuge.
Left coiled in balls on a landfill, it?s still a danger to the birds that feed in such places and there are many.

If you can?t cast properly from an overhead trees peg, then find another peg.
If you can?t feather the line properly when casting to a tree lined far bank swim, then don?t fish that swim
If you see lengths of line left by some other ?Richard Head,? pick it up and take it home and dispose of it properly.
If you see someone leaving line, litter ? hang um??challenge them over it.

It?s all about taking personal responsibility for you own actions and sadly the actions others when fishing.

It's conceivable, even though likely to be extremely rare, that two owls could be entangled in the same piece of line, particularly at this time of year.

Owls nest very early, they can and do have eggs in the nest by the end of Feb. At this time of year they are indulging in foreplay. British owls mate for life BTW. Both male and female do have time apart from August to December, but remain in the same territory. When courting, one owl will be very close to the other, in the same tree most likely. If the female starts screeching the male will come to investigate why, possibly thinking another male may be trying to muscle in his beloved. It happens from time to time with last year?s juvenile males.
A bird that gets entangled in anything makes a hell of racket believe you me. The male seeing the female struggling would a) think she was fighting off a suitor, and b) come to her assistance to ward off the interloper, thereby entangling himself in the same piece of line.

As I say possible, but an extremely rare event.

Welsh Goff

Phil very good last paragraph, my experience of Tawny owls having kept and bred them (DOE or DEFRA registerd bird of prey keeper)is that one bird has got caught up and the other Tawney has attacked it, either territorial or as prey and got caught itself.
The very nature of these little birds is fearless.
When you have seen them attack foxes through the aviary wire in the middle of the night, you will see what i mean.

Clive Evans 1

you seem to have wasted a great deal of time and thought labouring under a misapprehension (again).
I was making the point that politically abusive diatribe was irrelevant to the thread. Your political views are your concern not mine so dont push them on me unasked.
If you look under Forums at Bait-Box, it says''have a joke'' etc, ''but dont get offensive''.
I dont question your right to have strong views, I may even agree to some extent, but I do question your right to air them using deliberately offensive language.
And my original comment was merely to point out that yet another thread had suffered the bilious attentions of a certain poster.


Clive lets call it a winning draw on both sides i have no wish to offend anyone I am simply a cynic when it comes down to politics.

The terminally apathetic downward spiral we as a nation seem to be caught in tears at my guts and as a result I have become a little on the extreme side when faced with issues such as politics and the environment. I do not apologise for them as I wish more people were passionate about this beautiful world of ours but I am aware that from time to time I will come across as a fascist bigot.

When I was a lad I kept a pair of tawny owls as pets and as such I have a lot of affection for them as a species and therefore this sad and sorry issue really affects me personally, I would not wish their fate on any creature and I hope that this is a lesson to young anglers that the leaving of end rigs can have disasterous consequences, the older anglers i am afraid will not change.


Jun 20, 2007
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Your style of writing and expression is enjoyed by myself, and I am sure by many others on this forum. Keep up the good work.


Jun 20, 2007
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That's the way Clive,
Now you are begining to sound like one of the lads.

Clive Evans 1

Explain ? certainly.
''all mouth''....plenty of chat,no substance.
''and trousers''.... testosterone talking.
Perceptive woman, my old mum.

Clive Evans 1

As I understand it free speech implies the freedom to talk on any subject, not a license to use abusive language.
I've read many a post from you to this site.I dont recall any such language from you, no matter what the subject.