For all those who want to prostitute themselves!


Bob Hornegold

Harrison Ballista 3lbs tc-Cats/Carp
Harrison--11/2tc 12ft Barbel Rod, plus Quiver Tip top section.
Harrison--13ft Power Float

Shimano---5000 Baitrunner
Shimano---Big Pits
Okuma-----Aventa VT1002 Centrepin

Delkin TXi

Maxima--- in all strengths
Drennen-- Float 2.6 bs

Sundridge -10 two piece suit

Very old Fox Supa Bedchair

Two ex army sleeping bags-- stuffed together

Aqua 60inch Oval with overwrap- used all year.

RMC coverall ticket-- all the water I could ever wish fish and some Big Specimens to target.

Never found a seat I could not break or Wellington type Boots that did not split at the heal ?


Peter Jacobs

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
In God's County: Wiltshire
"Where do you catch "chud" Peter - in Scandinavia"

No Ron, I think that the chud were caught on this bloody daft Dutch keyboard!

Either that or its a case of fat fingers and small keys :-0

The Hood

New member
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
1. Shimano Technium Specialist Avons (The Muts Nuts)
2. JRC Chair - Unbreakable.
3. Youngs Purist 2 - Superb Pin.
4. John Wilson Trotter / Fox Barbel Float.
5. Portable DVD player??????????/

Rodney Wrestt

Hi Fred,
Sorry it took so long to reply, I use THESE LR1's for my alarms or Sony ones both types are alkaline.

Hope this helps.

Rodney Wrestt

By the way Fred these batteries are 1.5v so that looks to be where you've gone wrong, using the lower powered ones.

Rodney Wrestt

Jeff said,
"Oh, and the lightweight kit bag (Chub) was free from Coarse Fisherman too.

As were the Fox boxes that go inside it.

And the DAM reel I am now passing to my grandson. It's a little cracker too!"

Yep, I've got those too Jeff, the bag is another of my top bits of kit along with the free system box, the reel is still going stong and my son will get years of use from it yet.

C.F. do give great incentives to subscribe, what with the quality of articles and angler writing for them and the excellent free gifts are a bonus too.

Wolfman Woody

Wasn't it you Rodney that was interested in the new Chub Rova Quiver I designed?

If so, they're out now! I got mine (a freebie for designing it) and will be reviewing it in time, but for now - it's good and well worth the money.

Rodney Wrestt

Yep it was myself Jeff, thanks for letting me know it's out. I'll look forward to the review.

I just renewed my sub to C.F. and recieved a fishrite 3 rod delux one today but as I said in the other thread I'm after a smaller version the one you sent the pictures of looks hopeful. Well done on the design as it has some nice features like the small pocket for alarms or whatever.

Any idea much they are?