How did you get on?

thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
Reaction score
Last day on the river and I opted to leger because I thought it would be up and flowing too much for my liking...I get to the river and it's spot on for trotting :eek:mg:....even had a decent upstream wind....depressing stuff as I walked past my favourite glides on that beat!
It was a walk of over a mile to my swim and i'm not used to carting all this bloody tackle! Saying that I only had a smallish rucksack with landing net head attached, a quiver with a landing net handle, two bank sticks, my rod in a tube and a lightweight chair to Sherpa up the bank. I was still sweating like a porker as I marched on the double up river:D. I got to my spot at 3.30... a nice smooth glide of about 3ft deep with a good steady flow. Anyhow I won't keep going on about the world around me like the owls hooting (in daylight as they always do here), the kingfishers shrieking and shooting up and down stream nearly skimming the waters surface, the mink mooching back and forth along the river, the curlews in the field behind me etc etc.
It wasn't exactly high octane angling but I did catch several chub and a barbel so better than a blank. It felt weird sitting behind a rod and I very quickly got bored and started making rigs for the hell of it :rolleyes:. I managed to suffer 3hrs of that torture before I wrapped up and went home feeling like it was a month since my last meal....i'm nice and bloated now :cool:.

Well done Ian, pucka fishing mate,

3 months count down till June 16 th and counting.

Don't know what on erf I'm gonna do now as I love me roving, got a few ditches and dykes not far from me so now might give these ago,

Roving for dyke Tench and Rudd, this I'll be a new one :eek:mg:......lols


Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Roving for dyke Tench and Rudd, this I'll be a new one :eek:mg:......lols

I've never heard of that before but it sounds great :cool:.
Have you got tench in the dykes round your area? For some reason I can imagine dykes would be eel and stickleback infested.

thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
Reaction score
I've never heard of that before but it sounds great :cool:.
Have you got tench in the dykes round your area? For some reason I can imagine dykes would be eel and stickleback infested.

Yea mate there's loads of tench in em, not particularly big, I'd say perhaps upto about 5 lb maybe :D

I suppose that there could be eels and stickle backs in em Ian but to be honest that wouldn't worry me,

Eels at the present are actually protected and reasonably scarce and the stickle back well I'd say there as rare as hens teeth now, I've not seen a stickle back probably for some 32 years :confused:

If I catch some stickle backs Ian I'll definitely be putting in a catch report and with pics on me profile :D :thumbs:
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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
Thank God that's over until next October !

As planned a last bash at the BH zander with some fresh bait & the flickering hope that the damned things might actually feed for a change. Forecast was good, murky, mild and a bit of a breeze. Couldn't really ask for much more. Flew round the 25 and arrived earlier than usual 1] to annoy the BF and 2] to see if the bloody things might have a peck in daylight. Water had a bit of colour so I was really quite hopeful. The warmer weather had flushed a few herberts out which meant I couldn't get where I wanted but I did get a decent peg in an area which has been good to me in the past so I was happy with that.

Bloke 3 pegs up was knocking out brim like nobody's business but despite being "danger close" I thought that was far enough away to avoid one of the stupid things picking up a they do occasionally.

First cast...beep beep...promising, clearly fish in the area. Second cast I'm away on the LH rod...a stuttery sort of run that I missed and really ought to have left a bit longer. Oh well....its only 2-30 there's plenty of time yet. No sign of the BF but plenty of sign of the idiots I have not missed hooting and hollering and recasting every 30 seconds. Dear God how I hate these inconsiderate gits !

By 4-30 still no sign of the BF but I'm away on the RH rod...nice slow run which I converted into fish-on. It was all going terribly well until I picked up the net and the damned thing returned itself prematurely. Bar$tard ! Oh well....still plenty of time.

There was.....but I never had another proper run. I had a beep be-beep beep...halfway up and drop about 5 and from then on until I gave it best 3 hours later not so much as a single damned bleep. Dusk came and went silently bar the 200 geese who had gathered for the final of "International Goose Honking 2017" . Full darkness shut the geese up but also my alarms. Nice to see the pipistrelles dancing around but I was there to catch zander not on a Bat Watch.

I packed dejectedly and trudged back to the car wondering what the hell was going on. I can only think that the bloody things are feeding at dawn and odd times during the day but not at dusk. As soon as the light goes they just seem to switch right off. I'm happy with my rigs & presentation, bait was good....maybe its just me ?

Anyway....I will not be sorry to see the end of possibly my worst season ever. I did alright last spring but my "Summer on the Wey" was a disaster as was this year's zander campaign.

I need to find some new waters and do something different I think. Burbot or char couldn't be any harder.

Just to rub salt into the wound the Highways Agency shut the A24 again but I fooled em by ignoring the diversion signs, going round & then over Box Hill and coming out just the other side of the roadworks. Pure fluke but it saved me 40 minutes.

The BF never made it. Workmen let him down but he did just as well as I did sat on the sofa.
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Neil Maidment

Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
Anyway....I will not be sorry to see the end of possibly my worst season ever. I did alright last spring but my "Summer on the Wey" was a disaster as was this year's zander campaign.

I need to find some new waters and do something different I think.

We've said before Skippy, that I'll have to meet up with you so I can catch my first Zander.

Now I'm not so sure....... :eek:mg:


Well-known member
May 28, 2010
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Cloud Cuckoo Land
5 days on the Wye (Monday to Friday last week). First 3 days fishing a few miles downstream of Ross, last 2 just upstream of Hereford. The river was up about 10ft and very coloured on Monday and dropping steadily (both level and colour) every day (except a slight rise overnight on Wed/Thurs) to roughly 4ft up by Friday.

Monday: 7 barbel and 4 chub on feeder fished groundbait, pellets, paste and boilies
Tuesday: 5 barbel on feeder fished groundbait, pellets, paste and boilies
Wednesday: 9 barbel and 2 chub on groundbait, pellets, paste and boilies fished with a straight lead and fed by hand
Thursday: 6 barbel on feeder fished groundbait, pellets, paste and boilies
Friday: 5 barbel, 3 chub and a nice grayling feeder fishing maggots

Biggest barbel going 9lb11oz and best chub was 4lb12oz


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
We've said before Skippy, that I'll have to meet up with you so I can catch my first Zander.

Now I'm not so sure....... :eek:mg:

It isn't always like that, Neil. This has been a particularly dreadful year for me but it has fished well in patches.....just not whenever I've been there.

Last year I caught more than I had ever done previously but it can [and does] change from year to year. Areas, methods & bait can be brilliant one year and utterly useless the next. Ironically I know where the damned things are currently and what they're likely to have but I just couldn't get near there yesterday.

Come October I'll be as mad for it as ever, no doubt.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Last day on the river and I opted to leger because I thought it would be up and flowing too much for my liking...I get to the river and it's spot on for trotting :eek:mg:....even had a decent upstream wind....depressing stuff as I walked past my favourite glides on that beat!
It was a walk of over a mile to my swim and i'm not used to carting all this bloody tackle! Saying that I only had a smallish rucksack with landing net head attached, a quiver with a landing net handle, two bank sticks, my rod in a tube and a lightweight chair to Sherpa up the bank. I was still sweating like a porker as I marched on the double up river:D. I got to my spot at 3.30... a nice smooth glide of about 3ft deep with a good steady flow. Anyhow I won't keep going on about the world around me like the owls hooting (in daylight as they always do here), the kingfishers shrieking and shooting up and down stream nearly skimming the waters surface, the mink mooching back and forth along the river, the curlews in the field behind me etc etc.
It wasn't exactly high octane angling but I did catch several chub and a barbel so better than a blank. It felt weird sitting behind a rod and I very quickly got bored and started making rigs for the hell of it :rolleyes:. I managed to suffer 3hrs of that torture before I wrapped up and went home feeling like it was a month since my last meal....i'm nice and bloated now :cool:.

If i had known that fish of that calibre could have been available to me I would have caught the first plane back! Indeed i wouldn't have gone;) Well done Ian and remember me for next season!


Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
If i had known that fish of that calibre could have been available to me I would have caught the first plane back! Indeed i wouldn't have gone;) Well done Ian and remember me for next season!

Don't worry Mike, I won't forget ya, we'll get you some next season ;).

Just let things warm up a little first...there's plenty still waters for the tench on your card :cool:.

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Refreshed my waiting skills at Naseby Reservoir this morning in the vain hope to catch a pike - thick mist/fog on the way there but on the bank - brilliant sunshine,very warm and some big roach swirling on the top.Had a very big swirl just off the top of one of my rods in water that was only knee deep - pike,carp or catfish ?
That was the action for the morning and went home around 1pm when the temperature hd climbed to 14C - did see 2 brimstone butterflies and two smaller dull orange ones but could not identify them - Spring must be here . . . .


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
I was on the lower tidal trent yesreday, just in time to see the turn upstream that I had estimated at around 8-20/25 so pretty pleased as even a five minute error isnt to bad cosidering the estimate was from Hull to a little way upstream from Gainsboro.
There are three referance points on the tidal river other than Hull that give the approximate time of arrival of the change, Goole and Torksey but no other all the way up to the extremity of its influence till Cromwell near Newark and calculating other access points can be confusing for anyone trying but if you know the river miles say from Torksey to your venue a simple rule of thumb is to 7magine walking at a brisk pace and it should give some rough idea as to when it will reach your location.
It takes years to sort it out but well worth the knowing, anyway, I digress.
No real point trying to fish at my location normally as most low tides will have exposed a sheet of glutinous mud streching yards out that would be impossible to fish over hence my arrival at eight am.
The tide came in at a real push , so fast I heard it pushing along the bare sloping sides of the river and seconds after it had passed the height was almost a foot more than before-- alarming stuff for any angler not used to tidal river fishing.
I had chosen the venue as on occasions it can be really good for most species on the day where my intention was to simply fish a groundbait feedr with maggots for anything that came along with a plan b if things didnt work out.First thing tho was fish "the wrong way" that never seems to be very productive normally tho there are always the exception .
Yesterday was no differant, a couple of timid tweaks and finally a skimmer bream was all untill the river turned back to sea around ten thirty .
It stands for some fifteen/ twenty minutes which is handy to get some bait on the deck before it starts trammi g off agian and this done I settled down to work .
A little while later the tip raps round and I put the net under a lovely roach of a half pound or so that was followed ten minutes later by another.
Things were looking good, and it got better, soon I was casting in and not letting go of my rod as the bites tho not 7nstant were pretty fast in coming giving me small chub, skimmers and some lovely plump winter roach in the pink of condition, all going swimmimingly for al most two hours then without warning it just came to a halt.
I couldnt buy a bite, was it the ever shallowing water, the now brighter sun causing the fish to retreat to the deeper water?.
It happens often enough down here tho at times they stay with you all day when its dull with a low pressure threatening rain -- then out of the blue the rod almost flies off the idleback and I,m connected to a big fish that heading unstoppable to the far bank, maybe a carp or a barbel but whatever I,ve no chance with a four to three line set up.
Three quarters over the line parts as expected, bugge-!
Oh well, its not the first time and no doubt it'll happen again
That was it, nothing for another hour and tho not wanting to I packed away with just enough time for plan b which was to head over to a trent tributary for a hoped for last gasp barbel or chub on the heavier gear.
Nice little venue and a lovely evening sunset but sadly nothing to show for my efforts so I reluctantly packed away again and made my way back to the car but not before a look back to the river that was now in full darkness.
I was just about to get in the car when a car pulled up with a voice calling my name, a face from my dim and distant past appeared, a good angler I used to rub shoulders with long ago, it was nnce to see him and we stood chatting for long eneugh talking about old times while trying for bragging rights by showing each other some of the big fish weve had over the last few years on our mobiles, me with a pike or two and some barbel and himself with some big zander (plenty of doubles to thirteen pounds) --- I was impressed.
Almost home an hour later and going down my local byepass I had to jump on my brakes to to avoid a duck that was walking across the road--- had to smile !!.
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jon atkinson

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
Reaction score
I took a cheeky, birthday half day today; I didn't get out last week end as I was swotting for / at a seminar. This coming week end we are away up north for a friends big birthday celebrations, so having checked the forecast & dispatched what work matters needed to be dealt with before lunch I came home, grabbed my gear & set off via the bakery for bread & a snack (if you haven't tried Satterthwaite's pork pies, you owe it to yourself!) & then on to Neptune for a half of reds.

Given the limited time I opted for a local day ticket water, once again in the hope of some early Tench. Mr Tinca didn't materialise & although it was a glorious afternoon to be out, with bright sunshine & 15°c it was perhaps a little too 'glorious' from a fishing perspective? I managed a handful of roach, 3 small perch & my first rudd of the year - even this small they really are one of the prettiest fish in my book.

So an OK trip out, nothing to write home about but very enjoyable nonetheless. Tight lines y'all...


A little while later the tip raps round and I put the net under a lovely roach of a half pound or so that was followed ten minutes later by another.
Things were looking good, and it got better, soon I was casting in and not letting go of my rod as the bites tho not 7nstant were pretty fast in coming giving me small chub, skimmers and some lovely plump winter roach in the pink of condition, all going swimmimingly for al most two hours then without warning it just came to a halt

And here's Flight's mixed bag of tidal fish and a very nice looking bag at that...

Well done Mick!

I took a cheeky, birthday half day today

And what a way to spend it!

A very Happy Birthday to you Jon and I hope you've had a thoroughly great day :w

thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
Reaction score
5 days on the Wye (Monday to Friday last week). First 3 days fishing a few miles downstream of Ross, last 2 just upstream of Hereford. The river was up about 10ft and very coloured on Monday and dropping steadily (both level and colour) every day (except a slight rise overnight on Wed/Thurs) to roughly 4ft up by Friday.

Monday: 7 barbel and 4 chub on feeder fished groundbait, pellets, paste and boilies
Tuesday: 5 barbel on feeder fished groundbait, pellets, paste and boilies
Wednesday: 9 barbel and 2 chub on groundbait, pellets, paste and boilies fished with a straight lead and fed by hand
Thursday: 6 barbel on feeder fished groundbait, pellets, paste and boilies
Friday: 5 barbel, 3 chub and a nice grayling feeder fishing maggots

Biggest barbel going 9lb11oz and best chub was 4lb12oz

Brilliant fishing, 32 barbel in one week of fishing and some nice chub aswell is well earned and respected, nice one well done mate :thumbs:


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
Reaction score
down the lane
I've said this before, but isn't just great to have these great reports coming in that have you on the bank. Messrs bink, flightliner and Atkinson (among others) just the ticket inmy book.

The 'pork pies' sound wonderful, Jon.....Unfortunately, my Liverpool born / Wigan lived wife does not recall them, perhaps arriving after her 'departure', some years ago....


Well-known member
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Brilliant fishing, 32 barbel in one week of fishing and some nice chub aswell is well earned and respected, nice one well done mate :thumbs:

Thanks, it was an enjoyable excursion, very challenging conditions at times though; a feeder loaded with 7oz of lead to fish the nearside is not really my cup of tea but needs must...


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
I've really got the bug again,as the Rev Spooner would have put it "the tit between my beef". I rose this morning full of the joys of Spring and couldn't wait to get going.

My fave Commercial, a swim I love and a renewed and revised approach. Having fed the garden pond fish on micro pellets (1 and 2mm) and a handful of 6mm Dynamite Strawberry pellets, they went absolutely crazy for the strawbs. Duly noted.

Preston Response Carp pole and some rigs I'd tied myself, 2g Preston Tyson float to 8lb main down to a Middy 14 on 5.9lb trace. Having built up a substantial collection of pellets over the years, I'd poured some different types into a bait box, including the strawbs, 6mm white choccy dumbbells and 4mm and 6mm halibuts. I also had some 8mm coconut flavoured meat to try out.

Upon arrival, I potted in a half pot of mixed micros and kicked off with a banded strawb. The wait was not long but, sadly, neither was the cause - about 5 inches of skimmer. One more than the SKipster this season - big up to me!! :)

A few Christmases back, I'd been bought a fishing diary which, to be absolutely honest, was an awful piece of work - as though the writer had never held a rod. That said, it did have one interesting wrinkle. There was a catch recording page which listed carp, bream, roach and "others". About perfect for this fishery so I decided to use it. That and a hand held clicker that Pete (on here) suggested I buy. They were so cheap I ended up with three so went the same route. Click! Next! Pete was a top flight matchman and these were well used but I just wanted them to ensure my little report here remained accurate.

The rushes opposite me began to rustle and move quite violently at times and the birdlife was also minded in other directions, the number of birds flying over with beaked building materials was quite noteworthy.

The carp were obviously a bit slower today or still a tad pellet averse as a roach of 4oz was next up.

Switching to white choccy, my next bite brought in what I first thought was a crucian, I'd never caught one from here or even heard them mentioned so I actually phoned the on site shop only to be told that it was almost certainly a brown goldfish as there were a few - an unusual catch but no coconut (apart from the luncheon meat, anyway).

Things, albeit being March, were slow and a mirror around a pound and a half was it on white.

A switch to coco-meat raised my concentration levels and my hopes. With good reason, it seemed. Three quick carp, 3lbs, 5lbs and a real battling munter around 8lbs but, sadly, with much mouth damage. That saddens me so much and if non anglers saw it, it wouldn't win too many votes.

I stuck on the meat and after coffee and another 4oz roach on the top four, went back to the far bank to find a bream in the region of 1lb 12oz.Two more carp around 2lbs apiece and then.....oh, wallow, what was this?

A proper old, elastic stretching battle ensued and it was some time, a good few minutes before I could contemplate breaking down to the top four. Whatever this was, it wasn't coming in willingly. Equally true to say it wasn't coming in at all. I got down to the top four and this only seemed to ratchet things up, the fish dived into a nearside weedbed, I dragged it out, it dived straight back in - this happened three or four times before back out into open water. I thought it must be a decent carp but to my astonishment, and pleasure, a barbel around 4lbs fell into the net. Nice result. Enjoyed that.

Another celebratory coffee and top four brought a fab bite but I missed it and, fortunately, myself with the jettisoned coffee.

Back out on the meat and another couple of carp, one around 1lb and one twice that.

I'd obviously got the coffee bug today as I went top four with a third cup to hand and it was whilst drinking, contemplating life, watching an RAF helicopter go over and just enjoying things, the float dipped dramatically, with a perch of some 6oz being the culprit.

Back out and a couple more carp, 3lbs and a 5lb battler, both mirrors.

The current future ex then texted to remind me I'd promised to go shopping at Morrison's and, to be fair, she did have a point as it needed doing so I packed up after an enjoyable day but, like Binks, I couldn't help wishing the river season comes around again soonest. Still, stillwater or not, a barbel's a barbel I told myself.

I got home to be asked how I'd done and I spouted about the barbel. Trying not to look bored, she mentioned that it was steak and chips for supper - if we bought some chips. Good enough. Not a bad end to a fun day.

Laters, Taters :)
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john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
Reaction score
I never managed to get near a river before the end. However today I got to my syndi. res. and had a go with light line and small hooks for the distinctly fussy silvers.
I used my old Normark as last time there I bumped too many fish with the Daiwa.
It worked a treat with a nice bag of quality roach and perch in 12 feet of water on my red worms and dead maggots.

Bonus it stayed dry:)

jon atkinson

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
Reaction score
I've said this before, but isn't just great to have these great reports coming in that have you on the bank. Messrs bink, flightliner and Atkinson (among others) just the ticket inmy book.

The 'pork pies' sound wonderful, Jon.....Unfortunately, my Liverpool born / Wigan lived wife does not recall them, perhaps arriving after her 'departure', some years ago....

If your good lady has spent time in Wigan she will undoubtedly be an aficionado of the humble pie! Whereabouts in Liverpool was she from? Satterthwaite's used to be a chain of 6 or so shops, all around the Crosby area. Sadly they went bump but were bought out of receivership & are trading again albeit (more prudently I would volunteer) with just the one outlet now.

Perhaps we should set up a North West fish in & I'll bring the pies?!