Does anyone still believe......

Derek Gibson

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
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shefield, south yorkshire
Hi Mike, How you approach your fishing is entirely your choice, you ''enjoy'' the smaller lures and that's really all that matters. With regards to your best fish on a lure I don't pretend to know why that should be so,especially if you fished the lures at the same venue from where you have taken biggies on bait ? My own experience is the complete opposite to yours. I hesitate to quote statistics of big pike I have taken on lures, but it is considerable, and from a wide crossection of waters, so it does make me curious.Take this past Tuesday as one example.

A mate and I arrived at a local water somewhat later than planned, on our arrival we passed a group of pikers who were already settled in I enquired of one who I knew ''any joy mate'' no Dek its been a grueller he responded. Only four jacks between the three of us. Shortly after perhaps an hour or so they packed up and left. Ron and I gave it half an hour then moved into the swims they vacated. Within an hour or so, fishing with lures,I had nine fish three of them doubles, and Ron had five fish,two doubles.I don't say this in order to boast Mike but to explain as best I can why I follow the path I take, and it works for me.

But I wholeheartedly agree with the enjoyment aspect, and roaming the bank in cold weather, rather than being static. It's great innit.

Chris Bishop

My approach to pike fishing is probably very different as once you get the autumn out of the way things tend to slow down and catching bigger fish is often a waiting game.

I feel much more confident in winter with three or four (if allowed) big baits in areas which look like they might produce than I do covering a lot of water which may well be devoid of fish.

I've never had a 20 on a lure but know my percentage of doubles to jacks is far lower on lures than it is with baits. Even allowing for my less than skillful approach to lure fishing I catch a lot more doubles on baits.

I also seem to do better when the water's coloured and there's some flow - possibly because this makes pike location a bit more predictable on some of the waters I fish.

My best ever season for 20lbs-plus pike was a couple of years back when we had a very wet autumn. Several people I know who fish other rivers up here noted the same.

I greatly enjoy lure fishing but I don't regard it as my "best" method. Baits offer you several advantages if your fishing's feature-led like mine often is. I can position baits precisely in the right spot and they'll sit there until something comes along, whereas lures might only be in the right placefleetingly as you retrieve them.

Derek Gibson

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
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shefield, south yorkshire
Hi Chris, I think by now you're aware that I'm not out to convert or persuade anyone about my style of fishing. Unless of course it becomes evident via posts on here to the contrary , then I make suggestions based on my own experience. The fact that the thread occasionally gets off line is perhaps due to my lack of writing skills. However for the record my own best seasons lure fishing resulted in twenty five fish over twenty pounds, best fish weighed twenty seven pounds twelve ounces. Those fish came from the Trent Valley, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire. That same year I recorded one hundred and thirty seven doubles.

Up until recent years according to my diaries each year I accounted for between nine and fourteen twenties, and that's over a considerable span. But enough said about statistics, I mention it only to illustrate my conviction and enthusiasm for my chosen method, note I say ''MY'' chosen method. That it is not yours I respect, you will fish in a manner that gives you the most personal satisfaction, just as I do. But I go out only to compete with the pike, I have no interest in competing with other anglers or their lists.

Regards Derek.

Chris Bishop

My best ever season was six twenties, I don't know how many doubles I had as I didn't count them.

Last season (two twenties) was probably closer to average for me. Nine to 14 a season's pretty good going, let alone 25.

I take my hat off to anyone who can manage that with any method - especially lure fishing which is something I enjoy but have never really mastered.

Ron 'The Hat' Clay (ACA)

What Derek does not mention are the times he spends fishing. This does not exceed much more than 2 to 3 hours in the average day or 6 to 8 hours in the average week, using ONE rod.

Take last Tuesday as an example. 3 guys each fishing 3 rods over 30 hours or something like that using deadbaits. The result was a few jacks.

In the same spot over less than 1 hour Derek catches 9 fish, three of them weighing into mid doubles. The other Ron gets 6 fish with two doubles!!!

It tells a story doesn't it? And this goes for winter and summer!

And Derek can tell hundreds of stories just like that.


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May 1, 2004
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Slightly off topic Derek.

but you mentioned your lack of writing skills. Correct me if im wrong, but some 10-12 years ago when i joned the L.A.S. Im sure i read some of you articles?

Do you intend to write anymore as its plain to see that you have a massive amount of skill and experience.

Im sure that every lure angler out there would benefit and enjoy reading about your exploits, methods etc.


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May 18, 2005
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I'm sure a series of articles for FM would go down a treat. I for one would like to read what ever gets written.

Chris Bishop

Derek are you and Ron coming to the PAC Convention on September 27 - there are some very good lure anglers doing talks this year.

Derek Gibson

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
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shefield, south yorkshire
Thanks, Chris, Steve and Christian, I'll give some thought to an article or two for F.M., at this moment in time I'm a bit unsure. But the more posts and replies are heloing me to feel a bit more at ease. Trouble is I can talk the hind leg off a donkey when it's about fishing for pike with lures.

Chris, I'll have to have a word with Ron about the P.A.C. bash, I know many old friends will be there!!

Ron 'The Hat' Clay (ACA)

PAC Convention could be very interesting.

But I guess that it's Derek who needs to do the main talk!

Derek Gibson

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
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shefield, south yorkshire
Ron, I think you misunderstood Chris's query about you and I attending the P.A.C. bash. He wasn't suggesting that either of us gave a talk, only that we may like to attend as there would be plenty of lure related matters.

To be honest I'm so out of touch with P.A.C. these days I don't even know where the bash will be held. Though I remember attending many in the past and retain fond memories.

mike Gibson

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May 9, 2006
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Appreciate your points derek and Ron and the lack of big 'uns on lures is proably more down to a shortageof skill on my part than anything to do with themethod itself.Perhapps sticking to smaller lures as I generally do is my undoing.

Derek Gibson

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
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shefield, south yorkshire
Mike,somehow I doubt you're short on skills mate, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with the method.

At the risk of sounding repetative my bet is that for a lot of lure guys it's the application of the method. The only way to identify a problem is by comparative tests, perhaps an outing or two with larger lures may prove enlightening, but that's your choice mate.I for one would be more than interested should you choose to do so.

I can't offer any suggestions as to lure type as I'm unaware what type of venue you fish.

Message me Mike if you would be receptive to a few ideas.

Regards Derek.


"Take last Tuesday as an example. 3 guys each fishing 3 rods over 30 hours or something like that using deadbaits. The result was a few jacks."

With respect Ron, if anyone's fishing deadbaits on 3 rods for pike in the height of Summer then they're probably pretty clueless and not a very good comparison.

Derek Gibson

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
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shefield, south yorkshire
Sash, nothing could be further from the truth. One of those guys was more than competant having figured in the pike scene for some time, I know him well. Under normal circumstances he would hold his own with most.

Also, I think there are a few on this site who fish baits who would question your assumption as regards being clueless- a bit abrasive that mate.

Anyone wish to comment?

Ron 'The Hat' Clay (ACA)

I am puzzled why you say it's not a fair comparison Sash.


Because fishing deadbaits in the middle of Summer is never going to be as effective as lures or livebaits - fact.

I actually think that anyone fishing deads intentionally for pike in the summer is risking deep hooking or at the very least, if indeed they are competent, is advertising a method to less competent anglers that will result in deep hooked and dead pike.

Steve Spiller

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2005
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Derek, have you ever considered writing a book?

Ron's book is long overdue, come on Ron go for it!